Liz Truss clashes with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov over Ukraine

Liz Truss clashes with Putin henchman Sergei Lavrov over Ukraine in Moscow showdown as he rejects demand to cool ‘Cold War rhetoric’ and slams West’s ‘ultimatums and moralising’ – as TV host accuses her of ‘behaving in the classic British colonial style’

Boris Johnson has held talks with Nato secretary-general in Brussels and is now heading on to Poland for visitThe PM warned that Europe is in the midst of worst security crisis for ‘decades’ and the ‘stakes are very high’ Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is in Moscow and has warned Russia against a ‘disastrous’ Ukraine invasion Keir Starmer also in Brussels for talks with Jens Stoltenberg signalling united front with the PM over Russia






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Liz Truss clashed with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov over Ukraine today as she went to Moscow to demand the regime cool its ‘Cold War rhetoric’.  

The Foreign Secretary delivered a tough message that the Kremlin must step back from a ‘disastrous’ invasion of Ukraine during tense talks. 

On her first official visit to Moscow she warned that Kiev must not be ‘bullied’, demanding Russia backs up its claims about having ‘no plans’ to breach its neighbour’s border with ‘actions’.

But in discussions and a joint press conference after a lunch of borscht and halibut, anti-democratic bruiser Mr Lavrov launched a series of barbs, dismissing ‘ultimatums and moralising’ from the West and comparing their conversation to a ‘deaf and a mute’.

‘Ideological approaches, ultimatums and moralizing is a road to nowhere,’ the notorious political operator said. 

In scenes caught on camera he then abruptly stalked off at the end of the press conference, leaving Ms Truss standing alone. He then opened the door for the to accompany him from the room, before a lunch of 

She had observed that she had definitely not been mute in their discussions, and urged a ‘diplomatic’ solution. 

But in what appeared to be a co-ordinated attack a pro-Putin TV host today lashed out at the Foreign Secretary. 

Vladimir Solovyov accused Ms Truss of ‘behaving in the classic British colonial style’, tweeting: ‘A London official came to the colony to lecture the subjugated natives…’

A source close to the Foreign Secretary said: ‘Liz delivered some tough and punchy messages – including urging Russia to withdraw troops from the border, engage in meaningful talks, and ultimately respect Ukraine’s sovereignty.

‘The talks were testy, but there’s a healthy amount of respect between Liz and Lavrov. She invited him to London in the next few months and he accepted, if the situation allows.’

Boris Johnson embarked on his own trip to Nato HQ in Brussels and then Poland, warning that Europe faces the ‘most dangerous moment for decades’ and the ‘stakes are very high’. 

At a joint press conference with Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, the PM said he did not believe Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on whether to send troops over the border.

But Mr Johnson admitted the signs were not good, insisting that Mr Putin will face a strong response if he does go ahead.  

Liz Truss (left) told Sergei Lavrov (right) to ‘stop the Cold War rhetoric’ and de-escalate the crisis

Liz Truss (right) told Sergei Lavrov (left) today that Kiev must not be ‘bullied’ and there would be ‘massive consequences’ for invasion

At a joint press conference with Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, the PM said he did not believe Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on whether to send troops over the border

But in the discussions and a joint press conference Mr Lavrov launched a series of barbs, dismissing ‘ultimatums and moralising’ from the West and comparing their conversation to a ‘deaf and a mute’

Notorious political bruiser Mr Lavrov swiped: ‘Ideological approaches, ultimatums and moralizing is a road to nowhere.’

Ms Truss is on a two-day visit to Moscow, and took part in a wreath-laying ceremony earlier

Ukraine forces stand guard in the eastern region of Donetsk yesterday amid the tensions with Russia

Following a photo with Royal Engineers, Royal Marines and Polish troops, the Prime Minister said he was ‘very proud’ that UK armed forces were ‘standing side by side’ with Poland over fears of an incursion by Moscow into Ukraine

Boris Johnson greets member of the Royal Marines during a visit to Warszawska Brygada Pancerna military base near Warsaw today

Boris warns Europe faces ‘dangerous moment’ in biggest security crisis for decades  

Boris Johnson today warned Europe faces the ‘most dangerous moment for decades’ and the ‘stakes are very high’ as he urged Russia to back away from a ‘disastrous’ Ukraine invasion.

At a joint press conference with Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, the PM said he did not believe Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on whether to send troops over the border.

But Mr Johnson admitted the signs were not good, insisting that Mr Putin will face a strong response if he does go ahead.

Arguing that the next few days will be crucial, Mr Johnson said: ‘The stakes are very high. And this is a very dangerous moment…

‘I honestly don’t think a decision has yet been taken but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible that something absolutely disastrous could happen very soon indeed.

‘Our intelligence, I’m afraid to say, remains grim. We’re seeing the massing of huge numbers of tactical battalion groups on the border with Ukraine.

‘This is probably the most dangerous moment in the course of the next few days in what is the biggest security crisis Europe has faced for decades.’

He added: ‘This is the moment now to think of another way forward.’



The Foreign Secretary arrived in Russia last night, donning a furry hat in the sub-zero temperatures that immediately evoked comparisons with Margaret Thatcher. 

And after another 1,000 British troops were put on standby to fly to the troubled region, Ms Truss told Mr Lavrov: ‘The reality is we cannot ignore the build-up of over 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and the attempts to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

‘Fundamentally, a war in Ukraine would be disastrous for the Russian and Ukrainian people, and for European security. 

And, together, Nato has made it clear that any incursion into Ukraine would have massive consequences and carry severe costs.’

At a press conference with Mr Lavrov after their talks, Ms Truss said the ‘future peace and stability’ of Europe was at stake.

