Trump calls 2020 the ‘crime of the century’ as Biden meets world leaders

Trump slams Biden for abandoning ‘America First’ after Emmanuel Macron’s ‘back in the club’ swipe at the G7 and doubts his ability to ‘stay awake’ during Putin summit

  • Trump sent out more statements blasting Joe Biden as the president held meetings as part of the G7 summit
  • He ripped Biden and French President Macron after Macron said it was great to have the U.S. president as ‘part of the club’ 
  • The day Biden left town he said he would trust Russia over ‘sleezebags’ and ‘lowlifes’ in US intelligence
  •  He wished Biden good luck in his meeting with Putin and told him not to ‘fall asleep’ 
  •  Biden is on an eight-day swing through Europe and is due to meet the Russian president in Geneva on Wednesday
  • On Saturday as Biden met with Macron and other leaders Trump said the election was stolen and was the ‘crime of the century’ 
  • He also said ‘I was right about everything they lied about before the election?’

Former President Donald Trump hasn’t let an ocean and a skein of international diplomacy slow down his drumbeat of attacks on President Biden –  skewering his successor and French President Emmanuel Macron over their newly forged political bromance.

Trump teed off on the pair, who met in Britain Saturday, after they enjoyed a beach-side tete-a-tete in Cabris Bay and Macron said it was ‘great to have the U.S. President part of the club and very willing to cooperate.’ 

It was his most direct attack yet at the bilateral and collective relationships Biden is seeking to reset during an eight-day overseas trip – and follows an earlier statement seeking to ridicule Biden over his upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Trump, who has been holding court with Republicans at his New Jersey golf club, blasted out his own statement within hours, leading off with Macron’s quote. 

Former President Donald Trump raised his accusations of election fraud on Saturday, when President Biden met with French President Emmanuel Macron and other world leaders at the G7. He also ripped Biden and Macron after Macron said it was great to have the U.S. president 'part of the club'

Former President Donald Trump raised his accusations of election fraud on Saturday, when President Biden met with French President Emmanuel Macron and other world leaders at the G7. He also ripped Biden and Macron after Macron said it was great to have the U.S. president 'part of the club'

Former President Donald Trump raised his accusations of election fraud on Saturday, when President Biden met with French President Emmanuel Macron and other world leaders at the G7. He also ripped Biden and Macron after Macron said it was great to have the U.S. president ‘part of the club’

‘He and many other Leaders before him, in France and throughout Europe, were ripping off the United States like never before,’ Trump wrote.

‘We were treated very unfairly with horrible trade deals, and paying for a large portion of their defense,’ he said.

‘They were taking advantage of the United States and therefore, of course, they like Biden because now they will be allowed to return to their old ways of ripping off our Country.’

‘If I were a leader of these countries, I too would like Biden far better than President Trump,’ Trump wrote, saying they will now get ‘very rich’ off the U.S. 

Trump had his own issues with Macron, as seen in their infamous 29-second handshake during Trump’s trip to Paris in 2017. 

Trump is also revisiting his claims of a stolen election while his successor was sitting down with allied leaders.

President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron sealed their bromance with sit down by the sea. Macron said it was good to have a U.S. president as 'part of the club'

President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron sealed their bromance with sit down by the sea. Macron said it was good to have a U.S. president as 'part of the club'

President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron sealed their bromance with sit down by the sea. Macron said it was good to have a U.S. president as ‘part of the club’

And he previewed Biden’s trip my wishing well and hoping he won’t ‘fall asleep’ during his summit meeting next week with Russian President Vladimir Putin. That was just the beginning of his hits on his rival as Biden kicked off a week of meetings with dozens of world leaders.

On Saturday, Trump blasted his successor once again – this time calling the 2020 election that put Biden in office ‘a scam’ and a ‘crime.’

It came shortly after Biden had a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, who said that America was ‘definitely’ back and ‘part of the club.’

In a lengthy statement, Trump picked up on Attorney General Merrick Garland’s announcement to double-up civil rights enforcement, then quickly pivoted to his repeated claims of election fraud that got tossed out of courts by talking about illegal voting.

‘Based on that it would seem the DOJ has no choice but to look at the massive voter fraud which took place in certain Swing States, and I assume elsewhere, during the 2020 Presidential Election Scam,’ Trump said in a statement from his ‘Save America PAC.’

