Schoolboy murderer was expelled from primary school for threatening girl with a knife aged TEN

Schoolboy murderer was expelled from primary school for threatening girl with a knife aged TEN: Violent past of teenager, 15, who stabbed 12-year-old friend to death and tried to behead him is revealed as he is jailed for 16 years

Teenage Marcel Grzeszcz was found guilty of the murder of friend Roberts Buncis after a trial this yearCourt heard victim Roberts was repeatedly stabbed in December 2020 and he attempted to decapitate himHis body was found in woodland and countryside in Boston, Lincs, just two days before his 13th birthdayThe jury told Grzeszcz targeted his friend 12-year-old Roberts in the attack ‘because he was a snitch’Judge said he may have viewed him as a ‘liability’ because he knew so much about his drug dealing at school Grzeszcz also switched schools from a previous primary school after threatening a girl with a blade 






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The schoolboy murderer was expelled from primary school aged just ten for threatening a girl with a knife.

Killer child Marcel Grzeszcz stabbed classmate Roberts Buncis more than 70 times on December 12 last year, after luring him to woodland in Fishtoft, near Boston, Lincolnshire, after believing he was a ‘snitch’.

The 15-year-old schoolboy drug dealer was unmasked by a High Court judge at Lincoln Crown Court and sentenced to a minimum of 16 years in jail after he murdered his 12-year-old friend before trying to decapitate him in a brutal attack.

Young murderer Grzeszcz, a pupil at Haven High Academy, was still only just 14 when he was arrested by police at his family home.

It has been revealed he was also expelled from his previous primary school, St Nicholas Primary School in Boston, Lincolnshire, after threatening a girl with a knife. 

A mother, who took Roberts to primary school with her children, said: ‘It’s not his first incident with a knife.

‘When he was at primary school he took one into class to threaten other kids.’

‘He threatened a girl with it and was excluded,’ she told the Sun.   

The trial previously heard that Grzeszcz was forced to leave St Nicholas Primary after bringing a knife on to the premises, and was sent to a pupil referral unit. 

The defendant then moved to Haven High Academy, where he stayed for around three years, but was excluded for selling drugs both in and out of school.

Grzeszcz was then sent to a pupil referral unit where he started the day before Roberts was found dead.

Killer child Marcel Grzeszcz can now be named after a ruling from a High Court judge today which lifted reporting restrictions

Roberts, who was killed just two days before his 13th birthday, was found with injuries to his right side, shoulders, arms and three severe stab wounds to his head with the tip of the blade lodged in his skull.

The murderer had come armed to the spot with a large knife and latex gloves to try and conceal his involvement. 

The Latvian-born victim lived with his single-parent father, who urged calm in the aftermath of his death. 

Before Grzeszcz was detained he had sent messages to other friends on Facebook Messenger admitting ‘things went wrong’. He also wrote: ‘This wasn’t supposed to go down like this’. And ‘Bro I have done something bad.’

Police searching the killer’s home found a knife under a plant pot that had Roberts’ blood on it. A partially burnt Nike top was also found with latex gloves in the pocket. 

Grzeszcz was the school drug dealer at Haven High Academy and was constantly in trouble. It was never explicitly detailed in court, but it is understood he viewed his victim as ‘a liability’ because his friend knew so much about his illegal activities. 

Sentencing Mr Justice Jeremy Baker told him: ‘Marcel Grzeszcz, in the early hours of December 12, 2020, you lured Roberts Buncis to a wooded area of Boston where you carried out a savage and brutal attack upon him with a knife which you had brought to the scene, in the course of which you made a determined effort to remove his head, before leaving his body for others to find later that same morning.

‘Although it is less easy to discern the precise motive for your actions that night, if indeed they extended beyond the excitement which the infliction of violence had caused you to experience in the past, it would appear that you viewed the deceased as something of a liability.

Roberts Buncis, 12, who was found dead on common land at Fishtoft, near the town of Boston, Lincolnshire on December 12

Flowers left at the scene where police had searched through undergrowth in Fistoft, Boston, Lincolnshire, after the murder

‘There was a significant degree of planning and premeditation, including luring the deceased to the scene and taking the knife with you when you met up with him.

‘When the two of you met up in the wooded area, I’m satisfied while the deceased was unarmed and unaware of what was to take place, you came armed with a large knife and with latex gloves intending at that time, at the very least, to cause him serious bodily harm.

‘I should make clear that, although when you commenced the attack upon the deceased you may not have intended to kill him, as opposed to intending him to suffer really serious bodily injury, I am sure that as the attack progressed, given the number and nature of the injuries which you inflicted upon the deceased, there came a time when you did intend to kill him and proceeded to do so.’

The judge lifted a reporting restriction barring the naming of Grzeszcz following an application by the media.  

In a short victim impact statement read to the court on behalf of Roberts’s father, Edgars Buncis, he said: ‘How do I put into words how I feel? 

Marcel Grzeszcz has been convicted of murdering 12-year-old Roberts (pictured with his father) after luring him to woodland and attempting to decapitate him

Pictured: Fishtoft, Lincolnshire where the body of Roberts Buncis was found in December after the ‘incomprehensible’ attack

Roberts’ father urged community to remember his son ‘with a smile’ 

At the time of the murder Roberts’ brave single-parent father Edgars paid tribute to his son:

In a short victim impact statement read to the court today he said: ‘How do I put into words how I feel?

‘This is all wrong. No father should ever have to bury their son.

‘Nothing is a reason for this. I have lost my destination and my purpose.

