Family and friends can finally pay tribute to ‘Patient Zero’ guesthouse owner from Bournemouth

First Briton to die from AIDS is revealed after 40 years: Family and friends can finally pay tribute to ‘Patient Zero’ guesthouse owner from Bournemouth whose rapid decline in health baffled medics

The first man in the UK to die from AIDS has been revealed as John Eaddie after 40 years Mr Eaddie, who ran a guesthouse in Bournemouth in the 1970s, died in 1981 in Chelsea hospitalHis cause of death was recorded as pneumocystis pneumonia – later be recognised as sign of HIV/AIDSThe only trace of his death had been a brief entry in The Lancet medical journal in December 1981An investigation by ITV’s Tonight programme has now named Mr Eaddie as the first British AIDS victimFamily and friends have now emotionally paid tribute to Mr Eaddie in documentary airing tonight 






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The first man in the UK to be killed by AIDS has been revealed after 40 years as emotional family and friends finally pay tribute to ‘Patient Zero’.  

John Eaddie, who ran a guesthouse in Bournemouth in the 1970s, died on October 29, 1981 at the Royal Brompton Hospital in Chelsea. His cause of death was recorded as pneumocystis pneumonia – which would later be recognised as a deadly sign of HIV/AIDS.

At the time of Mr Eaddie’s death, doctors did not know that the underlying cause was a virus which in the past four decades has claimed around 15,000 lives in the UK.  

The only trace of his death had been a brief entry in The Lancet medical journal in December 1981, which described a ‘known homosexual’ who had travelled to Miami and was suspected to have died of the same mystery illness sweeping much of the gay community in the US. 

An investigation by ITV’s Tonight programme has now named Mr Eaddie as the UK’s first AIDS victim. By tracing his family and friends and unearthing his medical records, his story can be told properly for the first time and his loved ones can finally pay tribute to him. 

Speaking to Paul Brand for Tonight, friends remembered Mr Eaddie as a ‘warm’ and ‘fun-loving’ character who ran the guesthouse as a safe haven for gay men to meet and drink in the late 70s.  

Tony Pinnegar told the programme: ‘He was a very charming man. He very quickly deteriorated and ended up in hospital in London. We thought he had pneumonia or something.  

I remember going to see him. We thought he was going to recover, but I remember the doctor saying, ”He’s not going to survive”. He was just lying there unconscious, strapped up to machines. And that was it, we never spoke to him again.’

Paul Wills added: ‘I think its quite fitting that John can be remembered because there was such a stigma.’ That stigma led to many gay men being victimised in the 1980s, with the disease being referred to as ‘gay cancer’ or ‘the gay plague’. 

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The first man in the UK to die from AIDS has been revealed as John Eaddie after 40 years as emotional family and friends finally pay tribute to ‘Patient Zero’ 

An investigation by ITV’s Paul Brand for Tonight has named Mr Eaddie as the first man in the UK to die with AIDS

Ken Dee, who also knew John, told Tonight: ‘There were lots of things I think we were quite glad to cut out.

‘We went through such a terrible time in our lives. But what John did was set up some place that was really safe. And that’s something we will always remember.’

By the time Mr Eaddie was diagnosed, his life expectancy would have been just months or even weeks.

Shortly after his death, Professor Jonathan Weber began a study of 400 gay men in London exhibiting early symptoms of AIDS. He told Tonight that of those, 399 subsequently died.

‘We had nothing for the underlying disease. And indeed we still didn’t know what the disease was,’ he said.

Mr Eaddie’s friend Paul Wills said he suspected that he may have died from AIDS because of his symptoms. Pictured: Mr Brand looks at pictures of Mr Eaddie in the new documentary

‘We had no idea what it was until 1984. The power of this virus to kill people without intervention is quite extraordinary.’

The first AIDS patient to be publicly identified in the UK was Terrence Higgins, who died in 1982.

His friends to set up a charity in his name, with co-founder Martyn Butler at Heaven nightclub in London the night Terrence collapsed. He broke down in tears as he spoke to Tonight about the AIDS epidemic.

‘I started to write down guys names in the front of my bible because I was terrified I was going to forget their names’, he said.

‘And I remember getting to 50 and I had to stop because it was like collecting phone numbers. They were all so young. Just young boys.’

The ITV Tonight programme, ‘Searching for Patient Zero: Britain’s AIDS Tragedy’, will air at 19.30 on Thursday 11th November on ITV.

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