‘There is still time for Russia to end its aggression towards Ukraine and pursue the path of diplomacy,’ she said.

‘But Nato is very clear that if that path is not chosen there will be severe consequences for Russia, Ukraine and the whole of Europe.’ 

Mr Lavrov said Moscow was in favour of diplomacy to resolve the crisis, but said he could not understand British concerns over the drills in Belarus and denied Russia was coercing anyone.

‘I’m honestly disappointed that what we have is a conversation between a dumb and a deaf person. It’s as if we listen but we don’t hear,’ Lavrov said.

At a joint press conference with Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, Mr Johnson said he did not believe Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on whether to send troops over the border.

But Mr Johnson admitted the signs were not good, insisting that Mr Putin will face a strong response if he does go ahead.

At a joint press conference with Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, the PM said he did not believe Vladimir Putin had made a final decision on whether to send troops over the border

Boris Johnson posted a picture of him boarding the plane for Brussels this morning

A poll for MailOnline has found strong backing for sanctions if Mr Putin invades. Some 49 per cent said they would support a national boycott of Russian goods and services, with just 14 per cent opposed

Putin is planning a ‘NUCLEAR strategic exercise’, Britain warns as Russia begins military drills with Belarus 

Russia is planning to hold a nuclear strategic exercise, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Thursday, despite extreme tensions surrounding Ukraine.

Wallace warned that the Kremlin’s actions were heading in the wrong direction despite efforts to find a diplomatic solution, declaring intelligence suggested that Russia that Russia was engaging in plans for so-called ‘false flag’ operations as a pre-text for invading Ukraine, as well as carrying out cyber attacks and other destabilising activity.

‘Despite the talking, the direction of travel is in the wrong way,’ Wallace told BBC Radio. 

‘The Russians are still growing their battalion tactical groups… They are planning to start a nuclear strategic exercise soon, and indeed we see more activity elsewhere.’

A Russian defence source also told news agency TASS earlier this year that the nuclear exercise, known as ‘Thunder’, would involve all three prongs of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces, testing firing procedures from land, sea and air.

Nuclear drills are held frequently in Russia, but the decision to proceed with such exercises in the face of the tension circling Ukraine will give world powers more cause for concern.

It comes as forces from Russia and Belarus launched joint military drills with an estimated 30,000 troops taking part in the 10-day war games near the Ukrainian border, in what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has described as a ‘dangerous moment’.

‘We are closely monitoring Russia’s deployment in Belarus, which is the biggest since the end of the Cold War,’ Stoltenberg told reporters today at a joint news conference with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

‘This is a dangerous moment for European security. The number of Russian forces is going up. The warning time for a possible attack is going down.’  


Arguing that the next few days will be crucial, Mr Johnson – who will visit Poland later – said: ‘The stakes are very high. And this is a very dangerous moment… 

‘I honestly don’t think a decision has yet been taken but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible that something absolutely disastrous could happen very soon indeed.

‘Our intelligence, I’m afraid to say, remains grim. We’re seeing the massing of huge numbers of tactical battalion groups on the border with Ukraine.

‘This is probably the most dangerous moment in the course of the next few days in what is the biggest security crisis Europe has faced for decades.’

He added: ‘This is the moment now to think of another way forward.’ 

Mr Stoltenberg said he has written to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to offer more talks.

‘We are prepared to listen to Russia’s concerns and ready to discuss ways to uphold and strengthen the fundamental principles of European security that we all have signed up to,’ he said.

‘Nato will not compromise on core principles – the right of each nation to choose its own path and Nato’s ability to protect and defend all allies.’

Labour leader Keir Starmer is also in the Belgian capital, stressing that he is fully behind the government’s response to Mr Putin‘s military mobilisation. 

The diplomatic blitz comes as a poll for MailOnline found strong backing for sanctions if Mr Putin invades. Some 49 per cent said they would support a national boycott of Russian goods and services, with just 14 per cent opposed.

However, the public appears split over the idea of deploying troops and supplying weapons.     

Western leaders fear a build-up of 130,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border is the prelude to an invasion.

Six Russian landing ships filled with tanks and troops yesterday assembled in the Black Sea to back up the land forces, heightening concerns.

Moscow’s forces are also beginning joint military exercises with ally Belarus.  

The shuttle diplomacy comes amid fears French president Emmanuel Macron is pushing for a ‘compromise’ with Moscow that would see Ukraine forced to loosen its ties with the West. 

Another 1,000 British troops will be ‘put at readiness’ for deployment to the region in the event that Russia invades. 

A source said the troops would ‘support a humanitarian response in the region, should it be needed’.

It is understood they would be asked to help secure the borders of Ukraine’s neighbours and build refugee camps in countries such as Poland and Lithuania with fears more than a million Ukrainians could flee any conflict.

Mr Johnson later praised the behaviour of UK troops during a visit to a military base in Warsaw. Following a photo with Royal Engineers, Royal Marines and Polish troops, the Prime Minister said he was ‘very proud’ that UK armed forces were ‘standing side by side’ with Poland over fears of an incursion by Moscow into Ukraine.

He also told British troops: ‘I’m very grateful that you are behaving so well’, telling them he had heard positive reports since the Engineers were deployed in December.

Some Marines told Mr Johnson they had arrived on Thursday, with some understood to have landed only hours before the PM.

Separately, Mr Johnson praised the reputation of Polish pilots who fought with Britain during the Second World War.

The Churchill biographer told Poland’s prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, that his compatriots in the war ‘knew they had to get close’ to take out Nazi aircraft.



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