Devastating DWP state pension blunders exposed by National Audit Office

Damning audit is revealed into the £1bn women’s state pension scandal exposed by This is Money – amid fears that destroyed records mean bereaved families may never see a penny

DWP’s state pension system is ‘outdated and unautomated’, says audit officeAround 134k underpaid state pension after errors made going back decades This is Money and our columnist Steve Webb alerted DWP to £1bn scandal DWP does not know how many pensioners have died while being underpaid Records usually destroyed four years after the death of a pensioner and spouse DWP says it is fully committed to correcting errors made by successive governments – read its statement belowHave you been underpaid state pension? Find out what to do 





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National Audit Office: Parliament’s public spending watchdog issues damning report into DWP pension blunders

Many bereaved families whose relatives lost out on state pension might never see a penny, a damning new report reveals.

This lays bare the devastating blunders made by the Department for Work and Pensions in a £1billion scandal uncovered by This is Money and our columnist, former Pensions Minister Steve Webb.

The DWP does not know how many pensioners have died while unwittingly being underpaid, as it normally destroys records four years after the death of a pensioner and their surviving spouse, according to an official report into its failures.

The department may find it ‘particularly difficult’ to correct older underpayments – and as of last month had no formal plan to trace relatives in these cases – points out the National Audit Office.

The debacle has seen an estimated 134,000 deprived of state pension rises or payments when their husbands reached state pension age or died, or when they themselves reached the age of 80.

That figure does not include women whose husbands reached state pension age before 17 March 2008, who need to make proactive claims to the DWP.

The biggest underpayment the DWP has discovered so far is £128,448.37, and the earliest dates back to 1985.

>>>Have you been underpaid state pension? Find out what to do here

‘I lost out on £16k over seven years’ 

Penny and Paul Loseby: Her concern over her state pension was dismissed by DWP staff

Penny Loseby was ignored or fobbed off on repeated occasions when trying to dispute her low payments, which were £40 a week.

She and her husband Paul suspected for years she was missing out on state pension, but their concern was dismissed by DWP staff.

Mrs Loseby received her huge backpayment within days of This is Money flagging her case to the DWP.

After the DWP phoned to tell them about the £16,000 payment, Mr Loseby says: ‘When she found out Penny stood there and she was on the verge of tears.

‘She said “nothing like this ever happens to us”. It will make a big difference to us.’ Read the full story here. 

The NAO report, which credits Webb and This is Money for alerting the Government to big underpayments to elderly women, says staff made mistakes and managers missed opportunities to pick them up.

‘The errors occurred because state pension rules are complex, IT systems are outdated and unautomated, and the administration of claims requires a high degree of manual review and understanding by case workers,’ says the NAO.

‘This makes some level of error in the processing of state pension claims almost inevitable.’

The National Audit Office report repeatedly mentions the work of This is Money columnist Sir Steve Webb and pension and investing editor Tanya Jefferies in bringing the scandal to light

Around 200 staff are currently working on the vast correction exercise, and this is due to rise to nearly 550 in a process expected to take until the end of 2023.

The NAO says this will place ‘additional strain’ on normal state pension operations, which already have backlogs due to the pandemic and new Universal Credit claims.

Why are some women being underpaid state pension? 

Married women who retired on small state pensions before April 2016 should get an uplift to 60 per cent of their husband’s payments once he reaches retirement age too.

Since 17 March 2008, the increases are supposed to be automatic, but before that women had to apply to get the full sum they were due.

This is Money has just exclusively revealed a service meltdown at the DWP, as despairing elderly people trying to get payments started or end deferments face long delays. 

The NAO does not make the link directly, but it does note that the number of outstanding new state pension claims rose to around 80,000 in July 2021, compared to under 40,000 which was typical before the pandemic.

Its revelations about the handling of deceased women’s backpayments will be a bitter blow to the many adult children who have deluged This is Money with enquiries about their late parents’ pensions.

The NAO report says the DWP ‘does not know how many pensioners have died before their underpayments could be corrected’.

‘For data protection reasons, the department does not normally keep records for more than four years after the pensioner’s or spouse’s death, so this figure is likely to be incomplete. The Department has told us that from April 2021, it is keeping records of pensioners that die.’

But it adds: ‘As at August 2021 the Department had not approved a formal plan to trace the estates of deceased pensioners, including where it holds information on next of kin.’

The NAO has called on the DWP to develop a process allowing beneficiaries or executors of estates to find out if women were underpaid, to help tackle cases where it cannot trace relatives.

Webb has previously said his advice to them is to write a letter to the DWP, so that they will have written proof if needed, and because it is often difficult to get through on the phone. 

‘This report is a vindication of the work done by This is Money and its readers… Even after This is Money supplied case after case to the DWP, the Department continued to maintain that this was only a minor problem. 
Steve Webb, former Pensions Minister 

He now warns that since the NAO report says records are destroyed after four years, women in this group will never be identified unless families hold DWP paperwork or bank statements before this date and come forward to claim.

The DWP has given details of what you should ideally provide about deceased relatives, and we give a full rundown on what to do about suspected underpayments and the contact details here. 

The DWP says underpayment corrections will include cases where an individual has passed away, and arrears can be paid to an appropriate individual or next of kin – see its statement below.

Regarding how errors happened, the NAO says administration of the state pension has ‘limited automation and requires the use of multiple systems and interpretation of complex rules’.

It notes that pension caseworkers must review information across at least three systems, understand which rules apply to each claim and then accurately interpret them.

‘These rules are only fully understood by a small group of specialists. The underpayments were due to repeated human error over many years, some level of which was almost inevitable given the system’s high degree of manual review and complex rules.’

