Conservative pundits blast liberal media for writing off Trump

Conservative pundits blast liberal media for writing off Trump and say average Americans are ‘fed up’ with ‘groupthink’ – amid a much tighter race than pollsters predicted

  • The president’s cheerleaders took to the airwaves to lampoon the U.S. media 
  • Biden has failed to flip crucial battleground states such as Florida and Ohio blue 
  • Radio host Rush Limbaugh pointed to a gulf between commentators and voters 

Trump allies have lined up to blast pro-Biden sections of the American media after predictions of a Democratic landslide crumbled in early signs of an electoral upset. 

The president’s cheerleaders took to the airwaves to lampoon U.S. commentators for consistently writing him off during the course of the campaign.

Despite a strong showing in opinion polls and forecasts from pundits, Biden has failed to flip crucial battleground states such as Florida and Ohio blue. 

Biden supporters are cautioning that an early rally for President Trump could be a ‘red mirage’ and that mail-in ballots will tip the balance for Biden when counted.

But Trump’s supporters were triumphant tonight that their man has defied expectations of a drubbing, as he did in four years ago.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh (pictured with Trump in 2019) pointed to a gulf between liberal commentators and voters, heralding Trump's upset tonight as watershed moment in the American media landscape

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh (pictured with Trump in 2019) pointed to a gulf between liberal commentators and voters, heralding Trump's upset tonight as watershed moment in the American media landscape

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh (pictured with Trump in 2019) pointed to a gulf between liberal commentators and voters, heralding Trump’s upset tonight as watershed moment in the American media landscape

Nigel Farage, UK Brexit Party leader and friend of the president, waded into the American election to hammer the Establishment

Nigel Farage, UK Brexit Party leader and friend of the president, waded into the American election to hammer the Establishment

Nigel Farage, UK Brexit Party leader and friend of the president, waded into the American election to hammer the Establishment

Former White House strategist and populist firebrand Steve Bannon, who now hosts conservative radio show War Room, took aim at 'phony pollsters' and liberal media

Former White House strategist and populist firebrand Steve Bannon, who now hosts conservative radio show War Room, took aim at 'phony pollsters' and liberal media

Former White House strategist and populist firebrand Steve Bannon, who now hosts conservative radio show War Room, took aim at ‘phony pollsters’ and liberal media

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh pointed to a gulf between liberal commentators and voters, heralding Trump’s upset tonight as a watershed moment in the American media landscape.

He told Fox & Friends: ‘I look at the conventional wisdom and I make it a point never to follow it. 

‘It’s always wrong and it is groupthink. Why you want to go along with what everybody else thinks.’

He added: ‘Everybody thinks it is a bunch of Democrats that hate Trump showing up because they hate the guy and they can’t wait to vote against this and that’s what the media has been telling us.’

Former White House strategist and populist firebrand Steve Bannon, who now hosts conservative radio show War Room, took aim at ‘phony pollsters’ and liberal media. 

Since leaving the Trump administration in 2018, Bannon has drawn the president’s ire, but today he rallied to his former boss’s side to clobber the pundits.  

He said: ‘Remember we were supposed to be here for the big blue wave and get absolutely blown out by a Walter Mondale type defeat at the hands of Joe Biden.

‘If you go back to the polling, it’s now time to heckle these people… here’s what it’s not going to be. 

‘It’s not going to be a big blue wave, there’s not going to be a knockout wave by Joe Biden.’  

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who retained his South Carolina seat despite Democrats pouring millions into challenger Jaime Harrison’s campaign, hit out at pollsters. 

In his acceptance speech he said: ‘Aren’t you glad this election is coming to an end? I’ve had two phone calls already. One from President Trump. He’s going to win! To all the pollsters out there, you have no idea what you’re doing. And to all the liberals in California and New York, you’ve wasted a lot of money.

Nigel Farage, UK Brexit Party leader and friend of the president, waded into the American election to hammer the Establishment.

He told talkRadio: ‘We’ve got this whole situation where we have a political class who all think the same way, a media class who all think the same way, a corporate business class who all think the same way, a polling class who all think the same way.

‘They should have all been bankrupted after 2016 and they finally will.’   

Actor James Wood, a staunch Trump supporter, tweeted: ‘At this very moment we simply do not know. One thing we DO know for certain, however, is that pollsters are a bunch of monkeys – ridiculous, biased, utterly inept, poop-flinging monkeys.’ 

Buck Sexton, who hosts a conservative radio show, tweeted: ‘People will never trust journo elites, fact checkers or pollsters again, all because of Trump, god bless him.

Donald Trump supporter John McGuinness celebrates while watching election returns in favor for Trump at a Republican election night watch party in Las Vegas

Donald Trump supporter John McGuinness celebrates while watching election returns in favor for Trump at a Republican election night watch party in Las Vegas

Donald Trump supporter John McGuinness celebrates while watching election returns in favor for Trump at a Republican election night watch party in Las Vegas

Fox News presenter Steve Hilton said wrong calls were made because American voters are sick to death of having anti-Trump rhetoric rammed down their throats and pulled in the opposite direction.

He said the result was a mass of ‘shy Trump’ voters who do not register their true feelings in opinion polls. 

He said: ‘If all you hear day in day out is that Trump’s an evil racist monster then it’s going to make it less likely you’re going to admit to pollsters.’

Trump has repeatedly swatted away damning opinion polls and insisted he will retain the White House, flying in the face of as much as double-digit polling in toss-up states heading into the election.

Pollsters forecast voters deserting Trump, who has come under attack for his handling of the coronavirus crisis and racial tensions in America. 

In the early hours of this morning the popular vote was practically tied while battlegrounds of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were all to play for.



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