Martin Bashir: Ex-BBC director-generals Lord face grilling from MPs about Diana Panorama interview

BBC director-generals are savaged by MPs over Diana interview scandal: Lord Hall apologises to William and Harry for ‘hurt caused’, Lord Birt calls journalist ‘serial liar on an industrial scale’ as Tim Davie faces claims of cover up

  • Former director-generals quizzed by MPs today about Panorama interview  
  • Lord Hall accused of being evasive and giving ‘implausible’ answers to questions
  • Comes after report by Lord Dyson criticised Martin Bashir’s methods to get talk 
  • BBC’s director-general Tim Davie and Lord Birt are also quizzed by MPs

Director-generals who spent years at the top of the BBC have been savaged by MPs, who accused them of being evasive and implausible about how shamed journalist Martin Bashir was allowed to operate in the organisation.

Ex bosses Lord Tony Hall and Lord John Birt appeared before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee today and were skewered over the reporter’s actions and subsequent rehire.  

Lord Tony Hall, who was managing director of news and current affairs at the time of the interview, said sorry to Prince William and Prince Harry for the ‘hurt’ caused to them by Bashir and his own defence of the rogue reporter who conned their mother into the 1995 Panorama interview.

Meanwhile Lord Birt, director general of the BBC at the time of the interview, said his ‘heart went out’ to the sons of Diana, Princess of Wales, as he blamed senior figures at the broadcaster for being fed a ‘completely flawed understanding’ of how the reporter got the Royal chat. 

He said Bashir was a ‘serial liar on an industrial scale’ but despite this was still rehired. They are investigating if he was taken on again to keep him quiet over the Diana interview. 

Current BBC chief Tim Davie was also quizzed today, and said the Duke of Cambridge’s criticism in the wake of the Dyson report was ‘upsetting’ and a ‘sad day’ for the broadcaster.

The director-general, who took up the role in September 2020, said he has ‘engaged with the royal household directly’ since the publication of the inquiry’s findings in May.

He said he felt ‘deep sympathy’ for Diana’s sons, William and Harry, but added the BBC had offered an ‘unconditional apology’ shortly after former judge Lord Dyson concluded that the broadcaster had covered up ‘deceitful behaviour’ used by Martin Bashir to secure his 1995 interview with their mother. 

Earlier as Lord Hall declined to answer a number of questions saying he didn’t know or wasn’t the best person to answer, Labour MP Clive Efford said: ‘It’s remarkable how much people in the BBC don’t know about this’ and later said there was ‘massive amnesia at the BBC’. 

Princes William and Harry condemned the deceit and tricks suffered by their mother and the subsequent ‘woeful’ cover-up by BBC managers, including Lord Hall, who called Bashir an ‘honest’ and an ‘honourable man’ despite faking bank statements and showing them to Earl Spencer to gain Diana’s trust.

Apologising to the brothers today, Lord Hall said: ‘We did what we thought was right at the time, investigating Martin Bashir not once but twice’.

Lord Hall admitted he hasn’t spoken to William, but will apologise personally soon. He added: ‘I have a huge amount of respect for the prince, I’ve worked with him on various things in the past and I’m deeply sorry for the hurt that this has caused to him and I do want to make that clear.’

Asked if he believes what Bashir did to the princes’ mother was criminal, Lord Hall said: ‘I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer and it would not be for me to say.’  

Lord Hall has said Martin Bashir would not have been rehired by the broadcaster if the manner in which he secured his Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales had been known about at the time.

Bashir was allowed to return to the BBC in 2016 as religious affairs correspondent and subsequently became religion editor in 2018. 

He said he had not wanted to second-guess those in charge of the hiring process.

Committee chairman Julian Knight said it was ‘utterly extraordinary’ that the BBC would rehire Bashir and asked how it came to be that a ‘known liar’ was brought back to the corporation.

Lord Hall said: ‘If we knew than what we know now, of course he wouldn’t have been rehired.’

Lord Hall squirmed as he was grilled about Martin Bashir by MPs today and was accused of being evasive

Lord Hall squirmed as he was grilled about Martin Bashir by MPs today and was accused of being evasive

Lord Hall squirmed as he was grilled about Martin Bashir by MPs today and was accused of being evasive

Tory MP Mr Knight responded: ‘A cynic would suggest the process was entirely concocted so that the resolution at the end of the day was that Mr Bashir would get this job.’

A recent report by Lord Dyson criticised the methods the journalist used to secure his bombshell interview in 1995, including using fake bank statements.

Lord Hall, who was director-general of the BBC from April 2013 to August 2020 and led a 1996 internal inquiry into Bashir, started the session by acknowledging ‘how hard this has been for the royal family, for the two princes, and I’m sorry for the hurt caused’.

