Unemployment claims rise for second week in a row

On an unadjusted basis, 1.2 million people filed first-time claims, down 171,000 from the week before. The seasonal adjustments are traditionally used to smooth out the data, but that has tended to have the opposite effect during the pandemic.

Continued claims, which count workers who have filed for at least two weeks in a row, stood at 17 million for the week ending July 18, up 867,000 from the prior week’s revised level. These seasonally adjusted claims peaked in May at nearly 25 million.

In addition to those filing traditional unemployment claims, nearly 830,000 people in all 50 states filed for first-time pandemic unemployment assistance last week, down more than 106,000 from the week before. More than 12.4 million claimed continued pandemic benefits across 46 states for the week ending July 11, down nearly 767,000 from the prior week.

The pandemic program was created by Congress in March to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. It provides temporary benefits to workers who typically aren’t eligible for payments, including freelancers, independent contractors, the self-employed and certain people affected by coronavirus. It expires at the end of the year.

In total, 30.2 million Americans claimed jobless benefits in an array of programs for the week ending July 11, down 1.6 million from the prior week.

Also on Thursday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis revealed the US economy contracted at a 32.9% annual rate from April through June, its worst drop on record.

Congress debate over extending the $600 weekly enhancement

The increase in first-time claims comes as Congress debates whether to extend the $600 weekly enhancement that lawmakers passed in March to cushion Americans forced to give up their jobs because of pandemic-fueled lockdowns. The boost officially expires this Friday, but most unemployed people have already received their last payments.

House Democrats want to continue the $600 supplement into early next year, saying the economy remains too weak and jobs are still scarce.

But Senate Republicans and the White House are concerned that such a generous enhancement will deter people from returning to work and hinder the economy recovery. When combined with state benefits, the extra $600 meant that two-thirds of workers were making more on unemployment than their did in wages, according to an estimate by University of Chicago researchers.

Instead, GOP lawmakers are looking to cut the benefit to $200 a week for two months and then shift to having state and federal payments replace 70% of lost wages through the rest of the year.

Economists, however, say the federal supplement has helped prop up the economy as the virus rages across the nation, and withdrawing it too soon could stymie the recovery.

Although the federal government was footing the bill for the $600 supplement, states are still exhausting their unemployment trust funds. Some 10 states have borrowed nearly $17.2 billion from the federal government to pay their share of jobless benefits, which typically lasts 26 weeks.

The jobless are guaranteed to get their weekly payment, regardless of whether the state has to take a loan from the federal government. It’s not unusual for states to borrow during tough economic times.


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