Covid was circulating in Italy in September 2019, new study shows

Further evidence emerges that China hid coronavirus truth from the world as study says Covid was circulating in Italy in September 2019

  • Italy’s first documented case of domestic Covid transmission happened Feb 21
  • But new study suggests disease was spreading locally early as September 2019
  • If confirmed it would rip up China’s timeline, which logged first case on Dec 8 
  • China has been accused of covering up early cases of virus, allowing it to spread

Coronavirus began circulating in Italy as early as September last year, researchers have said, in a finding that could tear up China’s timeline of the pandemic. 

Scientists in Milan claim to have found antibodies caused by the coronavirus in blood samples taken from cancer patients in September 2019, five months before the country’s first case of domestic transmission was documented. 

If confirmed, it would mean the disease spread from China to Europe months earlier than previously thought, and raise serious questions about whether Beijing knew of the disease long before reporting it to the world.

China has been repeatedly accused of covering up early cases of the virus, allowing the disease to spread internationally and balloon into a pandemic that has infected more than 54million people and killed at least 1.3million. 

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus deaths per day in Italy

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus deaths per day in Italy

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus deaths per day in Italy

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus cases per day in Italy

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus cases per day in Italy

Graph showing the number of new coronavirus cases per day in Italy

China first reported that a ‘pneumonia of unknown cause’ was spreading on December 31, 2019, saying it was centered around a seafood market in Wuhan.

China’s official timeline vs New evidence

Official timeline 

Dec 8 – Earliest date that China has acknowledged an infection

Dec 31 – China first reported ‘pneumonia of unknown cause’ to the World Health Organisation

Jan 1 – Wuhan seafood market closed for disinfection

Jan 11 – China reported its first death 

Jan 23 – Wuhan locked down

Jan 31 – WHO declared ‘outbreak of international concern’ as China admitted having thousands of cases

Feb 23 – Italy reports cluster of cases in first major outbreak not linked to travellers from China 

New evidence 

Mar 2019 – Sewage sample from Italy shows traces of virus, finding is being investigated

Sep – Blood samples taken in Milan found to contain Covid antibodies  

Oct-Dec – Hundreds of ‘pneumonia’ cases near Milan may be linked to virus, that scientists are investigating

Nov – Sewage samples taken in Florianópolis, Brazil, suggest virus was present and are being investigated  

Nov 17 – Leaked documents suggest case detected in China on this date

Dec 18 – Sewage samples taken in Milan and Turin suggest virus was circulating in the cities 

Jan 2020 – Sewage samples from Barcelona suggest virus was in the city


But Chinese medics then came forward to say they had been warning about a new kind of respiratory infection for weeks before that, prompting Beijing to change the timeline – saying the first infection actually occurred on December 8.

A study produced by Chinese researchers but not acknowledged by the government then gave the date of December 1, while leaked documents suggested the first cases were actually detected on November 17. 

But none of those cases have been confirmed as ‘patient zero’ – the first person to be infected by the virus – leaving Beijing with questions to answer over how, when and where the pandemic started, amid accusations of a cover-up.

The Italian study is far from the first to suggest that coronavirus made it to Europe much earlier than previously thought.

Researchers at the University of Milan are currently looking into ‘hundreds’ of cases of ‘pneumonia’ and ‘flu’ in the region dating back to October 2019 that researchers believe could have actually been caused by coronavirus.

Studies are also underway on sewage samples from Milan and Turin that found traces of the virus were present there on December 18.

Meanwhile another study on sewage samples from Barcelona found traces of the disease in January 2020, more than a month before the city’s first official case.

Researchers even found traces of the disease in a sample from March 2019, though doubts have been raised over that result.  

In Brazil, wastewater samples collected in the city of Florianópolis in November 2019 were also found to contain traces of the virus, in results that also need to be confirmed.

‘When it’s just one result, you always want more data, more studies, more samples to confirm it and rule out a laboratory error or a methodological problem,’ Joan Ramon Villalbi of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Sanitary Administration said. 

‘But it’s definitely interesting, it’s suggestive.’ 

China has agreed to take part in a joint study with the WHO examining the origins of the virus, including whether it began spreading earlier than previously thought. 

Mattia Maestri was Italy's first known case of domestic transmission of coronavirus. He was diagnosed on February 21, and had not been to China or been in contact with a known case

Mattia Maestri was Italy's first known case of domestic transmission of coronavirus. He was diagnosed on February 21, and had not been to China or been in contact with a known case

Mattia Maestri was Italy’s first known case of domestic transmission of coronavirus. He was diagnosed on February 21, and had not been to China or been in contact with a known case

The aim of the project, announced earlier this month, is to try and identify which animal the disease incubated in before it spread to humans, when and where it first spread, and how that happened.