He added: ‘At core here, I trusted a journalist, I gave him a second chance, and that trust was abused and was misplaced.

‘I don’t think the words ‘honest and honourable’, 25 years on, look appropriate at all.’

Asked if he believes Martin Bashir might have shown the forged documents to Diana, Princess of Wales, Lord Hall said: ‘I can’t say.

Screen grab of former BBC Director General Lord Birt answering questions, via video link

Screen grab of former BBC Director General Lord Birt answering questions, via video link

Screen grab of former BBC Director General Lord Birt answering questions, via video link

Current BBC Director General Tim Davie (right) and Richard Sharp, (left) answering questions, via video link, in front of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee over the handling of Martin Bashir's interview of Diana, Princess of Wales

Current BBC Director General Tim Davie (right) and Richard Sharp, (left) answering questions, via video link, in front of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee over the handling of Martin Bashir's interview of Diana, Princess of Wales

Current BBC Director General Tim Davie (right) and Richard Sharp, (left) answering questions, via video link, in front of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee over the handling of Martin Bashir’s interview of Diana, Princess of Wales

‘But the letter 25 years ago, in her own handwriting, from the princess, saying what she said, that she was not manipulated, that Martin Bashir did not tell her anything she didn’t already know, was very powerful.’

John Nicolson MP told Lord Hall it was ‘implausible’ that he had not been closely involved in the monitoring of the re-hiring of Martin Bashir and called the Ken MacQuarrie report a ‘whitewash’.

Lord Hall said: ‘I don’t think it is, it is reporting what I know to be the case as well.

‘I was not constantly asking for briefings about one correspondent in one part of the news operation and nor would I expect to be, running the BBC.’

Mr Nicolson said the Dyson report cost £1.4 million as a result of Lord Hall’s ‘negligence’ and asked if he thought a ‘forfeit of some of your lavish BBC pension would be appropriate?’

Lord Hall said: ‘Twenty-five years ago myself and everybody believed Bashir, we made a mistake but please don’t let that colour the other things that I have done.’

He apologised to Prince William and Prince Harry for the hurt the BBC caused with an interview with their mother secured with dirty tricks and the flawed probes that followed

He apologised to Prince William and Prince Harry for the hurt the BBC caused with an interview with their mother secured with dirty tricks and the flawed probes that followed

He apologised to Prince William and Prince Harry for the hurt the BBC caused with an interview with their mother secured with dirty tricks by Bashir

He apologised to Prince William and Prince Harry for the hurt the BBC caused with an interview with their mother secured with dirty tricks by Bashir

He apologised to Prince William and Prince Harry for the hurt the BBC caused with an interview with their mother secured with dirty tricks by Bashir (right) and the flawed probes that followed

He added: ‘I’ve done a hell of a lot for the BBC and I think for the arts and I regret this one thing that we all got wrong because we were lied to by Martin Bashir 25 years ago.’

Mr Nicolson replied: ‘There has been a BBC cover-up which is why you and the other witnesses are here.’

Lord Hall said he accepted somebody should have followed up with Earl Spencer, but added: ‘We have not tried to conceal from the public or anyone any of the conclusions we came to 25 years ago, the notion that there has been some consistent lying that we have drawn under this to try to conceal something from the public is not true.’

Lord Birt was then quizzed by MPs and said his ‘heart goes out’ to William and Harry, but that senior figures at the broadcaster were fed a ‘completely flawed understanding’ of the measures Martin Bashir used to secure his Panorama interview with the princess.

The pair will appear before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee later to speak about the events leading up to the bombshell 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales (pictured here during the interview with Martin Bashir)

The pair will appear before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee later to speak about the events leading up to the bombshell 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales (pictured here during the interview with Martin Bashir)

The pair will appear before the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee later to speak about the events leading up to the bombshell 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales (pictured here during the interview with Martin Bashir)

Lord Birt held the senior position at the corporation in 1996 when an internal inquiry was launched into the events surrounding the explosive interview, in which Diana said: ‘Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.’

He told MPs that Mr Bashir had been a ‘serial liar on an industrial scale’ and that Lord Tony Hall, who led the inquiry, had reported his ‘best understanding’ of Mr Bashir’s actions.

Referencing the inquiry, he said: ‘Tony Hall reported up his best understanding – we now know a completely flawed understanding of what exactly had happened, and we all believed that was an honest account and that was one that was shared by the board of management and board of governors.’

He added: ‘It is simply not the case that anyone set out to deceive other than Martin Bashir, as you say quite a guy.

‘Unless you understand that this was a serial liar on an industrial scale you simply can’t understand the story.’