Caseworkers often made errors because they found instructions difficult to use and lacked training on complex cases, says the NAO.

Steve Webb: He published the first estimate of underpayments in May 2020. The DWP confirmed there was a significant issue in August 2020

It adds that the DWP ‘missed opportunities to detect, correct or prevent the errors’ because of its approach to tackling the largest causes of fraud and error.

It does not review individual complaints or errors, such as how many people are complaining about the same issues, to assess whether there is a systemic problem.

The NAO report also revealed: 

– Around one in eight arrears payments so far is for £40,000 or more

– The cost of staffing the correction exercise is estimated at £24.3million

– The DWP is prioritising correcting payments for pensioners over 80, or those who have been widowed

– The £1.053billion estimate of how much women have been underpaid is ‘highly uncertain’ – the DWP’s auditors have previously said the final figure could be anything between £620million and £2.8billion

– The current estimate excludes more than 15,000 pensioners who were underpaid, where the DWP does not believe it will be able to trace or pay the pensioner or their next of kin, and all ‘pre-2008’ cases 

– Out of the 134,000 pensioners the DWP estimates that it underpaid state pension, at least 94,000 are thought to be alive

– That represents almost one in 100 of people currently claiming the pre-2016 basic state pension

Couple from Staffordshire who sparked our investigation 

Audrey and Brian Watson: Couple sent a question to Steve Webb in early 2020

Audrey Watson is one of many women who have missed out on huge backpayments because their husbands reached state pension age before a key rule change on 17 March 2008.

Her husband Brian wrote to Steve Webb in early 2020, sparking the investigation which has benefited many other women.

But Mrs Watson, who is a retired windowdresser, has only received one year of arrears and an increased state pension going forward.

The Parliamentary Ombudsman recently told her and other women it will not intervene in the Government’s decision.

Mr Watson says his wife has been unfairly treated. Read the full story here. 

– Some 90 per cent of people who claim the types of state pension affected by underpayments are women

– The NAO says: ‘The errors were brought to the Department’s attention by individual pensioners and third-party reporting.

‘Most notably Sir Steve Webb, the former Pensions Minister, and Tanya Jefferies of, provided the Department with example cases of underpayment from January 2020 and published an estimate of the underpayments in May 2020.’ 

What is the fallout from influential NAO report?

A DWP spokesperson said: ‘We are fully committed to ensuring the historical errors that have been made by successive Governments are corrected, and as this report acknowledges, we’re dedicating significant resource to doing so.

‘Anyone impacted will be contacted by us to ensure they receive all that they are owed.

A DWP spokesperson said: ‘We are fully committed to ensuring the historical errors that have been made by successive Governments are corrected’

‘Since we became aware of this issue, we have introduced new quality control processes and improved training to help ensure this does not happen again.’ Read more from the DWP below.

Gareth Davies, the head of the NAO, said: ‘The impact of the underpayment of state pension on those pensioners affected is significant.

‘It is vital that the DWP corrects past underpayments and implements changes to prevent similar problems in future.’

Steve Webb, who is now a partner at LCP, and This is Money uncovered the scandal after we launched an investigation into a reader question to his weekly column in early 2020. 

Webb says: ‘This report is a vindication of the work done by This is Money and its readers in uncovering a billion pounds worth of underpaid state pensions.

‘Even after This is Money supplied case after case to the DWP, the Department continued to maintain that this was only a minor problem.

‘It was only due to the tenacity and determination of Tanya Jefferies and This is Money that the DWP eventually checked its own records properly and was forced to admit that over 130,000 people, overwhelmingly women, have been underpaid, in some cases for decades.

‘This is a fine piece of journalism and This is Money deserve huge credit for leading the way on this issue.’

Meg Hillier MP, chair of the committee of public accounts, said: ‘Many pensioners – most of whom are likely to be women – have been short-changed by thousands of pounds which they are still yet to receive many years later.

‘Although it is positive that DWP is now working to put this right, this is not the first widespread error we have seen in DWP in recent years. Correcting these errors comes at great cost to the taxpayer.

‘DWP must provide urgent redress to those affected and take real action to prevent similar errors in future.’

Current estimate of how much women have been underpaid is still ‘highly uncertain’ (Source: National Audit Office)

What does the DWP say?

In addition to its statement above, the DWP told us it was committed to delivering an excellent level of service, and it was continuously learning and improving from situations where errors happen.

It has reviewed its detection systems and the issues that contributed to the state pension underpayments in order to learn these lessons.

The DWP acknowledges that its work to correct women’s pensions is a significant undertaking that requires an assessment of hundreds of thousands of cases, including some that date back many years, but it expects to complete this by the end of 2023.

This work will include cases where an individual has passed away, and in this event arrears can be paid to the appropriate people.

Married women who are legally required to make a claim for an uplift in state pension because their husband started receiving his state pension before 17 March 2008 will not be covered in the ‘correction exercise’ and still need to make a claim.

The DWP intends to contact the married people whose husbands became entitled to their state pension on or after 17 March 2008 if they have been underpaid.

Underpaid state pensions explained with Steve Webb 

Yet more people caught up in the underpaid state pension have been unearthed – and tragically, in the two cases we highlighted most recently, they weren’t alive to see justice. 

Two bereaved daughters received sums of £42,000 and £71,000 because their mothers were underpaid state pension for more than a decade before dying in their 90s. 

The payouts are all thanks to the intrepid work of investment and pensions editor Tanya Jefferies and our pensions agony uncle Sir Steve Webb.

They join deputy editor Lee Boyce and Georgie Frost to talk about these latest cases, and what it means in terms of inheritance tax and care fees – could you, a family member or friend have been caught up in the scandal?

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