Dominic Raab claims men are also victims of misogyny

‘Misogyny against a MAN is absolutely wrong’: Dominic Raab claims men are also victims of hate speech in bungled backing of Boris Johnson’s refusal to make hatred against women a crime

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab awkwardly claimed that misogyny is applicable to both men and womenMinister made remark during interview with BBC Breakfast while discussing inquiry into Sarah Everard caseHe told Sally Nugent: ‘Misogyny is wrong, whether it’s a man against a woman, or a woman against a man’Ms Nugent interjected: ‘The dictionary definition of misogyny is hatred against, directed towards, women’






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Dominic Raab bizarrely claimed that misogyny is applicable to both men and women in a bungled backing of Boris Johnson’s refusal to make hatred against women a crime amid a brewing row over women’s safety following the Sarah Everard murder.

The Justice Secretary made the remark during an interview with BBC Breakfast today while discussing a new inquiry which will look at the ‘systematic failures’ that allowed Miss Everard’s killer Wayne Couzens to be employed as a Metropolitan Police officer.  

Mr Raab told presenter Sally Nugent: ‘Misogyny is absolutely wrong, whether it’s a man against a woman, or a woman against a man.’ Ms Nugent then interjected, correctly telling him that the dictionary definition of misogyny is hatred against and directed towards women.

What is misogyny? 

According to Merriam-Webster, misogyny is ‘hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women’.

The word is formed from the Greek roots ‘misein’ (‘to hate’) and ‘gyne’ (‘woman’).

It can also be distinguished from the word sexism, which means ‘discrimination based on sex’.


Later in the interview, Ms Nugent offered the Justice Secretary the opportunity to clarify what he meant, reading back his comments and asking: ‘Is that what you meant to say?’

Mr Raab then continued to restate the Prime Minister’s position that misogyny should not be made a hate crime and did not address his earlier remark. He did not acknowledge referring to misogyny as being applicable to men as well as women.

‘What I meant is if we are talking about things below the level of public order offences of harassment, intimidation, which are rightly criminalised,’ he said.

‘If we are talking about effectively insults with a sexist basis I don’t think that criminalising those sorts of things will deal with the problem that we have got at the heart of the Sarah Everard case, which is a question partly around the police but also the broader question and the fear women face that their cases don’t get to court and don’t end up with a conviction.

‘And therefore just criminalising insulting language even if it’s misogynistic doesn’t deal with the intimidation and the violence and the much higher level of offence and damage and harm that we really ought to be laser light focused in on.’ 

Seizing on Mr Raab’s apparent confusion over the meaning of misogyny, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary David Lammy thundered: ‘Justice Secretary Dominic Raab doesn’t know the definition of misogyny. No wonder the Conservatives are hopeless at tackling violence against women and girls.’

Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary Anneliese Dodds tweeted: ‘The man in charge of our justice system literally doesn’t understand the meaning of the word misogyny. If you don’t understand it, how can you tackle it?’

Liberal Democrat equalities spokeswoman Wera Hobhouse said: ‘It’s little wonder the Conservatives are failing to tackle misogyny when their Justice Secretary doesn’t even seem to know what it is. These comments are an insult to the millions of women and girls impacted by misogyny and show just how out of touch the Conservatives are on this issue. ‘

And the Women’s Party wrote on social media: ‘It’s no wonder our government won’t initiate an independent inquiry specifically into police misogyny – they don’t even know what the word means.’ 

Yesterday the Prime Minister brushed off calls to formally recognise misogyny as a hate crime, instead arguing the ‘abundance’ of existing laws should be better enforced rather than new legislation brought in. 

Mr Johnson has vowed to make domestic violence and rape the ‘number one issue’ he tackles within policing, and said the way police and criminal justice system currently handles violent crimes against women was ‘just not working’.  

His comments come amid a brewing national row over women’s safety in the wake of the killings of Miss Everard and primary schoolteacher Sabina Nessa, with thousands sharing their experiences of feeling unsafe on streets, parks and other public areas in Britain.

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab (left) awkwardly claimed that misogyny is applicable to both men and women as he backed Boris Johnson’s refusal to make hatred against women a hate crime (right, the Prime Minister)

Responding to Mr Raab’s interview, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary David Lammy thundered: ‘Justice Secretary Dominic Raab doesn’t know the definition of misogyny. No wonder the Conservatives are hopeless at tackling violence against women and girls.’ Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary Anneliese Dodds tweeted: ‘The man in charge of our justice system literally doesn’t understand the meaning of the word misogyny. If you don’t understand it, how can you tackle it?’