‘Whether it be voting machines, underaged people, dead people, illegal aliens, ballot drops, ballot cheating, absentee ballots, post office delivery (or lack thereof!), lock boxes, people being paid to vote, or other things, the 2020 Presidential Election is, in my mind, the Crime of the Century.’

Biden kicked a question to French President Emmanuel Macron when asked if America was 'back.' Macron said it was, 'definitely'

Biden kicked a question to French President Emmanuel Macron when asked if America was 'back.' Macron said it was, 'definitely'

Biden kicked a question to French President Emmanuel Macron when asked if America was ‘back.’ Macron said it was, ‘definitely’

President Joe Biden (L) speaks with South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa (R) as they attend the G7 summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall on June 12, 2021

President Joe Biden (L) speaks with South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa (R) as they attend the G7 summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall on June 12, 2021

President Joe Biden (L) speaks with South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa (R) as they attend the G7 summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall on June 12, 2021

Trump referred to the 2020 election won by President Joe Biden as a 'Scam' and the 'Crime of the Century'

Trump referred to the 2020 election won by President Joe Biden as a 'Scam' and the 'Crime of the Century'

Trump referred to the 2020 election won by President Joe Biden as a ‘Scam’ and the ‘Crime of the Century’

Trump brought up Hunter Biden's laptop, a Hydroxychloroquine study, and new movement on the coronavirus lab leak theory

Trump brought up Hunter Biden's laptop, a Hydroxychloroquine study, and new movement on the coronavirus lab leak theory

Trump brought up Hunter Biden’s laptop, a Hydroxychloroquine study, and new movement on the coronavirus lab leak theory

Trump blasted out a statement at the start of Biden's trip urging him not to 'fall asleep' during his meeting with Vladimir Putin

Trump blasted out a statement at the start of Biden's trip urging him not to 'fall asleep' during his meeting with Vladimir Putin

Trump blasted out a statement at the start of Biden’s trip urging him not to ‘fall asleep’ during his meeting with Vladimir Putin

In a cheeky message, former President Donald Trump offered President Biden the benefit of his wisdom after meeting President Putin in 2018. 'Don't fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards,' he said

In a cheeky message, former President Donald Trump offered President Biden the benefit of his wisdom after meeting President Putin in 2018. 'Don't fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards,' he said

In a cheeky message, former President Donald Trump offered President Biden the benefit of his wisdom after meeting President Putin in 2018. ‘Don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards,’ he said

Then Trump teed off on Biden policies from a surge of migrants at the border to inflation.

‘If there is going to be honor and greatness for America, the voting irregularities and fraud of that election must be brought to light, immediately. Otherwise, we have no Country, certainly not a great one!’ Trump said, saying the Biden Administration shouldn’t ‘suppress the accountability of a dishonest election. That cannot be allowed to happen, nor can the events of the Presidential Election.’

In another email, Trump brought up a range of issues where he said he was proven ‘right.’

‘Have you noticed that they are now admitting I was right about everything they lied about before the election?’ Trump asked.

He followed up with bullet points, including ‘Hydroxychloroquine works’ and ‘The Virus came from a Chinese lab.’

He was referencing a new study that the controversial drug he promoted and took while in office showed benefits in combination with another drug when used on seriously ill patients. Trump took it in an effort to avoid getting the virus, which has not been established. U.S. intelligence is now reviewing the possibility the virus leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan, and the media is taking the idea more seriously, although it has not been proven where it came from.

Then he took a shot at Biden’s son, writing: ‘Hunter Biden’s laptop was real,’ in a possible reference to’s consultations with forensics experts to establish a digital trail.

Former Obama White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz blasted Trump’s statements amid the international give-and-take.

‘Former President Trump’s sad, ongoing attempts to undermine our own democracy are no longer surprising. But the complicity from current Republican officeholders is the real danger,’ he said.

Trump touted his own diplomatic efforts in a Thursday statement where he touted his own Helsinki summit with Putin, where he faced blowback by accepting Putin’s denial of election interference over the conclusions of U.S. intelligence.

‘As president, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia,’ said Trump.

‘Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including the respect of President Putin and Russia.’

‘Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage—a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me,’ he said.

Even as Trump was hitting Biden, Putin said nice things about Trump in an NBC interview from Moscow when asked about his upcoming meeting with Biden. Putin took the opportunity to praise Trump.

‘I believe that former US president Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual… He is a colorful individual. You may like him or not. But he didn’t come from the US establishment,’ Putin said. He called Biden a ‘career politician,’ by contrast, but said it could cut both ways.   



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