MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Trust us, Boris. We need our freedom 

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Trust us, Boris. We need our freedom

How predictable. As we head towards Freedom Day on July 19, the usual siren voices on the Left are again portending doom. 

The lockdown enthusiasts seem drunk on a cocktail of anti-capitalist ideology and reverence for an over-controlling state.

When Boris Johnson announced last week that he intended to stick to his roadmap timetable, it was inevitable that he would be accused by sections of the scientific establishment of conducting a ‘dangerous and unethical experiment’.

Opponents of liberation include Professor Susan Michie – a powerful voice on the official Sage committee who also happens to be a member of the Communist Party – and the more militant climate change activists, who seem to welcome the economic damage caused by shutdowns.

Boris Johnson (above) returns to Downing Street after making a statement on Afghanistan in the House of Commons on July 8

Boris Johnson (above) returns to Downing Street after making a statement on Afghanistan in the House of Commons on July 8

Boris Johnson (above) returns to Downing Street after making a statement on Afghanistan in the House of Commons on July 8

The rise in infections has been driven by the more transmissible Delta variant and the rapid spread of the virus in schools. 

But unlike previous waves, it has not been accompanied by a proportionate rise in deaths. 

Nearly nine out of ten UK adults now have antibodies to the virus, either through the vaccine or from the disease, which has severely weakened the link between infections and fatalities.

In addition, the school summer holidays are nearly upon us, removing the catalysing impact of classrooms. It is surely better to open up under these conditions rather than wait to do so at the outset of another winter season. As Mr Johnson said last week: ‘If not now, then when?’

Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has proved to be an irrelevance, failing to offer any constructive path out of the crisis. Pictured: Sir Keir on July 8

The rise in infections has been driven by the more transmissible Delta variant and the rapid spread of the virus in schools. Pictured: Stock image

Sadly, death rates will, inevitably, climb over the coming weeks. But Mr Johnson is right to trust the British people to react cautiously to their newly reclaimed liberty.

Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has proved to be an irrelevance, failing to offer any constructive path out of the crisis. 

This is the time for stronger leadership than Sir Keir can offer. The Prime Minister must hold his nerve and embrace freedom.


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