Two planes report ‘bright green UFO’ flying over Canadian air space

Two planes report ‘bright green UFO’ flying over Canada – with military jet climbing 1,000 feet after sighting

Two pilots over Canadian airspace reported a ‘bright green flying object’ that flew into a cloud and ‘disappeared’ A Canadian military plane and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight KLM618 saw the mysterious object on July 30A logistics expert looked at the flight data and saw the military plane made a change in course and climbed 1,000 ft upon seeing the UFOAccording to the Canadian government, there was ‘no impact to operations’ on either plane

Two pilots over Canadian airspace reported seeing a ‘bright green flying object’ that flew into a cloud and ‘disappeared’ over the eastern part of the country last month. 

The incident occurred on July 30, when a Canadian military plane – flying between CFB Trenton, a military base in Ontario and Cologne, Germany – and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight KLM618 – traveling from Boston to Amsterdam – saw the mysterious object.

Two pilots over Canadian airspace reported a ‘bright green flying object’ that flew into a cloud and ‘disappeared’

A Canadian military plane and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight KLM618 saw the mysterious object on July 30. The military plane was flying between CFB Trenton, a base in Ontario and the passenger jet was traveling from Boston to Amsterdam

According to a post on the Canadian government’s flight incident website, there was ‘no impact to operations’ on either plane. 

According to the Canadian government, there was ‘no impact to operations’ on either plane

However, logistics expert and consultant Steffan Watkins looked at the flight data information and tweeted that the Canadian military plane, a CC-177 Globemaster III, ‘made a change in course and had climbed 1,000 ft when they reported seeing the UFO.’

‘So, I would like to know if the [Royal Canadian Air Force] pilot changed course to avoid it, changed course to see what it was, or if the swerve-like course correction was completely routine and just a coincidence,’ Watkins added.

Logistics expert and consultant Steffan Watkins looked at the flight data information

Watkins saw that the military plane made a change in course and climbed 1,000 ft upon seeing the UFO

‘So, I would like to know if the [Royal Canadian Air Force] pilot changed course to avoid it, changed course to see what it was, or if the swerve-like course correction was completely routine and just a coincidence,’ Watkins added

Watkins added that the object could have been a meteor, given it took place at the early part of the Perseid meteor shower, which started July 14 and peaked earlier this week.  

The government report is perhaps unsurprisingly, tagged ‘weather balloon, meteor, rocket, CIRVIS/UFO.’ has reached out to the Canadian military with a request for comment. 

A spokesman for NAV Canada, the company that operates Canada’s air traffic control, pointed to the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System (CADORS) website.

‘This Canadian incident case is fascinating, not least for the light it sheds on how sightings are categorized not as UFOs, but as aviation occurrences,’ Nick Pope, a former employee and UFO investigator for Britain’s Ministry of Defense, told via email.

‘Part of this stems from historical reluctance on the part of pilots – civil and military – to report UFOs,’ Pope added. 

‘Instead, these objects are described in terms of unidentified aircraft or drones, as potential air safety issues. What this means is that one has to trawl through all sorts of aviation occurrence reports and then read between the lines to find details of possible UFO encounters.’

Vice News was first to report on the incident with unidentified aerial phenomena. 

Though Canada’s Department of National Defense does not track UFO sightings, a department spokesperson told Vice, the US’s neighbor to the north is acutely aware of these incidents.

In April, Canada revealed dozens of UFO reports made by commercial airline pilots, kept in the CADORS database. 

Two months later, reported that the Canadian military has ‘dozens’ of UFO reports that date back 70 years, with some reports describing ‘bright’ objects moving at speeds twice the rate of an F-86.  

In 2015, former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer made the wild and controversial claim that governments are hiding aliens, many of whom ‘walk among us.’

The incident over Canadian airspace comes after the US government released its report on the subject earlier this year that did little to settle the matter of what these objects are, one way or another.

The long-awaited report from the Pentagon on the subject of ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ (UAPs) offered no explanation for 140 of the 144 observations dating back to 2004.

The declassified June 25 report, which came from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, added that it lacks sufficient data to determine the nature of mysterious flying objects.  

‘In 18 incidents, described in 21 reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics,’ the report reads.

‘Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings.

‘The UAPTF holds a small amount of data that appear to show UAP demonstrating acceleration or a degree of signature management. Additional rigorous analysis are necessary by multiple teams or groups of technical experts to determine the nature and validity of these data.

‘We are conducting further analysis to determine if breakthrough technologies were demonstrated.’   

The term UFO has been more recently replaced by unidentified aerial phenomenon, especially in light of the U.S. Pentagon declassifying three videos in April 2020. 

Only one of 144 reports of UFOs – or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as the government calls them – can be explained while the others can barely be classified 

A government report says there are 144 reported UFOs – or UAPs – between 2004 and 2021. 

These reports include a spherical flying object buzzing over Navy warships and disappearing into the Pacific ocean, a tic-tac shaped flying object mimicking Super Hornet pilots’ maneuvers and pyramid-shaped flying objects. 

The only one that can be explained with ‘high confidence’ is a deflated balloon. 

Because the reported UAPs showed unusual flight characteristics and displayed a range of appearances and behaviors, the report groups the UAPs into five categories.  

1. Airborne clutter – These objects include birds, balloons, recreational unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or airborne debris like plastic bags that muddle a scene and affect an operator’s ability to identify true targets, such as enemy aircraft.

2. Natural atmospheric phenomena – Natural atmospheric phenomena includes ice crystals, moisture and thermal fluctuations that may register on some infrared and radar systems.

3. USG or U.S. industry developmental programs –  Some UAP observations could be attributable to developments and classified programs by U.S. entities. The report states, ‘We were unable to confirm, however, that these systems accounted for any of the UAP reports we collected.’

4. Foreign adversary systems – Some UAP may be technologies deployed by China, Russia, another nation, or a non-governmental entity but the report says the US is unaware that any nation has technology that’s been reported.

5. A catchall ‘other’ bin – Most of the UAP described in the dataset probably remain unidentified due to limited data or challenges to collection processing or analysis and may require additional scientific knowledge and advances to categorize them. ‘The UAPTF intends to focus additional analysis on the small number of cases where a UAP appeared to display unusual flight characteristics or signature management,’ according to the report.


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