New book slams Twitter and Facebook for trying to crush the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story

New book slams Twitter and Facebook for trying to discredit the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story – as poll reveals Biden voters would have chosen Trump if they’d known about the explosive revelations before election day

New book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, bashes Twitter and Facebook for crushing Hunter Biden story The New York Post published the story claiming it had obtained Hunter’s laptop that contained salacious and damning emails, photos and texts The president’s son touted his political influence to foreign powers in China and Ukraine – even tying Joe Biden to the allegedly corrupt dealings Twitter and Facebook blocked its users from reading and sharing the story for fear that the platforms would be sharing misinformation obtained a copy of the abandoned laptop’s hard drive, commissioned a forensic analysis and authenticated that it belonged to Hunter In December 2020 Hunter admitted he is under federal investigation A poll revealed one in six Biden voters said they ‘would not have voted for President Biden had they known the full extent of the financial corruption scandals involving Hunter Biden’ 





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A new book makes an excoriating attack on social media giants and the media for ‘burying’ the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, laying out in shocking clarity the reported evidence for the president and his son’s alleged corruption.

The book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, was published Tuesday by bestselling author and senior editor at conservative magazine The Federalist, Molly Hemingway.

One chapter is devoted to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the apparent determination by establishment media organizations, Twitter and Facebook to discredit and crush the story without any kind of thorough investigation of its disturbing details.

Hemingway revisited reports published before the 2020 election that used emails, texts and photos from the laptop to paint a clear picture of the president’s son touting his political influence to foreign powers in China and Ukraine – and even tying Joe Biden to the allegedly corrupt dealings.

Though smeared as ‘Russian disinformation’ at the time, the reports recounted in the book make for sobering reading in the light of Hunter’s December 2020 admission he is under federal investigation and’s subsequent authentication of the laptop’s contents by top cyber forensics experts.

New book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, bashes Twitter and Facebook crushing Hunter Biden story. The New York Post published the story claiming it had obtained Hunter’s laptop that contained salacious and damning emails, photos and texts

Last December, Hunter admitted in a public statement that he was under federal investigation over his tax affairs. The FBI and IRS probe is reportedly also looking into Hunter’s foreign business relationships and the potential for money laundering charges

Hemingway says the stakes over the alleged systematic suppression of these stories could not have been higher, citing a post-presidential election poll in which one in six Biden voters said they ‘would not have voted for President Biden had they known the full extent of the financial corruption scandals involving Hunter Biden.’

Billing itself as the ‘definitive account of the 2020 election’, the book is based on Hemingway’s interviews with campaign officials, reporters, Supreme Court justices, and Donald Trump himself.

The book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, was published Tuesday by bestselling author and senior editor at conservative magazine The Federalist, Molly Hemingway

The conservative author claims her book, published by Regnery Publishing, ‘exposes the fraud and cynicism behind the Democrats’ historic power-grab’.

Chapter eight, titled ‘Burying Biden Corruption’, zeroes in on the evidence around Hunter’s alleged corrupt activities.

Hemingway wrote that Hunter joined Joe on a state visit to China in December 2013 and ten days later Hunter’s company Rosemont Seneca entered into a ‘$1.5 billion’ joint venture with the government-owned Bank of China, making it ‘the first Western firm allowed to operate out of the recently created Shanghai Free-Trade Zone, opening up a slew of lucrative investment opportunities unavailable to other American investors.’

Another startling timeline laid out by the author includes a visit by Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca business partner Devon Archer to the White House on April 16 2014, followed by a trip to Kiev by Joe five days later, an announcement on April 22 that Archer was joining the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, and Hunter’s appointment to Burisma’s board the following month – shortly after Joe was appointed ‘point person’ on Ukraine for the Obama White House.

‘From the beginning, the Burisma arrangement reeked of corruption,’ Hemingway wrote.

‘At the time Biden joined its board, the British government’s anti-fraud office was busy seizing millions in assets from Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.’

Hemingway recounted how emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he and then-vice president Joe met Hunter’s business associates including a Moscow mayor, a former Kazakhstan prime minister and a Burisma executive, at a Washington DC restaurant in April 2015, despite the president’s claims he has ‘never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings’.

The author pointed out that Hunter even admitted evidence of allegedly corrupt practices involving the Chinese months before his laptop was leaked.

The president’s son told the New Yorker in July 2019 that a Chinese energy tycoon with links to the communist government asked him to help make connections with DC power brokers, then sent a ‘2.8-carat diamond’ to Hunter’s hotel room. Hunter claimed he passed it to colleagues.

Hemingway characterized the quotes as an admission he had ‘taken a bribe worth tens of thousands of dollars from a Chinese businessman with close ties to that country’s communist government—and it was buried more than seventy paragraphs into an article few voters would read in a magazine with a target audience of liberal elites.’

Hunter joined Joe on a state visit to China in December 2013 and ten days later Hunter’s company Rosemont Seneca entered into a ‘$1.5 billion’ joint venture with the government-owned Bank of China, making it ‘the first Western firm allowed to operate out of the recently created Shanghai Free-Trade Zone, opening up a slew of lucrative investment opportunities unavailable to other American investors’ Hunter is pictured with Joe on the China visit 

This photo of Hunter grabbing a woman’s hair was recovered from his laptop 

The president’s son touted his political influence to foreign powers in China and Ukraine – even tying Joe Biden to the allegedly corrupt dealings 

The Federalist editor chronicled how Twitter launched an ‘Orwellian’ crackdown on stories based on material from Hunter’s laptop published by the New York Post.

‘The website locked the accounts of users trying to share the story, including White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany,’ she wrote.

