My wild night with Adele! Cheryl Hole BARES ALL on the megastar’s boozy antics at Porn Idol

EXCLUSIVE: My wild night with Adele! Drag Race’s Cheryl Hole BARES ALL on the megastar’s boozy antics at gay nightclub’s Porn Idol event – where she pole-danced, stripped to her bra and gave swearing rant before falling over





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Last night was not what I was expecting. I still can’t believe that one of the world’s biggest pop stars watched my show at Heaven – and came up on stage to join me!

I turned up to my gig to perform my new single Need The Power and went straight to the dressing room to get ready. Little did I know that none other than the queen herself was in the building.

Rumours soon began circling the corridors and at first, I was like, ‘No. I don’t believe this. Someone’s just winding me up.’

My wild night with Adele! Drag Race’s Cheryl Hole (left) BARES ALL on the megastar’s boozy antics at gay nightclub’s Porn Idol event – where she pole-danced, stripped to her bra and gave swearing rant before falling over

Then Jeremy Joseph [G-A-Y Heaven’s owner] popped his head in and said, ‘No, the real Adele is here!’ It was 12:30am by this point and the show was set to start at 1am.

Focusing on getting into my skin-tight silver leotard while applying my hair extensions and make-up, I tried to stay calm and cut out my nerves. 

All of a sudden, I heard an unmistakable, ‘Ello babes,’ coming from around the corner. ‘Oh my god… it’s the real Adele,’ I thought.

We were first just fangirling over each other. She was in awe of the costume I was wearing!

Dancing: Last night was not what I was expecting! I still can’t believe that one of the world’s biggest pop stars watched my show at Heaven (Adele is pictured on Thursday night)

I was like, ‘But I’m in awe of you Adele!” She was such a sweetheart, a true queen and icon, exactly what you would expect.

When I put on a show, I always want everyone to have the best time possible. What I love about drag is it’s escapism and it’s removing yourself from the stresses of your life and the craziness of the world.

To see so much joy in her face and being surrounded by her friends and her peers and having a night of just fun… it’s exactly what everyone deserves.

It’s incredible to think, but she went completely unnoticed by the crowds as she danced the night away to It’s Raining Men along with all my favourite anthems. 

Iconic: All of a sudden, I heard an unmistakable, ‘Ello babes,’ coming from around the corner. ‘Oh my god… it’s the real Adele,’ I thought (Adele pictured on Thursday night) 

Before I knew it, she joined me on stage where we declared Martha, who was picked from the crowd after wearing nothing but a thong, as the winner of Porn Idol.

Adele said I could have ‘the final say’ and I was like, ‘But you’re f**king Adele and I’m little old Cheryl!’

She hilariously said: ‘I’m going to go with my girl. I know I’ve had a lot of s*** the last couple of days,’ before asking me to hold her shirt which she soon ripped apart.

With her bra showing, she began: ‘You were great but we love females, f***ing females don’t we. Yes, I pick her, I can you’re f***ing beautiful, f***ing lovely, f***ing confident with all these men around. We love being f***ing females don’t we?’

She was talking about her skepticism towards the BRIT’s new gender neutral category. I just think we’re all humans walking the same life and we all have to respect and love every single person.

Team: And then Jeremy Joseph [G-A-Y Heaven’s owner] popped his head in and said, ‘No, the real Adele is here!’ It was 12:30am by this point and the show was set to start at 1am’

I love that the BRITs have done that because we have so many amazing artists who are of all walks of the gender spectrum. What Adele is trying to say is, ‘You have to love and embrace everything that is yourself.’

At the competition yesterday, people were showcasing their true identity and we, as a community, have to come together to uplift and celebrate everybody.

I love Adele because she celebrates everything about femininity and being a queen.

And what an amazing pole dancer she is? I was totally impressed. I think it was completely unplanned. It’s there for the contestants to use and she just started copying one of them really.

Pinch me: Before I knew it, she joined me on stage where we declared Martha, who was picked from the crowd after wearing nothing but a thong, as the winner of Porn Idol (L-R: Cheryl, Jeremy, Adele and Martha on Thursday night) 

I can’t believe she was leaning down from her VIP box asking the crowd, ‘How does everyone know it’s me?’ before falling over! It just makes me adore her even more.

When it was all over, I ran upstairs because I had to go off for a tinkle and simultaneously, Adele ran off too because she’d a had a very busy day. 

But she’s promised me tickets to see her in concert now and I have every intention of taking her up on it!

She also vowed to have me perform at her next TV special while she gets her make-up touched up – just like what Alan Carr did at ITV’s An Evening With Adele.

She even said: ‘Yes 100% Congratulations my lovely, you are lovely I can see it in your eyes. You are lovely. Females all round baby!’  

Me and Alan… we’ve have had two seasons of Drag Race together. We have a very good rapport so seeing that moment where he was pulled up on stage and made to sing. That would only happen to me as well.

I was like, ‘I’m putting it out there. If you want me to give you a break while you have your make-up touched up, I’ll go and sing Water Under The Bridge for you.’ And she said yes in front of thousands of people! 

It would be amazing to see her as a guest judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race’s next series, it’s definitely in the future for Adele and I’d love to see her sat next to Mama Ru.

But she’s a very busy lady and it’s the same with Dolly Parton and Cher. It’s all about scheduling and making the time right. It took Lady Gaga nine seasons to get on the show, after all.

‘There were no requests or demands’: Adele shocked club owner as superstar turned up unannounced

Adele pictured with Jeremy Joseph

Adele shocked club owner Jeremy Joseph by turning up at London’s G-A-Y unannounced for the venue’s weekly stripping event.  

The clubowner said: ‘She was so normal and so lovely and just came backstage and hung out and went into the box to watch the show.

‘It wasn’t advertised; it wasn’t planned, which makes it more special. She just turned up. There were no requests, no demands, there was nothing like that.

‘I’ve had friends message me saying ‘why didn’t you tell me?’ and it’s because I just didn’t know. No one believes me but I didn’t know!

‘There were people crying their eyes out saying, ‘oh my God I’ve just seen Adele!’

‘She had friends with her, it was a big group, and it was like let’s go and have some fun. She didn’t want to go out and be pretentious; she just wanted to have fun. It is really surreal.’ 

Jeremy said: ‘We didn’t try to get her on stage or anything like that because they are there for a night out – I had no idea she was going to walk on stage. There was an argument about who should win the competition, and someone decided Adele was going to come and pick.

‘I said ‘judges, you’re being overruled’ – literally, all you could see in the audience was a sea of phones.

After failing to go unnoticed by the crowds as she danced the night away to It’s Raining Men, Adele went on stage alongside RuPaul’s Drag Race’s star Cheryl Hole to declare party goer Martha, who was wearing nothing but a thong, as the winner of Porn Idol. Jeremy added: ‘We don’t know anything about Martha.

‘We normally get 7/8 contestants backstage before the show, and we pick from the audience and Martha was picked out from the audience, so we only met her there and then. She came up onto the stage, so we have no idea.

‘We picked two people from the audience. Imagine coming up from the audience and the next thing you know you are naked on stage with Adele – how many people plan that night out?’ 

‘The pole dancing… it was one of those moments completely unplanned, the first thing she did when she walked on stage, and she ignored the audience, and just started stroking my dog Jacob. The pole is there for the contestants to use and she just started copying one of them.’  







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