‘Understanding how the epidemic began is essential to prevent further virus introductions and… introductions of new viruses in the future,’ a spokesman said.

The latest research, published by the National Cancer Institute’s (INT) scientific magazine Tumori Journal, looked at blood samples given by 959 people to a cancer study in Milan – the city at the epicenter of Italy’s first wave. 

Researchers found that blood from 111 people contained antibodies specific to the new coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2.

Of those, 14 per cent had antibodies in their blood in samples taken in September 2019, the researchers claimed. 

Antibodies then emerged in another 30 per cent of patients in February, when the first wave of domestic infections were detected in Italy.

Another 50 per cent of patients then picked up antibodies – all of whom hailed from Lombardy, which was then Italy’s hardest-hit region.

‘This study shows an unexpected very early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals in Italy several months before the first patient was identified,’ the authors wrote.

‘Finding SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in asymptomatic people before the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy may reshape the history of pandemic.’ 

A further specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled ‘Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy’.

It showed that four cases dated back to the first week of October were also positive for antibodies neutralising the virus, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, revealed.

Mr Apolone said: ‘This is the main finding: people with no symptoms not only were positive after the serological tests but had also antibodies able to kill the virus.

‘It means that the new coronavirus can circulate among the population for long and with a low rate of lethality not because it is disappearing but only to surge again.’

Joanne Rogers, 51, (left) from Colchester, Essex, and her daughter Lauren, 20. Ms Rogers became ill with flu-like symptoms in late January and was later rushed to hospital

Joanne Rogers, 51, (left) from Colchester, Essex, and her daughter Lauren, 20. Ms Rogers became ill with flu-like symptoms in late January and was later rushed to hospital

Joanne Rogers, 51, (left) from Colchester, Essex, and her daughter Lauren, 20. Ms Rogers became ill with flu-like symptoms in late January and was later rushed to hospital

But Professor Francois Balloux, of University College London, largely dismissed the research, saying: ‘Unless it can be confirmed by far better evidence, I believe the claim of COVID-19 circulating in Italy in August can be safely ignored. 

‘The bulk of the evidence points to emergence of SARSCoV2 around Oct/Nov 2019 in China, and a spread to Europe (Northern Italy) in approximately Nov/Dec 2019.’ 

Dr Andrew Preston, expert in infectious diseases at the University of Bath, said: ‘The numbers of positives suggests from September onwards there was circulation of coronavirus in Italy, if their data holds up.’

He said the data now needs to be checked against hospital admissions, to see whether there was any rise in respiratory infections in that period.

If so, then it would point to the disease being present.  

‘It’s raising interesting questions that would change our perspective of how this pandemic started,’ he added.

The first known Covid-19 case to have reached the UK was a cleaner from Essex who was not tested for the disease until after a 17-day stay in intensive care.

Joanne Rogers, 51, from Colchester, Essex, became ill with flu-like symptoms in late January and spent two weeks in bed at home with the mysterious illness before being rushed to hospital.

At the time, February 15, covid-19 was still considered a far-flung virus, posing minimal risk to the UK public, with just nine people in the UK – Chinese students and those who had visited a French ski resort – being advised to isolate by Public Health England.

Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell revealed that the country likely had coronavirus cases as early as November last year.

He told Sweden’s TT news agency: ‘There wasn’t any spread [of infection] outside Wuhan until we saw it in Europe later.

‘But I think that you could find individual cases among Wuhan travellers who were there in November to December last year. That doesn’t sound at all strange, but rather very natural.’ 

Amirouche Hammar (pictured) revealed himself as the French patient who had coronavirus as early as December 27

Amirouche Hammar (pictured) revealed himself as the French patient who had coronavirus as early as December 27

Amirouche Hammar (pictured) revealed himself as the French patient who had coronavirus as early as December 27 

The country’s first official coronavirus case was a woman in Jönköping who tested positive on January 31 after a trip to China. The woman has since recovered from the illness.

A doctor in France claimed the country saw its first coronavirus patient in December, weeks before its first officially recorded case.

Dr Yves Cohen, head of resuscitation at several hospitals in Ile-de-France, Paris, said new patient sample testing confirmed the virus was in France just after Christmas 2019.

His team revisited negative tests for coronavirus and flu of 24 patients who were admitted to hospital with respiratory symptoms in December and January – one of whom tested positive for covid-19.