Earl Spencer hopes Diana would be ‘pleased the truth is out’ as he slams the BBC’s ‘unbelievable’ decision to clear itself over the rehiring of Martin Bashir 

Earl Spencer today told GMB he was amazed the BBC cleared itself over the rehiring of Martin Bashir and insisted the journalist should be put in the dock

Earl Spencer today told GMB he was amazed the BBC cleared itself over the rehiring of Martin Bashir and insisted the journalist should be put in the dock

Earl Spencer today told GMB he was amazed the BBC cleared itself over the rehiring of Martin Bashir and insisted the journalist should be put in the dock

Earl Spencer today slammed the ‘incredible’ and ‘unbelievable’ decision by the BBC to clear itself over the reappointment of ‘known liar’ Martin Bashir.

An internal BBC report by a long-serving former executive found there was ‘no evidence’ the corporation rehired Martin Bashir to cover-up his dirty tricks in securing his bombshell interview with Diana. 

Earl Spencer today insisted that Bashir should be charged for faking bank statements that lured his sister Princess Diana into the 1995 Panorama interview her family and friends believe hastened her death two years later.

Discussing yesterday’s report, he told Good Morning Britain: ‘It’s incredible – literally. It is unbelievable. What’s so staggering about the BBC is how they keep ploughing on in a very self-destructive way.

‘I’m a huge supporter of BBC as institution but its been a very bizarre process. I’ve seen evidence of briefings against me by the BBC – it is very troubling stuff.’

BBC bosses who employed him again have insisted that they had no idea about his past. Earl Spencer says that they are lying.

He said: ‘It’s been clearly established that they knew in March of ’96 that Bashir was a serial liar.

‘He went on to do all sorts of other things in America… and they’re saying he was a shoe in as religious correspondent.

‘What the Dyson inquiry has shown is that the BBC knew stone cold that Bashir had lied to BBC management four times. The senior echelon of the BBC did know.’

Earl Spencer said he had referred Bashir’s behaviour to the the Met.

He said: ‘If I used forged documents to benefit myself I’d be in jail straight away’.


The session also saw Lord Birt asked by Conservative MP Steve Brine whether he believed the interview helped worsen Diana’s mental state and contributed to her death in Paris in 1997.

He said: ‘It is a tragic occurrence. It is an absolute horror story and it should never have happened – and it is a complete embarrassment that it did happen. None of us can speculate.

‘My heart goes out to the sons of Princess Diana but none of us can truly speculate and understand what the consequences were.

‘What we can understand is that this was a plane crash.

‘And you probably want to discuss how it might have been avoided and what the BBC might do to ensure that it never happens again.’

Lord Birt refused to apologise to Matt Wiessler, the graphic designer who mocked up the bank statements that helped Mr Bashir secure his interview with Diana, and later tried to alert the BBC.

The former BBC boss said he does not ‘have enough evidence’ to explain why Mr Wiessler had been fired after reporting Mr Bashir’s behaviour.

Lord Birt said there were ‘absolutely no alarm bells at all’ until after he stepped down as director-general and Mr Bashir had secured his 2003 interviews with Michael Jackson.

‘To be honest, also – nobody else has mentioned this – I felt very uneasy about what he did with Michael Jackson. That was the first time my doubts started to kick in.

‘You can’t be definitive about what he did with Michael Jackson but I never liked the smell of that and the failure to reach proper conclusions in that.

‘So I did subsequently think: ‘I’m not sure about this person’.’

Appearing alongside BBC chairman Richard Sharp in front of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Mr Davie said: ‘It was upsetting, and it was a sad day.

‘Primarily I felt deep sympathy for the sons of Princess Diana and, as you know, we have offered an unconditional apology and that was the primary thing in my mind.

‘For us, as an institution that cares so deeply and has an outstanding record of journalistic integrity, it was a very low moment for us.’

Asked if he has spoken to the princes since the publication of the Dyson report, he said: ‘I have engaged with the royal household directly, I do think it’s appropriate as to who was in meetings and exactly who I talked to, they were private and confidential meetings.

‘So I think I will leave it to the royal household in terms of if they want to say anything on that, but I have talked directly to the royal household.’

Mr Davie was also questioned over why Mr Bashir had been rehired by the BBC in 2016 as religious affairs correspondent.

He said the interviewers were aware of ‘some of the controversies’ around Mr Bashir but that they ‘did not see them as substantive enough to block a re-hiring or stop them’.

Citing the ‘glory of hindsight’, he added: ‘With what I know now, having personally commissioned Lord Dyson to go at this, that hiring would never have been made, there’s no doubt about that.’

He rejected the allegation that there existed ‘BBC guidelines on faking documents’, saying: ‘I am not aware of any guidelines of that nature.’

The session also saw Mr Davie address the suggestion that the BBC moved to ‘pull the rug’ from under GB News, the new network chaired by former BBC journalist Andrew Neil, shortly before its launch on Sunday.