‘Twitter’s justification for its Orwellian measures was that the Post’s story violated the site’s policy against disseminating hacked materials, but there was no evidence that the materials from Hunter Biden’s laptop had been hacked.

Rigged by Mollie Hemingway came out Tuesday 

‘Stories that did involve ill-gotten information, such as the New York Times’s coverage of Trump’s illegally leaked tax returns, were not censored.

‘Twitter shut the New York Post—the oldest continuously published newspaper in America, founded by none other than Alexander Hamilton—out of its own Twitter account unless it agreed to delete its initial tweet promoting the story.’

After the election, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted in a Senate hearing the censorship was wrong.

‘We recognize it as a mistake that we made, both in terms of the intention of the policy and also the enforcement action of not allowing people to share it publicly or privately,’ he said.

One shocking set of documents from the laptop showed Hunter received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow who attended the 2015 Cafe Milano meeting with Joe Biden.

Despite the furor and scrutiny around Trump and his family’s alleged corrupt links to Russia, Hemingway, who has been critical of Trump in the past, said this crucial story was ignored.

‘After years of asserting Trump was colluding with and financially compromised by Russia, the much-hyped Mueller report had produced no evidence of any alarming links between Russia and Trump or his family,’ she wrote.

‘But here was hard evidence that Joe Biden’s son was getting paid an exorbitant amount by a Russian politician, and the media didn’t care.’

Another key element of the laptop scandal Hemingway says was ignored was the claims of Tony Bobulinski, one of the partners in Hunter’s billion-dollar deal with the Chinese.

 This photo of Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth was found on the laptop

Bobulinski was copied on an email on Hunter’s laptop which referred to ’10 held by H for the big guy’.

Bobulinski gave interviews after the emails leaked, claiming it meant 10% of the equity in the Chinese deal was to be held by Hunter on behalf of Joe Biden.

He provided texts between himself and another partner in the deal, the author of the email James Gilliar, in which Gilliar said ‘Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid’ and ‘let’s get the company set up, then tell H and family the high stakes and get Joe involved.’

Hemingway highlighted one story by politics site Politico as particularly influential, published the day after the first Post laptop revelation.

It was headlined ‘Hunter Biden Story Is Russian Disinfo, Dozens of Former Intel Officials Say.’ But the public letter on which it was based, signed by 50 former members of military and American intelligence agencies, in fact said: ‘We want to emphasize that we do not know if the e-mails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement.’ later obtained a copy of the abandoned laptop’s hard drive and commissioned the founder of the FBI’s cyber forensics unit to analyze it. Their report found the contents were genuine and there was no evidence of tampering – by Russians or anyone else later obtained a copy of the abandoned laptop’s hard drive and commissioned the founder of the FBI’s cyber forensics unit to analyze it. Their report found the contents were genuine and there was no evidence of tampering – by Russians or anyone else.

But Hemingway described how influential media figures had already dismissed the evidence without investigation before the election, picking out one choice quote by David Frum of The Atlantic, who wrote: ‘The story could not have been more obviously fake if it had been wearing dollar-store spectacles and attached plastic mustache.’ continues to publish stories based on verified material from Hunter’s laptop, including revelations this week that the president could become embroiled in the FBI investigation into his son.

Emails reveal Hunter and his father shared bank accounts, paid each other’s bills and that Hunter’s business partner involved in his foreign dealings, Eric Schwerin, worked on Joe’s taxes while he was vice president.

A former federal prosecutor and expert on money laundering and criminal tax law, and a former U.S. Intelligence Officer and Treasury Special Agent who is an expert in money laundering probes, told the emails could lead investigators looking into Hunter to also pursue his father.

AUTHENTICATING THE LAPTOP commissioned cyber forensics experts at Maryman & Associates to examine the hard drive to determine its authenticity.

The firm’s founder, Brad Maryman, was a 29-year veteran of the FBI, served as a Chief Information Security Officer and founded the bureau’s cyber forensics unit. His partner, Dr. Joseph Greenfield, is an associate professor at the University of Southern California and helped write their degree program in intelligence and cyber operations. 

After an extensive analysis of the hard drive, Greenfield and Maryman produced a report for detailing their findings.

Using the same forensic tools as federal and state law enforcement in criminal investigations, they found a total of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails and more than 2,000 photos.

They found emails for multiple accounts on the laptop dating back to 2009, and other data which ‘appears to be related to Mr. Biden’ between 2016 and 2019.

 – The report’s findings were consistent with the known timeline for the hard drive. A Wilmington, Delaware computer store work order with Hunter’s signature shows he left his 2017 MacBook Pro laptop there on April 12, 2019.

The Maryman & Associates report said the original ‘Macintosh HD’ drive was created on March 28, 2018

Hunter’s iCloud email address was added to the laptop’s system on October 21 2018, as well as his work email at his firm Rosemont Seneca on February 2 2019. 

The same day, a Gmail address he used to log onto sex cam sites, and another personal Gmail address belonging to Hunter, were also added. 

– Beau Biden’s old Gmail account was added on February 7 2019.

– Emails addressed to Hunter’s various email addresses dating from December 2009 to December 2020 were found on the system.

– An iPad with the name ‘Hunter’s iPad’ and three email addresses associated with the Biden family was backed up on the laptop and on iCloud in January 2019 and again a month later.

– Greenfield found 818 call logs in this iPad backup with timestamps from June 2016 to February 2019. 

– There were 8,942 entries in the iPad’s contacts book, created between April 2016 and January 2019.

In February 2019 an iPhone XS was also synced with the laptop. Its serial number was consistent with the timestamps of the data on the phone. 

 In conclusion, ‘The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no evidence was found to suggest that the timestamps or data were altered or manufactured,’ the report said. ‘No indications were found that would suggest the data was manufactured.’   




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