PC Timothy Brehmer has three years added to his 10-and-a-half year manslaughter jail term

‘Manw***e’ PC Timothy Brehmer’s bid to shorten his sentence backfires as Appeal Court judge ADDS three years to 10-and-a-half year manslaughter jail term for killing married lover Claire Parry

  • Timothy Brehmer had applied to Court of Appeal to have his sentence shortened 
  • But, in a separate appeal, Attorney General’s Office referred case to same court
  • Appeal was made to lengthen sentence under Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme
  • A Court of Appeal judge has now extended his sentence to 13-and-a-half-years 
  • Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett also threw out Brehmer’s Court of Appeal bid
  • Brehmer, 41, was convicted of manslaughter over death of Claire Parry in May 

'Manw***e' police officer Timothy Brehmer (pictured) appealed against his 10-and-a-half year jail sentence for killing his married lover, it has been revealed

'Manw***e' police officer Timothy Brehmer (pictured) appealed against his 10-and-a-half year jail sentence for killing his married lover, it has been revealed

‘Manw***e’ police officer Timothy Brehmer (pictured) appealed against his 10-and-a-half year jail sentence for killing his married lover, it has been revealed

‘Manw***e’ police officer Timothy Brehmer’s manslaughter jail term has today been increased to 13-and-a-half years by the Court of Appeal.

The married police constable was jailed for 10-and-a-half years in September last year after being convicted of causing the death of Claire Parry in a pub car park in West Parley, Dorset, in May.

The 41-year-old was found not guilty of the mother-of-two’s murder, but was convicted of her manslaughter following a trial at Salisbury Crown Court. 

Brehmer had appealed the jail term to the Court of Appeal, claiming the sentence was too long.

The Attorney General’s Office, meanwhile, also referred the case to the same court under the unduly lenient sentence scheme.

Today judges have thrown out Brehmer’s appeal. They have instead increased his sentence by three years following the referral from the Attorney General’s Office.

The Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett said that the sentencing judge, Mr Justice Jacobs, ‘gave too little weight to the aggravating factors he had identified’.

He also said the judge had given too high of a discount on Brehmer’s sentence for his guilty plea to manslaughter.

Lord Burnett said: ‘The offender’s conduct and lies after the attack were reprehensible and calculated to deflect attention from what he had done.

‘These aggravating factors have the effect of moving above the starting point (for deciding the sentence) significantly before considering the mitigating factors.’ 

He added: ‘We quash the sentence of 10 and a half years imprisonment and substitute a sentence of 13 and a half years imprisonment.’ 

After the ruling, acting Attorney General Michael Ellis QC, said: ‘Because of his actions, Claire Parry’s family have lost a wife and mother, and her community have lost a dedicated nurse.

‘I greatly welcome the decision by the Court of Appeal today to increase Brehmer’s sentence.’

Mrs Parry, 41, died in Brehmer’s car in the car park of the Horns Inn, Dorset, on May 9 this year.

The married police constable (pictured with his wife) was jailed last month after being convicted of causing the death Claire Parry in a pub car park in West Parley, Dorset, in May.

The married police constable (pictured with his wife) was jailed last month after being convicted of causing the death Claire Parry in a pub car park in West Parley, Dorset, in May.

The married police constable (pictured with his wife) was jailed last month after being convicted of causing the death Claire Parry

Mrs Parry, 41, a mother-of-two, died in Brehmer's car in the car park of the Horns Inn, Dorset, on May 9 this year

Mrs Parry, 41, a mother-of-two, died in Brehmer's car in the car park of the Horns Inn, Dorset, on May 9 this year

Mrs Parry, 41, a mother-of-two, died in Brehmer’s car in the car park of the Horns Inn, Dorset, on May 9 this year

What is the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme and how does it work? 

The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) operates a scheme in which people can apply to have a sentence reviewed if they believe the sentence is ‘unduly lenient’. The scheme is reserved for the most serious cases, including murder and rape.  

Other serious crimes including robbery, some child sex crimes and child cruelty cases, some serious frauds, some serious drug crimes and some terror-related offences are included. 

Anyone can recommend that a sentence be reviewed under the AGO’s scheme – even if they aren’t involved in the case – and only one person has to ask. The request must be made within 28 days of sentencing. Once the Attorney General’s Office has reviewed the case, they may send it to the Court of Appeal who can decide if the sentence should stay the same, be increased if it is ‘unduly lenient’ or they can refuse to hear the case.

Last year it was revealed that new statistics for 2019 show 63 offenders had their sentences increased under the scheme. In 2019, Law Officers received 577 applications for sentences to be reviewed which met the necessary criteria to be considered under the scheme. 

Of these, 93 were referred to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal agreed that 64 sentences were too low, and as a result 63 offenders had their sentences increased. A total of 16 people were imprisoned after avoiding prison time at their original sentencing. 