An inquiry has been set to up to examine how Metropolitan Police firearms officer Wayne Couzens was able to abduct, rape and murder Miss Everard (left) in March. It also comes just weeks after primary school teacher Sabina Nessa (right) was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17

Calls for ALL police officers across UK to be re-vetted: Ex Met Police chief says every officer should be reassessed in wake of Sarah Everard murder to restore trust 

A former senior officer with the Metropolitan Police has called for all serving officers to be re-vetted follow disclosures about Wayne Couzens. 

Parm Sandhu, an ex-chief superintendent, said urgent action was needed to restore public confidence in the police.

She told Sky News’s Trevor Phillips on Sunday: ‘Everybody who works in policing now should be re-vetted. Those people who got through the vetting procedure 20 years ago, 30 years ago, all of them.

‘Every single person needs to be reviewed and if anything comes up in their past – it doesn’t have to be a conviction, it just needs to be come to notice, because this man did come to notice.

‘It needs to be done now as an urgent measure to reassure the public and rebuild the trust and confidence that policing has lost, but it needs to be done on a regular basis so that we don’t have anybody that even comes close to the actions of Wayne Couzens.’

It comes after figures, obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, revealed that 26 officers from Scotland Yard have been convicted of sex crimes including rape, possessing indecent images of children, and voyeurism since 2016.

Five allegedly carried out sex offences while on duty since 2010, with one officer recruited last year despite having a conviction for indecent exposure.

Two were jailed for their offences in April this year – just a month after the horrifying abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard.


Couzens, 48, murdered Miss Everard, 33, after using Covid powers to stage a fake arrest and kidnap the marketing executive as she walked along a street in Clapham in March. The disgraced officer was given a life sentence at the Old Bailey last week.

Mr Johnson added the ‘anger over Ms Everard’s murder is a symptom’ of a ‘wider frustration that people feel’. 

Asked if he believed misogyny should be a hate crime, Mr Johnson told BBC Breakfast yesterday: ‘I think that what we should do is prosecute people for the crimes we have on the statute book.

‘That is what I am focused on. To be perfectly honest, if you widen the scope of what you ask the police to do, you will just increase the problem.

‘What you need to do is get the police to focus on the very real crimes, the very real feeling of injustice and betrayal that many people feel.’

Mr Johnson also backed the recruitment of more female police officers as a potential solution to change institutional cultures within police forces.  

It comes as Home Secretary Priti Patel announced an independent inquiry into the ‘systematic failures’ that allowed Couzens to serve as a Met police officer and murder Miss Everard. 

It also comes just weeks after Miss Nessa, 28, was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17. 

Eleven police units, including Nottinghamshire, North Yorkshire, Avon and Somerset, have adopted misogyny or gender as a form of hate crime for recording purposes, but dozens of other forces are yet to do so.

Associate Professor Loretta Trickett, of Nottingham Law School, co-authored a report which analysed levels of misogyny and hate crime two years after the policy was brought in by Nottinghamshire Police.

She said: ‘Boris Johnson’s comments display an unwillingness to listen to women’s experiences and to recognise that crimes against women are driven by misogyny.

‘Indeed, there is a key difference between men who abuse women and men that do not and that is the misogynistic attitudes of the former.

‘By having misogyny as a hate crime, you recognise that crimes against women are informed by hostility towards women as a social group and that they are experienced by women as hostile acts.’

She added: ‘The fact that our Prime Minister does not see the relevance of misogyny to violence against women and girls is deeply troubling.’

Campaigners have long argued that prejudice against women is a ‘root cause’ of gender-based violence and have called for it to be officially recognised as a hate crime in English and Welsh courts. 

Currently, hate crimes in England and Wales are specifically based on an individual’s race, religion, disabilities, gender identity or sexual orientation.   

MPs have been lobbying to make misogyny a hate crime over the past few months. The chairman of the Commons Justice Committee, the Tory MP, Sir Bob Neill, said last week that the Government should consider making misogyny a hate crime in the same way that racism was following the Macpherson Inquiry into the killing of Stephen Lawrence.

In July, Liberal Democrat MP Wera Hobhouse told the House of Commons that the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill should ‘enshrine misogyny as a hate crime’ during a debate on the prospective legislation.

The Bill, which contains a wide-ranging raft of measures aimed at overhauling the criminal justice system, is currently making its way through the House of Lords.

Home Secretary Priti Patel delivering her speech at the Tory party conference

Martin Hewitt, chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), said it was ‘critical’ to ‘deal with’ issues surrounding vetting and professional standards proceedings in policing. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said that the inquiry must ‘leave no stone uncovered’.