Amirouche Hammar, 43, came forward following the revelation that an old flu sample of his from December 27 had tested positive for coronavirus – making him France’s ‘patient zero’.

The Algerian-born fish market worker had not travelled to China, and the result suggests the virus was spreading in well before January 24 when the country confirmed its first case.

The great cover-up of China: Beijing punished Covid whistleblower and claimed it came from US – so what CAN we believe?

Initial outbreak

Doctors in China, including Li Wenliang, began reporting the existence of a new type of respiratory infection that was similar to SARS in early December last year.

But rather than publicise the reports and warn the public, Chinese police hauled Wenliang and eight of his colleagues who had been posting about the virus online in for questioning.

Wenliang, who would later die from the virus, was forced to sign a document admitting the information he published was false.

While China has been widely-praised for a draconian lockdown that helped slow the spread of the virus, evidence suggests that the country could have acted much quicker to prevent the spread.

Li Wenliang

Li Wenliang

Li Wenliang

Li Wenliang

Dr Li Wenliang, one of the first Chinese medics to report the existence of the new coronavirus, was forced by police to confess to spreading false data. He later died from the virus

Samples analysed as early as December 26 suggested a new type of SARS was circulating, the Washington Post reported, but Wuhan was not locked down until January 22 – almost a month later.

Wuhan’s mayor also admitted an error that allowed 5million people to travel out of the city before the lockdown came into place without being checked for the virus, potentially helping it to spread. 

Chinese authorities have also been reluctant to had over information on the country’s ‘patient zero’ – or the first person known to have contracted the virus.

While Beijing claims the first infection took place on December 8, researchers have traced the virus back to at least December 1 and anecdotal evidence suggests it was spreading in November.

A lack of information about the first patient has meant scientists are still unclear how the disease made the leap from animals into humans.

Theories include that it could have been carried by a bat or pangolin that was sold at a market in Wuhan and then eaten by someone, but this has not been confirmed. 

Early reports

Chinese authorities initially reported that the virus could not spread person-to-person, despite evidence that it was spreading rapidly through the city of Wuhan including doctors being infected by patients.

This was used as justification for keeping the city of Wuhan operating as normal through a major CCP conference that was held between January 11 and 17, with authorities claiming zero new cases in this period.

China did not confirm human-to-human transmission of the virus until late January, when large parts of Hubei province including Wuhan were put into lockdown. 

Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (pictured), where the coronavirus pandemic is believed to have started, was one of the largest marketplace in Wuhan with throngs of customers daily

Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (pictured), where the coronavirus pandemic is believed to have started, was one of the largest marketplace in Wuhan with throngs of customers daily

Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (pictured), where the coronavirus pandemic is believed to have started, was one of the largest marketplace in Wuhan with throngs of customers daily

Despite reporting the existence of a ‘novel type of pneumonia’ to the World Health Organisation on December 31, Wuhan’s largest newspaper also made no mention of the virus until the week of January 20.

That meant people in the city were not taking precautions such as social distancing to stop it spreading.

It also meant that people had begun travelling for the Lunar New Year holiday, which was due to start on January 24 and sees millions of people visit relatives, spreading the virus further. 

Furthermore, China delayed reports suggesting that some 14 per cent of patients who initially tested negative for the virus or who appeared to have recovered tested positive a second time, only confirming such cases in February.

That further hampered efforts at early containment of the virus in places such as Japan, where patients who tested negative on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship were allowed to leave – only to test positive later. 

Authorities in Beijing were also slow to report the deaths of two doctors from the virus, including one who was killed on January 25 but whose death was not reported by state media until a month later. 

The market was shut on January 1 after dozens of workers there had contracted the disease

The market was shut on January 1 after dozens of workers there had contracted the disease

The market was shut on January 1 after dozens of workers there had contracted the disease

Origin of the virus

Despite early admissions that the virus began in the city of Wuhan, China later back-tracked – even going so far as to suggest American troops had brought the infection over after visiting the province.

Lijian Zhao, a prominent official within the Chinese Foreign Ministry, tweeted out the claim on March 12 while providing no evidence to substantiate it.

‘When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals,’ he wrote.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the U.S. lacked transparency and accused American military members of bringing the coronavirus to Wuhan

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the U.S. lacked transparency and accused American military members of bringing the coronavirus to Wuhan

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian accused American military members of bringing the coronavirus to Wuhan

Referencing a military athletics tournament in Wuhan in October, which US troops attended, he wrote: ‘It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. 

‘Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!’

