HENRY DEEDES watches Matt Hancock defending his decisions during Covid pandemic

I’m a team player, he said with doe eyes… then threw everyone under the bus: HENRY DEEDES watches Matt Hancock defending his decisions during Covid pandemic

Not much of roasting, in the end. Hardly a blast of the blowtorch on the creme brulee. This was more of an agreeable simmer – a light poaching of the chicken in the warm broth.

Matt Hancock‘s appearance in front of the science and health committee yesterday wasn’t the mauling some might have hoped for – and certainly not the one Dominic Cummings craved.

Turns out, for all the blitzkrieg of claims the Prime Minister’s former aide made at the committee a fortnight ago about the Health Secretary being a ‘serial liar’ and ‘incredibly stupid’, he failed to provide a shred of evidence to back them up. Not yet, anyway. Cummings has a taste for pyrotechnics: Hancock should keep the fasten-your-seat-belts sign on for now.

The Health Secretary appeared before the committee in person wearing, at first, a carefully pre-arranged face, droopy-mouthed and doe-eyed. He sat with the pitiful look of a wronged wife standing in the dock, about to pour a pitcher of slurry upon her abuser.

Matt Hancock’s appearance in front of the science and health committee yesterday wasn’t the mauling some might have hoped for – and certainly not the one Dominic Cummings craved

He found an immediate ally in committee chair Greg Clark who, you will recall, also once found himself caught in the Cummings crosshairs. One by one, Clark ticked off all those vicious smears Cummings levelled at Hancock.

Had Hancock ever lied to the Prime Minister? Never! Had there been a shortage in PPE gear? No! Had he claimed all patients returning to care homes from hospitals would be tested? Of course not!

Hancock had ‘no idea’ why Cummings had taken against him but pointed out that ‘Government has operated better in the past six months’. Let the record show, Clark seemed to savour this velveteen jibe. Incidentally, Hancock never once referred to Cummings, who left Downing Street in November, by name. Throughout, he was He Who Must Not Be Named.

Time and again Hancock sought to assure the committee he was nothing like the incompetent twerp Cummings made him out to be. Rich coatings of ghee were lathered upon his reputation. 

Turns out, for all the blitzkrieg of claims the Prime Minister’s former aide made at the committee a fortnight ago about the Health Secretary being a ‘serial liar’ and ‘incredibly stupid’, he failed to provide a shred of evidence to back them up

Turns out, for all the blitzkrieg of claims the Prime Minister’s former aide made at the committee a fortnight ago about the Health Secretary being a ‘serial liar’ and ‘incredibly stupid’, he failed to provide a shred of evidence to back them up

Turns out, for all the blitzkrieg of claims the Prime Minister’s former aide made at the committee a fortnight ago about the Health Secretary being a ‘serial liar’ and ‘incredibly stupid’, he failed to provide a shred of evidence to back them up

Hancock had ‘no idea’ why Dominic Cummings (pictured) had taken against him but pointed out that ‘Government has operated better in the past six months’

Hancock had ‘no idea’ why Dominic Cummings (pictured) had taken against him but pointed out that ‘Government has operated better in the past six months’

Hancock had ‘no idea’ why Dominic Cummings (pictured) had taken against him but pointed out that ‘Government has operated better in the past six months’

Apparently, we were witnessing someone ‘mission-driven’ and who ‘took responsibility’ and acted with ‘honesty and integrity’. At one point, Hancock poked his solar plexus and insisted that ‘deep in here’ he’d done his best to protect the country.

Though he conceded he was guilty at times of being ‘direct’ and ‘forceful’ in order to get things done. Groan. It was like reading a university graduate’s first job application. The delivery? Straight from the Tony Blair playbook: A choppy back of the hand movement here, a forefingered prod of the desk there. It is said Hancock and the rest of George Osborne’s treasury team used to observe the former PM’s performances the way aspiring ballet dancers study Nureyev’s arabesques.

For all his repeated assertions that he was a ‘team player’, he wasn’t shy about tossing people under the bus. He wished he’d challenged Sage’s advice more. The care home stuff was really the responsibility of local government. Oh, and the World Health Organisation gave us a duff steer at the beginning of the crisis. Apparently some poor translator was to blame.

Had Hancock ever lied to the Prime Minister? Never! Had there been a shortage in PPE gear? No! Had he claimed all patients returning to care homes from hospitals would be tested? Of course not!

Had Hancock ever lied to the Prime Minister? Never! Had there been a shortage in PPE gear? No! Had he claimed all patients returning to care homes from hospitals would be tested? Of course not!

Had Hancock ever lied to the Prime Minister? Never! Had there been a shortage in PPE gear? No! Had he claimed all patients returning to care homes from hospitals would be tested? Of course not!

By the halfway mark, the hangdog expression had gone and the Hancockian swagger had come roaring back. The arms were splayed, the chest swelled. While recounting a conversation with Spain’s health minister, for one brief, horrifying moment he seemed on the verge of performing his counterpart’s role in a Spanish accent. Dios mío!

Someone asked about the needless 100,000 tests a day target Hancock set himself last summer, described by Cummings, and pretty much everyone else by the sounds of it, as ‘stupid’. Why had he bothered with it? ‘Sometimes yer gotta put yerself on the line,’ Hancock barked. A ‘look at me’ vanity project, in other words.

Things got a bit snippy toward the end. He got needlessly uppity with two grandstanders, Sarah Owen (Lab, Luton N) and Dawn Butler (Lab, Brent C). But he’s an oddly sensitive fellow, Hancock. Proud, preening and convinced of his own righteousness.

No wonder Cummings hates him.


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