CDC director says vaccinated people can go maskless

The CDC’s updated mask guidance means the United States is one step closer to returning to normal, but the pandemic is not over yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday.

“I wouldn’t want to declare victory prematurely, but I’m saying this is clearly a step in the direction that we want to go,” Fauci said.

Thursday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced major updates to the CDC’s mask guidance.

People fully vaccinated against Covid-19 don’t need to wear masks or practice social distancing indoors or outdoors, except under certain circumstances, she said.

“If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic,” Walensky said.

People vaccinated against Covid-19 can go without masks indoors and outdoors, CDC says

People vaccinated against Covid-19 can go without masks indoors and outdoors, CDC says

She cited three studies — one from Israel and two from the United States — that show vaccines work.

The Israeli study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed the vaccine was 97% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 86% effective against asymptomatic infection in more than 5,000 health care workers.

Walensky’s announcement had a few caveats. The requirement to wear masks during travel — on buses, trains, planes and public transportation — stands, Walensky said.

Anyone who develops Covid-19 symptoms should put their mask back on and get tested, she said.

And those with compromised immune systems should speak with their doctors before giving up their masks.

“The past year has shown us that this virus can be unpredictable, so if things get worse, there is always a chance we may need to make a change to these recommendations,” Walensky said.

Despite the new guidance, people should be able to make their own choices in wearing masks, Fauci said.

“What you heard from Dr. Walensky is the recommendation based on science. And that’s just a recommendation. And when people want to do that, they at least have the science behind them,” Fauci said.

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with an individual who has a certain level of risk aversion, as we know the risk is extremely low of getting infected whether you’re indoors or outdoors,” Fauci said. “But there are those people who don’t want to take that bit of a risk, and there’s nothing wrong with that, and they shouldn’t be criticized.”

Children too young to be vaccinated will still have to wear masks indoors and around others, though, even if older kids and adults are free to take off face protection once they are fully vaccinated, Fauci said.

While it’s impossible to get Covid-19 from any of the vaccines used in the United States, the vaccines aren’t 100% effective against infection — and a small number of people have gotten coronavirus.

But in those rare cases, “the resulting infection is more likely to have a lower viral load, may be shorter in duration, and likely less risk of transmission to others,” Walensky said.

Pediatricians urge teens to get vaccinated

Although adolescents were not classified in the most at-risk group when Covid-19 broke out, officials say it is crucial for them to be vaccinated.
Americans as young as 12 begin to get vaccinated against Covid-19 after FDA's authorization

Americans as young as 12 begin to get vaccinated against Covid-19 after FDA's authorization

Though not as commonly severe as its impact on older populations, the virus can still be dangerous to teens. More adolescents have been hospitalized for severe coronavirus disease than are usually hospitalized for influenza, the CDC said Wednesday.

“Adolescents 12 to 17 years of age are at risk of severe illness from Covid-19,” CDC’s Dr. Sara Oliver told a meeting of the CDC’s outside vaccine advisers. “There have been over 1.5 million reported cases and over 13,000 hospitalizations to date among adolescents 12 to 17 years.”

And children and teens are starting to make up a larger proportion of coronavirus cases, Oliver said.

“In April, 9% of cases were aged 12 to 17 years, which actually represents a larger proportion of cases than adults 65 and older,” she told the meeting. “However, we note that diagnosed and reported cases are an underestimate.”

CDC says it's OK to get a Covid-19 vaccine alongside other vaccines

CDC says it's OK to get a Covid-19 vaccine alongside other vaccines

CVS pharmacies will begin administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to people as young as 12 beginning Thursday, the company said.

Teens should get their vaccines as soon as possible, even at the same time as routine childhood vaccinations, the American Academy of Pediatrics said Wednesday.

“This is truly an exciting development that allows us to protect a large population of children and help them regain their lives after a really rough year,” AAP President Dr. Lee Savio Beers said in a statement.

“As a pediatrician and a parent, I have looked forward to getting my own children and patients vaccinated, and I am thrilled that those ages 12 and older can now be protected. The data continue to show that this vaccine is safe and effective. I urge all parents to call their pediatrician to learn more about how to get their children and teens vaccinated.”

The data behind the protection

Health experts have combated some vaccine hesitancy by citing growing evidence of their safety and efficacy.

Covid-19 vaccine myths: These reasons for not getting a shot don't hold up. In fact, they'll set the US back

Covid-19 vaccine myths: These reasons for not getting a shot don't hold up. In fact, they'll set the US back

Vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer continue to be more than 90% effective, based on various studies, a CDC official said Wednesday.

A review of the efficacy of mRNA vaccines — those that use messenger RNA to deliver immunity — shows two doses provide strong immunity in a variety of groups, Dr. Katherine Fleming-Dutra of CDC’s respiratory diseases branch told a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

Vaccination of younger teenagers and preteens provides far more benefits than harm, Oliver said.

10 reasons why young, healthy people really need to get vaccinated

10 reasons why young, healthy people really need to get vaccinated

Not only do the vaccinations protect against severe illness in adolescents and the ongoing medical complications that could accompany infection, but they protect the adults in the household. Meanwhile, clinical trials for the vaccine in adolescents showed efficacy over 100% and presented no serious adverse events, Oliver said.

And though Johnson & Johnson came under scrutiny for rare blood clots linked to the vaccine, data from the CDC also shows that its benefits outweigh its risks.

The chances that a person vaccinated with the J&J vaccine will develop a rare and specific type of blood clot are less than 1 in 300,000, according to CDC data. But in the past two months, about 1 in every 7,600 Americans has died of Covid-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. That is more than 40 times the number of people who reported blood clots.

CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen, John Bonifield, Naomi Thomas, Deidre McPhillips, Lauren Mascarenhas, Stella Chan, Carma Hassan, Maggie Fox and Virginia Langmaid contributed to this report.


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