It comes after Priti Patel announced plans for an independent inquiry to look at the ‘systematic failures’ at the Met Police (pictured: Commissioner Cressida Dick) that allowed her killer Wayne Couzens to be employed as a police officer

‘Sex on duty was a perk of the job’: Ex-chief constable reveals a colleague nicknamed ‘Pervert’ had sex with a vulnerable woman while at work and claims women’s trust in police is ‘absolutely shattered’ 

Sex on duty was seen as ‘a perk of the job’ by officers, a former police chief has claimed.

Sue Fish, the ex-chief of Nottinghamshire Police, said women’s trust in law enforcement has been ‘shattered’ by recent events, including the rape and murder of Sarah Everard by serving officer Wayne Couzens.

Having slammed Dame Cressida Dick for a lack of action in tackling misogyny in the capital’s force last week, she has now lifted the lid on her experience of sexism during her time with police.

Ms Fish told the Times’ Helen Rumbelow how married women were not wanted in the force because they would soon leave to have children, and also shed light on her own experience of being sexually assaulted at work by a more senior officer.

She also revealed how she would be left, as a young probationary officer, driving a marked car around in circles while an older colleague would sleep with a vulnerable woman he’d met doing the job.

‘It’s fair to say sex on duty was seen by some of my colleagues – not all by a long chalk – as being a perk of the job,’ she said.

‘It left me as a brand-new probationer feeling like I didn’t know who to talk to about it, because saying to the concerned man, ‘Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to her, just don’t do this at all’, made no difference.’

One Nottingham officer, who was eventually arrested and jailed for having sex with a vulnerable woman, had been nicknamed ‘Pervert’ by colleagues, she revealed.

Ms Fish also revealed how she would be given a see-through female uniform blouse, and be subjected to constant comments on the state of her breasts.


A senior policing chief welcomed the Government’s plan to launch an inquiry in the wake of Miss Everard’s murder.

Martin Hewitt, chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, said it was ‘critical’ to ‘deal with’ issues surrounding vetting and professional standards proceedings in policing. 

London Mayor Sadiq Khan also backed the review, urging that the inquiry must ‘leave no stone uncovered’.

Welcoming the review, Mr Hewitt – whose NPCC group are the national co-ordination body for law enforcement – said: ‘Whilst I have confidence in the processes that we have, the reality is that there are clearly issues that emerge from this specific case.

‘So I think it warrants us looking again and working with those other bodies to ensure that we are learning every lesson that we can around not only the policies, but also the practice of how that vetting is taking place in individual forces.

‘Both of those areas (of vetting and professional standards) are absolutely critical for us to deal with … to restore public confidence in the service. And I think having an independent inquiry is a very good way for that to be to be dealt with to really help us provide that reassurance.’

Mr Hewitt said there there were already ‘very clear’ vetting policies which are continually reviewed, with checks on officers throughout their career, along with professional standards procedures.

But he added: ‘The confidence of the public is absolutely paramount, that people recognise and understand that we are doing things properly because of the powers that we have as police officers, but also it’s about the confidence of the service.’

It comes as Mr Khan said that the inquiry must ‘leave no stone uncovered’. Mr Khan, who supported the investigation, said confidence in the police had been ‘shattered’ and he hoped it ‘leads to the conclusions that leads to people having more confidence than they currently do’.

The London Mayor added: ‘Over the last few days I have been in almost daily contact with the Home Secretary and shared with her my concerns in relation to the fact that people across the country have had their confidence shattered in the police and I welcome her announcement today. 

‘We’ve got to make sure no stone is left uncovered in relation to finding out what happened in relation to this man and in relation to allegations made against his previous conduct, in relation to how the vetting process failed, in relation to missed opportunities to make sure lessons are learnt.

‘We then need to look into wider issues for policing across the country.

‘There are serious concerns in relation to the vetting practices for police forces across the country, serious concerns in relation to grievances and discipline but also in relation to the workplace environment.

‘A police service must have no truck in relation to misogyny, racism, sexism, or homophobia and we need to make sure we do what we can to restore the confidence that’s been lost over the last few weeks.’

He stopped short of backing under fire Met Police chief Cressida Dick, who has faced a swathe of criticism in the wake of the Sarah Everard case.

When asked if he thought Dame Cressida was the right person to take the force forward, he said: ‘I think when you read and hear about some of the concerns people have raised across the country, when you just reflect on the fact that between International Women’s Day last year and International Women’s Day this year, across the country 118 women were killed at the hands of a man, I think this is about more than one person.

‘This is about looking into what went on with this particular man and Sarah’s brutal murder, but also wider issues in relation to policing across the country.’



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