In fact, America’s ‘patient zero’ was a man who travelled from China to Washington State on January 15. The case was confirmed by the CDC six days later.

Chinese has also tried to push the theory that the virus originated in Italy, the country with the most deaths, by distorting a quote from an Italian doctor who suggested the country’s first cases could have occurred much earlier than thought.

Zhao spread the theory in a tweet, while providing no evidence to back it up

Zhao spread the theory in a tweet, while providing no evidence to back it up

Zhao spread the theory in a tweet, while providing no evidence to back it up

Giuseppe Remuzzi said he is investigating strange cases of pneumonia as far back as December and November, months before the virus was known to have spread.

Chinese state media widely reported his comments while also suggesting that the virus could have originated in Italy.

In fact, Remuzzi says, there can be no doubt it started in Wuhan – but may have spread out of the province and across the world earlier than thought. 

Infection total

China has reported a total of some 82,000 infections from coronavirus, claiming a domestic infection rate of zero for several days in a row recently – even as it eased lockdown restrictions in placed like Hubei.

But, by the country’s own admission, the virus is likely still spreading – via people who have few or no symptoms.

Beijing-based outlet Caixin reported that ‘a couple to over 10 cases of covert infections of the virus are being detected’ in China every day, despite not showing up in official data.

Meanwhile foreign governments have heaped scorn on China’s infection reporting cannot be trusted.

Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican senator and former presidential candidate from the US, tweeted that ‘we have NO IDEA how many cases China really has’ after the US infection total passed Beijing’s official figure.

‘Without any doubt it’s significantly more than what they admit to,’ he added.

Meanwhile the UK government has also cast doubt on China’s reporting, with Conservative minister and former Prime Ministerial candidate Michael Gove claiming the Communist Party could not be trusted.

‘Some of the reporting from China was not clear about the scale, the nature, the infectiousness of this [virus],’ he told the BBC.

Meanwhile sources told the Mail that China’s true infection total could be anything up to 40 times as high as reports had suggested. 

Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican senator, has said that China's figures cannot be trusted and a far higher than has been reported

Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican senator, has said that China's figures cannot be trusted and a far higher than has been reported

Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican senator, has said that China’s figures cannot be trusted and a far higher than has been reported 

Death total 

Doubt has also been cast on China’s reported death toll from the virus, which currently stands at around 3,300.

Locals in epicenter city Wuhan have been keeping an eye on funeral homes since lockdown restrictions were partly lifted, claiming they have been ‘working around the clock’ to dispose of bodies.

China has reported 3,300 deaths from the virus, but social media users in Wuhan have suggested the toll could be in excess of 42,000

China has reported 3,300 deaths from the virus, but social media users in Wuhan have suggested the toll could be in excess of 42,000

China has reported 3,300 deaths from the virus, but social media users in Wuhan have suggested the toll could be in excess of 42,000

Social media posts estimate that 3,500 urns are being handed out by crematoriums each day, while Caixin reports that one funeral home in the city placed an order for 5,000 urns.

Locals believe that efforts to dispose of the bodies began March 23 and city authorities have said the process will end on or around April 5.

That would mean roughly 42,000 urns handed out in that time frame, ten times the reported figure. 

Chinese aid packages 

As it brought its own coronavirus epidemic under control and as the disease spread across the rest of the world, China attempted to paint itself as a helpful neighbour by sending aid and supplies to countries most in need – such as Italy.

In fact, while the Chinese Red Cross supplied some free equipment to the Italians, the country purchased a large amount of what it received.

Meanwhile officials in Spain said that a batch of coronavirus testing kits bought from China had just 30 per cent reliability – unlike the 80 per cent they were promised.

China has said it is willing to help supply the world with much needed aid and supplies, but has been accused of hoarding protective equipment and selling test kits that don't work

China has said it is willing to help supply the world with much needed aid and supplies, but has been accused of hoarding protective equipment and selling test kits that don't work

China has said it is willing to help supply the world with much needed aid and supplies, but has been accused of hoarding protective equipment and selling test kits that don’t work

China is also the world’s largest manufacturer of disposable masks of the kind being worn to slow the spread of the virus by people while out in public.

But as the disease began gathering speed in the country in January, China began limiting exports of the masks while also buying up supplies from other countries, the New York Times reported.

As well as halting virtually all exports of masks, China also bought up some 56million masks and respirators from overseas while fears of a pandemic were still far off.

Despite reports from US mask manufacturers of factories in Shanghai being effectively nationalised, China denies it has any such policy in place and has said it is ‘willing to strengthen international cooperation’ on the issue. 

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