ASK TONY: Customs chaos cost me a packet when watch sale timed out

ASK TONY: Customs chaos in Budapest cost me a packet when my eBay watch sale timed out





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I sold a second-hand watch, which belonged to my late mother, on eBay to a buyer in Hungary on September 13. I posted it the following day. 

The total cost, including postage with international tracking, was £315.13.

However, the customs form was lost in transit and the item was held up in Budapest. I completed a second customs form and emailed it across on October 17.

Meanwhile, the buyer opened an ‘item not received’ dispute with eBay, which was upheld. The £315.13 was taken from my account on October 21.

Ticked off: A reader was left out of pocket after eBay refunded the buyer of her late mother’s watch after its delivery was held up at customs

This was despite the fact I’d communicated with the buyer and eBay every step of the way. The buyer knew the item was in Hungary because the information was available via the tracking number.

The watch was delivered on November 2. I spoke to eBay’s appeals team on November 7 and provided the delivery confirmation. 

The appeal was immediately rejected because it is not allowed if a delivery is made after a case is closed.

The buyer will not respond.

J. T., address supplied.

Tony Hazell replies: This letter should be a warning to every reader thinking of posting items abroad over the Christmas period or selling unwanted gifts in the New Year — and not only via eBay.

I have heard of a number of people facing problems with customs declarations and items being stuck in transit since Brexit.

With large parts of Europe in partial lockdown, postal services are warning of delivery issues. That could mean late Christmas presents or delays for items bought and sold online.

Let’s get to your problem: it is eBay’s policy that if an item has not been delivered by the estimated date, the buyer can open an ‘item not received’ case.

Buyers have up to 30 days to complain and yours waited for the full 30.

If the seller is unable to resolve the issue within three working days of the buyer opening their case, eBay will step in. This can involve a refund through its money back guarantee.

Your item was delivered, albeit somewhat late. The rules for selling on eBay say an appeal can be made within 30 days of a case being closed. However, you have to be able to show that the item was delivered before the case was closed, which you obviously could not.

Despite this, after looking into your case again, eBay has refunded your money.

A spokesman says: ‘We are sorry to hear about the issues Ms T experienced. Due to the exceptional circumstances of this case, we have decided to restore the funds to her as a gesture of goodwill.’

That’s good, but I have suggested that eBay should review its rigid refund policies to reflect Covid and Brexit issues.

Surely, if an item is delivered within a reasonable time frame and accepted, and the sender can prove they were not to blame for the delay, then arbitrary cut-off dates for appeals should not apply? 

You have YOUR say

Every week Money Mail receives hundreds of your letters and emails about our stories. Here are some in response to our investigation into new-build properties:

We viewed a number of new-builds when we were selling our 1920s semi-detached house and were shocked by the poor construction. 

The gardens were tiny, too. I’d never consider paying so much money for a glorified shed.

H. S., Worcester.

Our past three homes have been new-builds and many of the snagging problems listed in your article are typical with any new properties.

 Make sure you have a good look around before you complete and get a solicitor to send the builder a copy of the snagging list so it’s on record.

J. J., London.

Rushed work with very little supervision is the main reason behind most of these problems. 

My kitchen and bathroom floor tiles are cracked owing to poor fitting. My airing cupboard also looks like it was built by a complete novice.

B. S., Hemel Hempstead, Herts.

As a plumber working on new-builds, I have noticed that everything is almost always done on a tight budget. 

Some designs appear to have been drafted up by architects who are more used to building sheds and garages than houses.

G. M., Barnsley.

I’ll happily stick with my 1940s property, thank you very much. We’ve got large rooms and an enormous garden. 

It’s semi-detached, but I never hear the next-door neighbours. There is no way I’d want a small and soulless new-build.

C. E., Surrey.

A huge new-build housing estate has been built near where I live. Once upon a time, it was beautiful open farmland, but it used to flood every time it started raining. 

The new homeowners may find they get a free pool with every purchase.

I. F., Liverpool.

Debt collector on my case for paid SSE bill 

A debt collector has been pestering me for weeks, saying that I owe £259 to SSE for an electricity bill.

I have provided the date this bill was paid and the date a refund was sent to me. I have even sent proof from my Nationwide account, but they have taken no notice. 

Yesterday, I received another email demanding payment. I have told them that my husband is having end-of-life care, but they don’t seem concerned.

I’m now with a new supplier; something which could not have happened if I owed money.

N. T., Bexhill-on-Sea, E. Sussex.

Tony Hazell replies: I contacted Ovo Energy, which has taken over the consumer business of SSE. You had in fact paid £188 for your gas bill in March, which put your account into credit, resulting in the £88.72 refund you received when you switched in July.

However, the electricity account had an outstanding balance of £234.21 from bills issued in February and April.

When you didn’t pay this, the debt was passed to the collection agency.

After investigating, Ovo has decided to write this off as a goodwill gesture.

A spokesman says: ‘We have apologised to Mrs T and can confirm the outstanding balance has been cleared and the account is now closed.’

Well done, Ovo.  

Write to asktony@dailymail. or Ask Tony, Money Mail, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Please include your phone number, address and a note addressed to the offending organisation giving permission to talk to Tony Hazell. We regret we cannot reply to individual letters. Please do not send original documents as we cannot take responsibility for them. No legal responsibility can be accepted by the Daily Mail for answers given 



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