He said reports suggesting the broadcaster had tried to block GB News from accessing footage available via a ‘pooling’ system run by the UK’s three major broadcasters were ‘completely off base’.

‘I wouldn’t speculate apart from to say that wasn’t our intention in any way, shape or form,’ he said.

‘Some of reporting was completely off base on that one, I will be blunt. It wasn’t a tactic on our part.’

He said he was ‘very happy to get on with it and see if we can make it work’, adding: ‘There is no objection at all from outside.’

Mr Davie also outlined the BBC’s plans for children’s content and Tiny Happy People, a resource aimed at developing children’s communication and language skills.

He said: ‘I think within our strategy now is doubling down on Bitesize, the numbers for Bitesize, particularly interestingly among all demographics, and to put it on linear television during the pandemic was an outstanding success for us so I think you’ll see further investment in Bitesize.

‘In programmes like Tiny Happy People, we’re just looking at how we evolve them, but overall CBeebies is a brand that, we are under pressure from the likes of Disney and others, and the jeopardy is there, but the truth is what we need to do is make sure we are differentiated… and not frankly becoming a US-style cartoon network, to coin a phrase.

‘We’ve got good plans and excellent leadership of the children’s area in the BBC.’

It comes after a damning report slammed the methods of journalist Bashir, 58, in obtaining the interview, in which Princess Diana notoriously said ‘there were three of us in this marriage’.

The report also suggested the BBC had failed to uphold ‘governance, accountability and scrutiny’ with its internal investigation in 1996.

The probe was carried out by Lord Hall when he was the managing director of news and current affairs and Lord Birt was director-general.

Lord Hall later became director-general of the BBC from 2013 to 2020.  

In his report, Lord Dyson, a former Master of the Rolls, said Bashir used ‘deceitful conduct’ to obtain the 1995 interview with the princess, which was then covered up by a ‘woefully ineffective’ internal investigation.

Bogus bank statements commissioned by Bashir ‘deceived and induced’ Earl Spencer to help the journalist ‘to arrange a meeting with Princess Diana’, it said.

His lies landed the Panorama reporter the interview of the century and multiple awards – but hastened the end of Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles and saw her stripped of her HRH status just two years before her death. 

In May, the BBC made a ‘full and unconditional apology’ for Bashir’s conduct and the subsequent cover up.

The BBC also apologised to the whistle-blower who tried to expose Bashir’s methods.

Graphic designer Matt Wiessler was sidelined by the corporation after raising concerns that fake bank statements he mocked up for Bashir had been used by the journalist to persuade Diana to do the interview.

A review into the decision to appoint Bashir as religious affairs correspondent at the BBC following the interview found ‘no evidence’ the journalist was given the job to ‘contain and/or cover’ up the events surrounding the programme.

The review, conducted by Ken MacQuarrie, found Lord Hall, the former director-general of the BBC who led the internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the Panorama interview, did not play a part in the decision to rehire Bashir.

Last month, Lord Hall quit his Government-backed job as chairman of the National Gallery after he was criticised in Lord Dyson’s bombshell report.

Ministers had viewed Lord Hall’s job at the National Gallery as untenable given the museum’s close connection to Prince Charles, its royal patron.

Lord Birt, who was director-general of the BBC from 1992 to 2000, was also criticised following the Panorama interview with Diana, recorded without the knowledge of Buckingham Palace. 

After the recent report was published, Lord Birt said: ‘We now know that the BBC harboured a rogue reporter on Panorama who fabricated an elaborate, detailed but wholly false account of his dealings with Earl Spencer and Princess Diana.

‘This is a shocking blot on the BBC’s enduring commitment to honest journalism, and it is a matter of the greatest regret that it has taken 25 years for the full truth to emerge.

‘As the director-general at the time, I offer my deep apologies to Earl Spencer and to all others affected.’

Meanwhile, current director-general Mr Davie has contacted the royal family and is also returning all awards the explosive interview accrued, including a Bafta TV gong won in 1996.

Friends of Diana’s have claimed she may still be alive today ‘if she hadn’t spoken to Bashir’, who they nicknamed ‘The Poison Dwarf’ after his betrayal emerged, while Patrick Jephson, the Princess of Wales’ private secretary at the time, said a ‘line’ leads from her interview with Bashir to the night she died in 1997 in a Paris car crash.

Yesterday, Princess Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, tweeted ‘It won’t end with this’ after an internal BBC report found there was ‘no evidence’ the BBC rehired Bashir to cover-up his dirty tricks in securing his bombshell interview with Diana. 

Earl Spencer tweeted a link to a BBC article about the report’s findings, with the message: ‘It won’t end with this, I promise.’ 



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