More than HALF of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union

America thinks the unthinkable: More than half of Trump voters and 41% of Biden supporters want red and blue states to SECEDE from one another and form two new countries, shock new poll finds

52% of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split offOver 40% of voters in both parties favor abolishing the checks and balances built into federal government and giving the president greater control Over 75% of voters on both sides agree that strong supporters of the opposite party present a ‘clear and present danger’ to American life 





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Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America’s deep disunity might not be letting up. 

A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off.  

According to the analysis from the University of Virginia‘s Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement: ‘The situation is such that I would favor [Blue/Red] states seceding from the union to form their own separate country.’ Twenty-five percent of Trump voters strongly agree.

52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with secession, and 25% strongly agree. 41% of Biden voters at least somewhat agree with the sentiment, while 18% strongly agree

Meanwhile, 41% of Biden voters at least somewhat agree with the sentiment, while 18% strongly agree.  

Over 40% of voters in both parties favor abolishing the checks and balances built into federal government and handing essentially full control to the president.  

Forty-six percent of Biden voters at least somewhat agreed, 22% strongly, with the statement: ‘It would be better for America if whoever is president could take needed actions without being constrained by Congress or the courts.’ Forty-four percent of Trump voters at least somewhat agreed, 19% strongly.

Still, Trump and Biden voters agreed that democracy was preferable to any other governing system, at least 80% of them did. Trump and Biden voters, 6 in 10 of them, also agreed with the idea that America is not a representative democracy but more a system that is run and rigged for the benefit of the wealthy. 

Gone are the days of friendships between the parties, according to the poll. 

Over 75% of voters on both sides agreed with the statement: ‘I believe that Americans who strongly support the [OPP_PARTY] have become a clear and present danger to the American way of life.’ Seventy-five percent of Biden voters at least somewhat agreed with the statement, as did 78% of Trump voters.

84% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree Biden voters are a danger to democracy, 54% strongly agree. 80% of Biden voters at least somewhat agree Trump voters are a danger to democracy, while 51% strongly agree

Meanwhile, 56% of Biden voters at least somewhat agreed with the statement ‘There’s no real difference between Republicans and Fascists’ and  76% of Trump voters agreed with the statement ‘There’s no real difference between Democrats and Socialists.’ 

The poll, published Sept. 30, was conducted from July 22-Aug. 4 and captured online responses from 1,001 Trump voters and 1,011 Biden voters. 

In June, a survey found that a whopping two-thirds of Republicans in the South favored secession, while nearly half of Democrats in the Pacific region and 40% in the Northeast felt the same. 

Support for secession is also considerable among independents in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, where 43 percent say they would favor breaking away and forming their own country.

Half of independents in the South also favor secession while 43 percent of Republicans in the Rocky Mountain states share the same view.

 That survey, which was conducted by Bright Line Watch, polled 2,750 respondents.

 In January, just after President Joe Biden was sworn in, Bright Line Watch conducted a similar survey asking the same question and found that fewer Americans in each of the five designated regions supported secession.

Late conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh warned in December of last year that the US was ‘trending toward secession.’ 

‘I actually think – and I’ve referenced this, I’ve alluded to this a couple of times because I’ve seen others allude to this – I actually think that we’re trending toward secession,’ the rabble-rousing personality said on his show. 

‘I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.’ 

Can a state can secede? How the Civil War and a 1869 SCOTUS decision confirmed the U.S. is ‘indivisible’ (but is there any chance it could change?) 

The last time a group of states tried to secede from the Union was more than 150 years ago – an event that triggered the American Civil War. 

Seven slave states located in the Deep South – South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas- seceded on Feb. 8, 1861. They were later joined by Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

The South’s defeat was largely seen as establishing precedent against the right of a state to secede, though the Constitution does not directly mention secession. 

Late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia put the matter to rest more than a century later when responding in 2006 to a question from  a screenwriter asking if there was legal basis for secession. 

‘The answer is clear,’ Scalia wrote. ‘If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, ‘one Nation, indivisible.’)’ 

In Texas v. White (1869), the Supreme Court held that the US was an ‘indestructible union’ from which no state can secede. 

The decision did leave open the possibility of secession through ‘revolution, or through consent of the States.’

Some point to the Declaration of Independence for the right to ‘revolution’: 

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.’

Earlier this year, Texas Republican State Rep. Kyle Biedermann introduced a bill to create a to ‘develop a plan for achieving Texas independence,’ though the bill has not come up for a vote. 


What would the GDP look like if states and broke off into nations that voted for Biden and Trump?  

States that voted for TRUMP would have a combined GDP of $8.359 trillion 

States that voted for BIDEN would have a combined GDP of $14.381 trillion 

Breakdown of the GDP in red states (in millions)

Texas $1,950,359

Florida $1,198,913 

Ohio $732,117

North Carolina $646,207

Indiana $415,344

Tennessee $411,689

Missouri $359,034

Louisiana $253,315

South Carolina $266,079

Alabama $243,555

Kentucky $234,311

Utah $212,855

Iowa $220,929

Oklahoma $205,559

Kansas $193,139

Arkansas $143,438

Nebraska  $150,507

Mississippi $123,781

Idaho $92,300

West Virginia $85,799

South Dakota  $60,810 

North Dakota $64,978

Montana $57,919

Wyoming $36,089 

Breakdown of the GDP in blue states (in millions) 

California  $3,290,170

New York $1,868,224

Illinois $938,216 

Pennsylvania $832,704

Georgia $673,072

New Jersey $671,483

Washington £661,520

Massachusetts $625,113

Virginia $586,350

Michigan $559,479

Maryland $443,729

Colorado $416,937

Minnesota $407,395

Arizona $400,156

Wisconsin $363,586 

Connecticut $294,649

Oregon $264,113

Nevada $187,394

District of Columbia $151,390

New Mexico $108,241

Hawaii $89,661

New Hampshire $93,891

Delaware $79,282

Maine $74,604

Rhode Island $64,170

Vermont $36,089 


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