Brehmer claimed the married nurse accidentally suffered the fatal injury while he was trying to push her out of his Citroen car so he could drive away. 

The Dorset Police officer, who is married to a detective in the same force, claimed he ‘fell on top of her by accident more than anything’ and his arms must have ‘slipped up’ around her neck while he was behind her in a ‘piggy-back position’. 

Brehmer sobbed as he told jurors: ‘I’m responsible for her death. I must have [used too much force]. I absolutely did not want to kill her or cause serious bodily harm. I didn’t intend to kill her.’

Mrs Parry was left with ‘unsurvivable brain injuries’ after she was strangled in the car park of the Horns Inn pub at about 3pm on May 9 and died in hospital the next day.

Her marriage to Dorset Police officer Andrew Parry was falling apart as he discovered her relationship with Brehmer, also of Dorset Police, however Brehmer’s detective wife, also from the same force, had no idea about his flings.

Trial judge Mr Justice Jacobs said he sentenced Brehmer for manslaughter on the basis that he ‘lost control’ after Mrs Parry sent the text message to his wife, Martha, also a police officer.

‘I am sure that you did deliberately take Claire Parry by the neck, applying significant force with your forearm or the crook of your elbow for a period of time while she struggled against you, thereby causing the severe neck injuries which the pathologist described,’ he said.

The judge said that as a ‘trained and experienced’ road traffic police officer, Brehmer would have known Mrs Parry was seriously injured.

‘You were a trained and experienced police officer and your character witnesses described how you would help others.

‘Yet you did nothing to try to help Claire Parry. You did not ask her how she was. That was because you knew how she was,’ the judge said.

Brehmer, of Hordle, Hampshire, will serve two-thirds of his sentence in prison before he can apply for parole.

A Dorset Police source told MailOnline: ‘A lot of Tim’s former colleagues were surprised that he was found not guilty of murder. 

‘He will now only serve ten years for her manslaughter but will likely be out in half that time on licence. 

Trial judge Mr Justice Jacobs said he sentenced Brehmer for manslaughter on the basis that he 'lost control' after Mrs Parry sent the text message to his wife, Martha, also a police officer. Pictured: Police footage of Brehmer being treated by paramedics after Ms Parry's death

Trial judge Mr Justice Jacobs said he sentenced Brehmer for manslaughter on the basis that he 'lost control' after Mrs Parry sent the text message to his wife, Martha, also a police officer. Pictured: Police footage of Brehmer being treated by paramedics after Ms Parry's death

Trial judge Mr Justice Jacobs said he sentenced Brehmer for manslaughter on the basis that he ‘lost control’ after Mrs Parry sent the text message to his wife, Martha, also a police officer. Pictured: Police footage of Brehmer being treated by paramedics after Ms Parry’s death

Brehmer, of Hordle, Hampshire, will serve two-thirds of his sentence in prison before he can apply for parole

Brehmer, of Hordle, Hampshire, will serve two-thirds of his sentence in prison before he can apply for parole

Brehmer, of Hordle, Hampshire, will serve two-thirds of his sentence in prison before he can apply for parole

Brehmer claimed the married nurse accidentally suffered the fatal injury while he was trying to push her out of his Citroen car (pictured) so he could drive away

Brehmer claimed the married nurse accidentally suffered the fatal injury while he was trying to push her out of his Citroen car (pictured) so he could drive away

Brehmer claimed the married nurse accidentally suffered the fatal injury while he was trying to push her out of his Citroen car (pictured) so he could drive away

‘When you think that Andrew Parry will never see his wife again and his children will never see their mum again, you have to question if 10-years is a suitable punishment.

‘I don’t think anybody would think it’s nearly enough.

‘He has taken a life and in the process left a whole family devastated.’

Salisbury Crown Court heard Brehmer had at least three affairs outside of his 14-year marriage.

Detective Constable Kate Rhodes, who ‘quickly fell in love’ with Brehmer, branded him a ‘man w***e’ and the police officer even described himself as a ‘devious b*****d’ who kept his wedding ring on during affairs.

Brehmer and Mrs Parry used ‘secret chats’ to communicate, had sex as often as twice a week and just days before the incident the pair had an ‘intimate quickie’.

Sources from within Dorset Police told MailOnline how well-spoken Brehmer had a reputation at work as a ladies’ man who managed to charm a number of lovers from within his own unit.

They said the smooth-talking officer, who is married to a detective in the same force, told each woman ‘you are the only one for me’ and sent song lyrics and sexualised messages to ‘suck them in’.

Brehmer, who admitted manslaughter but denied murder, is a former traffic officer who was seconded to the National Police Air Service and lived with his wife and their nine-year-old son in the village of Hordle in Hampshire’s New Forest National Park.

Mrs Parry, who had an eight-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy with her husband Andrew, a Dorset Police officer, was a nurse practitioner at a medical centre in Bournemouth, Dorset.

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