DAN WOOTON: Why did Boris go along with Joe Biden’s absurd mask play-acting? 

DAN WOOTTON: Why did Boris go along with Joe Biden’s absurd mask play-acting instead of using his trip to America to declare that Britain (and the world) are open for business again?





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What a snivelling, pathetic and highly damaging piece of Covid theatre.

At a time when both their countries are reaching peak-jabbed status, with borders reopening and a return to normal apparently in sight, the so-called leader of the free world Joe Biden and former libertarian Boris Johnson sat apart and fully muzzled during their cringey Oval Office meeting.

Boris has not only been double-jabbed but also has natural immunity having beaten the disease when it nearly killed him. Biden is also double-vaccinated.

What message were they trying to send to the world?

That Covid has fundamentally changed us for good and we should keep half our faces covered up without the evidence to suggest it makes any real difference to stopping the spread?

That it shouldn’t make a blind bit of difference if you’re double-jabbed and are swimming in Covid antibodies thanks to a natural infection like Boris?

Or that virtue signalling wokery and looking like you’re ‘doing the right thing’ now trumps reality and science?

President Joe Biden, right, speaks during a meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office of the White House, with both leaders wearing face masks

But the PM sat tightly around the Cabinet table with 27 ministers and eight advisers just last week without a mask in sight

How long are we going to sit idly by and accept this weird vision from our leaders, as they allow our normal way of life to be changed forever more?

I know Boris doesn’t really believe in this nonsense. That’s why he sat tightly around the Cabinet table with 27 ministers and eight advisers just last week without a mask in sight.

But Boris was slavishly sucking up to the fading US President all day, embarrassingly praising his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and insisting they are ‘at one’ on the thorny issue of the Northern Ireland border.

Biden was like a doddery granddad, rejoicing in his incomprehensible but lengthy anecdote about the Amtrak train he used to catch (WE KNOW YOU DID!), but sitting silently when the US media were forcibly ushered out the room and screamed at by aides without being able to ask even one question.

Welcome to democracy and freedom of the press in the United States, 2021 style.

Meanwhile Biden rages at his own people for not embracing vaccines more thoroughly and has even ordered all military to get jabbed or court martialled.

Private companies face laws that will compel them to demand their staff get vaccinated or face weekly tests.

And the White House is unashamedly on the masked side of the Covid culture wars currently raging across the US, despite the fact that America’s much-hyped Delta infection wave seems to have plateaued.

Hence the White House play-acting yesterday and a massive missed opportunity for Biden and Boris to declare the world open again after a hellish 18 months.

That’s a very necessary message. In the last week alone, three close friends have approached me to say they’re not mentally coping with the prospect of another winter lockdown being relentlessly pushed by the usual doom merchant SAGE advisers and much of the media.

Rather than pedalling fear, what both leaders should be loudly trumpeting is that the vaccine rollout spearheaded by the US and UK has completely changed the game.

It took the freedom fighting Tory MP Steve Baker to extract from ministers perhaps the most significant revelation in recent weeks about the fast-waning severity of Covid.

What message were they trying to send to the world? asks DAN WOOTTON

Via a tweet, he revealed: ‘Ministers have now confirmed the infection fatality rate of COVID19 is 0.096 per cent, comparable to flu.’

Let that sink in for just a moment…0.096 per cent.

Many winters the flu would wreak more damage without any consideration of changing our way of life using previously unconscionable methods like shuttering businesses, separating loved ones and enforcing mask use.

But the news is actually even better.

According to the Office for National Statistics and based on reliable blood tests, an estimated 93.6 per cent of the adult population of England was likely to have tested positive for Covid antibodies in the most recent week.

And between 87 to 89 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds now have Covid antibodies too.

So while their vaccine take up is quite rightly lower, given the miniscule risk posed to them by coronavirus, youngsters show that natural immunity is providing excellent overall protection.

And all of that is before you come to the incalculable protection also provided by T-cell immunity.

Those statistics are what matter.

Far more than the visual device of muzzles that left-wing politicians continue to hammer home because it’s easy and divisive.

If the failed London Mayor Sadiq Khan were to be believed, if the government reintroduces a compulsory mask mandate, Covid will simply disappear.

He knows he’s talking rubbish.

It didn’t disappear before with mask mandates and it won’t now.

Covid is here to stay.

It’s the constant scaremongering and sowing of division that now poses the biggest risks, both to our economy and health.

Biden is a lost cause – controlled by pathetically right on advisers who take advantage of his fading mental faculties. Wearing a mask in the US is simply a sign you’re an anti-Trump Democrat.

So I’m relying on Boris to stand up to woke world leaders like the US President, Canada’s narrowly re-elected blackface specialist Justin Trudeau and New Zealand’s ‘be kind’ authoritarian Jacinda Ardern, to insist that the hope of normal isn’t lost.

Muzzled in the Oval Office, he failed.



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