‘My life is in a cemetery. I feel empty and nothing will change this.’


‘This is all wrong. No father should ever have to bury their son.

‘Nothing is a reason for this. I have lost my destination and my purpose.

‘My life is in a cemetery. I feel empty and nothing will change this.’ 

Grzeszcz’s trial at Lincoln Crown Court  earlier this year heard that the defendant ‘intended at the very least to inflict serious violence’ on his young victim because ‘he was a snitch’.

The teenager claimed Robert had taken the knife to the scene and he ‘lost control’ when the youngster attempted to stab him.

But jurors dismissed Grzeszcz’s account after under two hours of deliberations, and instead concluded he was ‘motivated by anger and tried to punish the deceased rather than losing self-control’.

The youth admitted manslaughter mid way through his trial but denied murder. 

The teenager’s trial was told he stabbed Roberts ‘in excess of 70 times’, with a wound to the neck that was ‘consistent with a decapitation attempt.’

Roberts was lured to the area by the defendant before he was subjected to a ‘savage prolonged attack’ with a knife and left to die on the village green before his body was found at around 10am the next day. 

Acting on behalf of the Grzeszcz, defence QC Brendan Kelly admitted the violence was ‘extraordinary’ but submitted it indicated a ‘loss of control’ from the defendant.  

A JustGiving page had been set up last year to support tragic Roberts’ single father Edgars (pictured) in the wake of his death

Police searched undergrowth in Fistoft, Boston, Lincolnshire after the boy, 12, was found dead in December late last year

Killer is underage, but can now be named thanks to judge – due to serious nature of murder case 

Children accused anonymity in court proceedings, except if that protection is lifted by a judge. 

Giving his ruling on the decision to lift the no-naming order today, Mr Justice Jeremy Baker said: ‘I have no doubt that the circumstances of the offence are not only of proper interest to the public at large and within the local area, but also as forming part of the necessary public debate on knife crime in general, including the investigation of its causes and prevention.

‘In this respect, not only do I accept that, without the press’s ability to identify the accused, the reporting of this offence would be less likely to be read by members of the public, but there is a significant risk that appropriate investigative reporting of its causes, responsibilities and preventative measures would be likely to be less effective, due to the risk of ‘jigsaw’ identification.

‘Indeed, it seems to me that the submission on behalf of the accused, that the causes of the accused’s offending is multi-factorial, enhances rather than detracts from the need for appropriate investigative reporting in this case.

‘Furthermore, I also accept that the naming of those guilty of such serious crimes has a significant part in promoting effective deterrence.’




Addressing the jury during the trial, the prosecution told the jury the murder was ‘brutal’, ‘sustained’ and ‘gratuitous’.

Outside court today Detective Chief Inspector Richard Myszczyszyn, of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit, said: ‘This is an utterly tragic case. I would like to pay tribute to the people who loved Roberts, and had to deal with losing him in such brutal and horrific circumstances.

‘Their support for our investigation has been unwavering, and their bravery has been an inspiration.

‘Nothing could bring Roberts back, but our commitment was to try to find some semblance of justice for a grieving family and community.

‘The act was utterly senseless and the consequences, devastating. It will be remembered by Officers and Staff as one of the worst and saddest cases we have ever dealt with. The level of violence, and that it involved children, makes it almost incomprehensible.

‘The diligence and dedication displayed by the team who responded and investigated was a credit to our Force and hopefully of some reassurance to the community as they continue to come to terms with this distressing and disturbing incident.

‘Roberts’ future was stolen and that is an injustice that cannot be undone. We hope today’s sentence might at least offer some closure to those affected.

‘It’s a stark and chilling lesson on the potential devastation of knife crime. If you, as a parent or a child, have any concerns about knives, please talk to us.

‘We can all play a part in building a future free of such desperately sad and unnecessary loss of life. We will educate and engage on knife crime and we will continue to relentlessly pursue justice for victims; as we do so, we will remember Roberts.’

The mother of teen murderer Marcel Grzeszcz refused to comment on her son being jailed today for stabbing his 12-year-old friend 70 times.

Elzbieta Grzeszcz opened the door of her £150,000 two bedroom semi-detached home in Boston, Lincolnshire but when asked if she had anything to say about her 15-year-old son replied, ‘no, sorry’.

The house is on a smart close in the east of the historic market town and close to woodland where schoolboy drug-dealer Grzeszcz knifed Roberts Bunzis in a frenzied attack in December 2020.

A neigbour tonight told MailOnline: ‘This is a nice, quiet street.

‘Up until the murder last year, nothing had ever really happened around here. You don’t see the police here often at all.’

‘In fact I can’t remember seeing the police around here before or after that day. It was such a horrific thing to happen and such a shock.’

Another local resident said he did not know Grzeszcz or his mother but said he understood they came to Boston from Poland.

At the time of the murder Roberts’ brave single-parent father Edgars said people should remember his so with a smile. 

In a statement issued through Lincolnshire Police he said: ‘I am comforted by the community support that has been shown and I understand that friends want to show their support by getting together on Saturday.

‘I will not be attending, I will remember Roberts in private and celebrate his life at his funeral.

‘Please remember Roberts with flowers and a smile. Be safe and please do not do anything stupid. I want you to continue with your lives and do the things that Roberts can no longer do.

‘I do not want any other family to go through what I have, please do not make me more sad.

‘Do not judge before we know the truth, let the police do their investigation.

‘I do not judge the family of the boy involved, I am not God, for this we have court.’

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