Octopus boss warns: ‘Next time big energy firm fails we can’t step in’

Octopus came to the rescue of Avro’s 580,000 customers, but its boss warns ministers: ‘Next time a big energy firm fails we CAN’T step in again’





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Octopus Energy boss Greg Jackson has been at the epicentre of Britain’s gas crisis – and he has dark shadows under his eyes to show for it. 

He says in usual times running the fast-growing renewable energy business he gets by on ‘five and a bit’ hours sleep. 

But since last Sunday, when Octopus was appointed to take on the 580,000 customers of failed supplier Avro Energy, 50-year-old Jackson and his team have been working around the clock to manage the fallout of the biggest casualty of the crisis-hit energy market. 

Crisis: Greg Jackson and his team at Octopus have been working flat out

‘We had meetings at midnight Friday, 8am Saturday, 3pm Saturday and then 8am Sunday to make sure we are getting everything in place,’ he says. ‘Two of our most senior managers immediately moved into hotels near Avro’s offices, so that we can do as much work as we can to look after Avro’s customers.’ 

Octopus, which now has 3.1million UK retail customers, took on Avro through the ‘supplier of last resort’ process run by regulator Ofgem, when energy companies who have capacity to absorb more customers submit bids to take on the business. 

Jackson says the cost of taking on Avro’s orphaned customers was ‘a very significant undertaking’, financially and operationally. Energy firms have to meet the upfront costs themselves but can recoup some of the costs of transferring and supplying the customers of the failed supplier via an ‘industry levy’ that ultimately falls on customer bills. 

Octopus financed the Avro deal through ‘trade routes’, before announcing a long-planned $600million investment last Monday from Generation Investment Management, a fund co-founded by former US Vice President Al Gore. 

The deal to give Generation IM a 13 per cent stake values Octopus at $4.6billion (£3.4billion) – outstripping the £3.3billion market cap of British Gas owner Centrica. 

The investment, plus a further $55million from existing investor Origin Energy, will be used to increase Octopus’s headcount from 1,800 to more than 3,000 within 18 months by expanding its export business and its Kraken technology platform, which is licensed to 17million customers through deals with third parties. 

Octopus is currently in 12 countries and is opening a new hub in Manchester, creating 300 jobs, adding to hubs in London, Brighton, Leicester and Warwick. But even Octopus’s long tentacles can only stretch so far. Jackson reveals that he suggested to Ministers that any supplier failure larger than Avro would be too big for the energy industry to absorb, and should be run under the ‘special administration’ process by a major accountancy firm appointed by the Government. 

Ministers put the plans into practice last week by asking restructuring firm Teneo to be on standby in case of a major supplier failure that cannot be handled through the supplier of last resort process. Ten energy firms have gone bust since August, affecting more than 1.7million households. 

Jackson says the Government could run a major energy firm until the market stabilises – likely to be at least until next summer – before then being broken up and sold off. 

If there are widespread failures of small suppliers over the winter, Jackson suggests Ofgem may be better off ‘bundling’ bust firms together, perhaps managing the administration of three or four firms together. 

Jackson compares the plans to the intervention in the 2008 financial crisis, when the Government created a so-called ‘bad bank’ to hold stakes in bailed-out businesses. He says: ‘All that would be designed so that you can minimise the cost of supplier of last resort processes and really address the issues when the market normalises. That way there would be less cost to the bill-payers and the public.’ 

Last weekend, it emerged that Octopus could be eyeing a takeover of Bulb Energy, which has about 1.7million customers in the UK. Jackson clams up when asked whether there is any truth in the speculation. ‘We just can’t comment on any M&A rumours involving our own company.’ 

He is back to his usual gregarious self when talking about how to fix Britain’s energy market, after being invited to a crisis summit with Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng and around 20 other industry bosses as the gas crisis flared up in September. 

Jackson says Kwarteng’s round-tables are ‘lively’ and highlight ‘differing opinions between industrial leaders’. His own view is that the Government should tackle soaring energy bills by ‘dramatically’ driving renewable generation to bring costs down and reduce Britain’s reliance on gas – particularly foreign imports. He says: ‘Let’s build our way out of this by more energy independence for Britain. If we can make electric heating cheaper than gas, then you can see that energy independent future for the UK, with low-cost green power replacing expensive carbon-emitting gas.’

He applauds last week’s announcement that the Government will switch taxes from household electricity bills to gas bills – a policy Octopus has been pushing for over the past year. Now he wants Ministers to speed up the permissions for connecting new renewable generation to the National Grid and reduce the charges suppliers pay to access this. 

To illustrate the point, he says Octopus pays 5p per unit to buy solar electricity – but then has to raise the cost to around 17p per unit when it supplies it due to network charges. ‘That’s bonkers,’ he says. ‘Renewable generation should be able to access the [electricity] wires much more cheaply.’ 

He is a staunch supporter of the energy price cap, which he says will save UK households facing ‘colossally higher’ bills this winter, and means energy companies can’t ‘sneak in high margins under the cover of high wholesale costs’. Yet some smaller firms now want the cap to be scrapped, arguing they should be free to raise prices like food retailers. 

‘This is fascinating,’ Jackson says. ‘I’m pretty sure the former Big Six now support the price cap, and some of the companies disappearing out of business no longer do. It used to be the other way round.’ 

He suggests the Government should introduce regular stress tests for suppliers with more than 20,000 customers – perhaps every three months – to ensure they are ‘hedging’ their fixed-price contracts to lock in prices in the wholesale market. He adds: ‘I have been surprised by the lack of prudence with which some companies were run.’ 


The boss of Britain’s longest-running independent energy firm has warned that a wave of supplier failures this winter could send the market ‘back to the 1990s’. 

Dale Vince, owner of Ecotricity, said he expected three more suppliers to exit the market in coming weeks – and that by the spring Britain could have only between six and 12 energy firms. 

He said the exit of scores of smaller suppliers could lead to ‘a Big Six-type situation’ similar to the 1990s, when British Gas owner Centrica, SSE, Npower, Eon, Scottish Power and EDF dominated the market.Vince, who founded Ecotricity in 1995, said: ‘We will see more bankruptcies because the market has been forced into an unnatural position, with suppliers forced to sell energy for less than they can buy it for. We are going back to the future – that’s where the price cap is taking us.’ 

The ‘Big Six’ led Britain’s energy market after British Gas was privatised in 1986 and the UK’s 12 regional electricity boards in 1990. Start-ups Octopus, Bulb and Ovo have won millions of customers in recent years, along with more than 50 new smaller suppliers. 

Vince said some new entrants had treated the market like ‘a casino’, gambling that wholesale energy prices would fall.




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