Donald and Melania Trump both got the COVID vaccine before leaving the White House

Donald and Melania Trump both got the COVID vaccine before leaving the White House, aides reveal – after he used CPAC to urge his followers to get their shots

  • Donald and Melania Trump got the COVID vaccine in January before they left the White House, a Trump adviser told
  • The revelation comes after Trump told the audience at CPAC on Sunday that ‘everybody’ should get the vaccine
  •  ‘Everybody, go get your shot,’ he said
  • Some Republicans reluctant to take the vaccine 

Donald and Melania Trump got the COVID vaccine in January before they left the White House, a Trump adviser told

The revelation comes after Trump told the audience at CPAC on Sunday that ‘everybody’ should get the vaccine.

‘We took care of a lot of people — including, I guess, on Dec. 21, we took care of Joe Biden, because he got his shot, he got his vaccine,’ Trump said in his remarks. ‘So everybody, go get your shot.’ 

It’s the first time he’s encouraged his followers to be vaccinated. Many of them are skeptical of the vaccine.

Donald and Melania Trump got the COVID vaccine in January before they left the White House

Donald and Melania Trump got the COVID vaccine in January before they left the White House

Donald and Melania Trump got the COVID vaccine in January before they left the White House

Donald Trump, at CPAC on Sunday, encouraged his supporters to get the vaccine as some Republicans are reluctant to do so

Donald Trump, at CPAC on Sunday, encouraged his supporters to get the vaccine as some Republicans are reluctant to do so

Donald Trump, at CPAC on Sunday, encouraged his supporters to get the vaccine as some Republicans are reluctant to do so

Neither Trump took the vaccine publicly and it’s unclear which vaccine they received. The New York Times first reported their vaccination. 

At the White House press briefing on Monday, press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about reluctance among some Republicans to take the vaccine.

‘We certainly welcome the encouragement from anyone to take a vaccine,’ she said.

In October, both Trumps tested positive for the coronavirus and President Trump was hospitalized for a few days at Walter Reed hospital after he had trouble breathing. 

When asked if he’d get the vaccine, Trump said during his White House tenure he’d get it when medical experts told him to get it. 

He has a history of questioning vaccines. 

It's unclear which COVID vaccine Melania and Donald Trump received

It's unclear which COVID vaccine Melania and Donald Trump received

It’s unclear which COVID vaccine Melania and Donald Trump received

In mid-December Trump stopped an order to get the vaccine to White House staff and other government officials. 

‘People working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary,’ he tweeted. ‘I have asked that this adjustment be made. I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time. Thank you!’

Vice President Mike Pence took the vaccine on camera in December. Then-president elect Joe Biden was also vaccinated in public before he was inaugurated. 

Some Trump supporters have pushed conspiracy theories that the government would use the vaccine to conduct surveillance of the population. 



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