Single mother loses legal bid to keep her brain-damaged five-year-old daughter alive

Single mother loses legal bid to keep her brain-damaged five-year-old daughter Pippa Knight alive as Court of Appeal judges rule life support can be switched off

  • Paula Parfitt wants doctors to stage a home-care trial for her daughter Pippa 
  • Five-year-old is in a vegetative state at Evelina Children’s Hospital in London
  • Ms Parfitt lost Court of Appeal fight after judge ruled life-support should end

A single mother today lost her legal bid to keep her brain-damaged daughter alive after Court of Appeal judges ruled her life support can be switched off.    

Paula Parfitt, 41, of Strood, Kent, thinks five-year-old Pippa Knight should leave hospital and wants specialists to stage a home-care trial.

Doctors treating Pippa, who is in a vegetative state at the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, disagree and say life-support treatment should end.

A High Court judge earlier this year ruled against Ms Parfitt.

Mr Justice Poole decided that treatment could lawfully end and said Pippa, who suffers from acute necrotising encephalopathy, should be allowed to die.

In February, Ms Parfitt asked appeal judges to overturn Mr Justice Poole’s ruling.

Lady Justice King, Lord Justice Baker and Lady Justice Elisabeth Laing delivered a ruling today and upheld the decision.

Paula Parfitt (pictured at the Royal Courts of Justice) today lost a Court of Appeal fight to keep her daughter Pippa, five, alive

Paula Parfitt (pictured at the Royal Courts of Justice) today lost a Court of Appeal fight to keep her daughter Pippa, five, alive

Paula Parfitt (pictured at the Royal Courts of Justice) today lost a Court of Appeal fight to keep her daughter Pippa, five, alive

Pippa Knight suffers from acute necrotising encephalopathy and a court ruled doctors can lawfully end her treatment. Pictured:u00A0Paula Parfitt (right) and daughter, Pippa Knight, outside Evelina London Children's Hospital in London

Pippa Knight suffers from acute necrotising encephalopathy and a court ruled doctors can lawfully end her treatment. Pictured:u00A0Paula Parfitt (right) and daughter, Pippa Knight, outside Evelina London Children's Hospital in London

Pippa Knight suffers from acute necrotising encephalopathy and a court ruled doctors can lawfully end her treatment. Pictured: Paula Parfitt (right) and daughter, Pippa Knight, outside Evelina London Children’s Hospital in London

Ms Parfitt said she was devastated and today pledged to continue her fight at the Supreme Court.

‘I am once again devastated as a result of the judgment of the Court of Appeal today, to uphold the decision that it is not in Pippa’s best interests to have a two week trial of portable ventilation to find out whether she could come home,’ she said.

‘I find it inexplicable that the court and [hospital] trust will not allow Pippa to trial portable ventilation for two weeks to see if she can return home when the hospital allows Pippa to go outside for long periods on portable ventilation with no issue.’

She added: ‘I will be seeking permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. I want Pippa to have every possible chance to come home and be with her family.’

Doctors treating Pippa, who is in a vegetative state at the Evelina Children's Hospital in London, say life-support treatment should end

Doctors treating Pippa, who is in a vegetative state at the Evelina Children's Hospital in London, say life-support treatment should end

Doctors treating Pippa, who is in a vegetative state at the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, say life-support treatment should end

Lord Justice Baker had said in the appeal ruling that Ms Parfitt could not have done more.

‘Every parent dreads the prospect of their child contracting a terminal illness,’ said Lord Justice Baker.

‘No parent could have done more than Pippa’s mother to care for her child or fight for her future.

‘As [Mr Justice Poole] observed at the end of his judgment, however, in this case the law vests responsibility for decisions in the court, not the parent.’

He added: ‘I am entirely satisfied that [Mr Justice Poole] was entitled to conclude and declare that it was lawful and in Pippa’s best interests that life-sustaining treatment be withdrawn for the reasons he gave in his judgment.’

Pippa Knight

Pippa Knight

Pippa Knight

Pippa Knight

Pippa was born in 2015 and developed normally, but in December 2016 she became unwell and began to suffer seizures and a court has heard she is now unaware of her surroundings

In February, Ms Parfitt asked appeal judges to overturn Mr Justice Poole's decision.u00A0u00A0Lady Justice King, Lord Justice Baker and Lady Justice Elisabeth Laing delivered a ruling today and upheld the ruling

In February, Ms Parfitt asked appeal judges to overturn Mr Justice Poole's decision.u00A0u00A0Lady Justice King, Lord Justice Baker and Lady Justice Elisabeth Laing delivered a ruling today and upheld the ruling

In February, Ms Parfitt asked appeal judges to overturn Mr Justice Poole’s decision.  Lady Justice King, Lord Justice Baker and Lady Justice Elisabeth Laing delivered a ruling today and upheld the ruling

The other two appeal judges said they agreed.

Campaign group the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is paying for lawyers to represent Ms Parfitt.

Mr Justice Poole heard evidence at a trial in the Family Division of the High Court in London in December, and delivered a ruling in January.

The judge, who heard that Pippa’s father was dead, described the case as ‘heart-rending’.

Pippa was born in April 2015 and initially developed normally, but in December 2016 she became unwell and began to suffer seizures, the judge heard.

Doctors had diagnosed acute necrotising encephalopathy.

‘I am once again devastated as a result of the judgment of the Court of Appeal today, to uphold the decision that it is not in Pippa’s best interests to have a two-week trial of portable ventilation to find out whether she could come home,’ said Ms Parfitt.

‘I will be seeking permission to appeal to the Supreme Court.’



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