President Joe Biden, 78, falls up the stairs of Air Force One

White House blames ‘fresh breeze’ for knocking over Joe Biden THREE times as he walked up the stairs of Air Force One sparking fesh fears over the 78-year-old leader of the free world’s health

  • President Biden fell as he climbed up the stairs of Air Force One on Friday morning at Joint Base Andrews 
  • The President stumbled multiple times, clinging on to the railing, then he fell to his knees 
  • He got back up and carried on climbing before giving a salute at the top then vanishing into the aircraft 
  • Biden has long faced questions over his health; he regularly mixes up names and titles 
  • On Thursday, he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘President Harris’ 
  • The fall is the latest in a string of incidents which raise concerns over the President’s health and ability to lead
  • It also comes at a moment of heightened tensions between the US, Russia and NA  
  • Until recently, the President was walking in a boot after breaking his foot while playing with his dog Major 
  • Biden, 78, is the oldest President in history; Ronald Reagan was 77 when he left office and he was 69 when he was elected 
  • Trump was 70 when elected and was 74 when he left office earlier this year  


The White House has blamed Biden falling up the stairs of Air Force One on the wind and insisted he is ‘100 percent fine’.   

Biden, 78, was boarding the aircraft at Joint Base Andrews just before noon for a flight to Atlanta when he stumbled. He gripped on to the railing, steadied himself and kept going but lost his footing a second time and then a third.

On the third trip, he fell to his knees. He got back up then carried on up the stairs before giving a salute at the top then disappearing into the aircraft. Once on the plane, White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that he was ‘100 percent fine’ and was preparing for his trip in Atlanta.   

She also said: ‘It’s pretty windy outside. It’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself.’ 

Wind gusts were 19mph at Joint Base Andrews when the President was boarding the plane which is officially categorized as a ‘fresh breeze’ by the internationally recognized Beaufort Scale. 

Once he landed in Atlanta, President Biden remained on AF1 a short while until Vice President Kamala Harris – who had flown separately on AF2 – joined him on board. The White House said it was to discuss their agenda for the day. 

She then disembarked with him, walking behind him as he slowly descended the stairs. 

The fall does nothing to reduce concern for and speculation over Biden’s cognitive health which was has grown in recent months thanks to a series of mix-ups on his behalf. 

A White House pool report was issued by the reporters traveling with Biden within seconds of the fall but it was not covered extensively by major news networks for around 30 minutes after it happened and it is missing from the websites of many major outlets.  

Republicans including Donald Trump Jr. say the gentle media coverage of Biden’s fall is another example of the ‘mainstream media’ giving Biden the soft treatment after hammering President Trump for four years.

The fall is also the latest in a string of incidents which raise concern over the President’s health and comes a day after he  referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘President Harris’.  

Donald Trump Jr. said it was 'no wonder' the US was being attacked by 'enemies' Russia and China when Biden's health is in question

Donald Trump Jr. said it was 'no wonder' the US was being attacked by 'enemies' Russia and China when Biden's health is in question

Donald Trump Jr. said it was ‘no wonder’ the US was being attacked by ‘enemies’ Russia and China when Biden’s health is in question

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this meme joking that it wasn't the wind that knocked Biden over but a golf ball fired at his head by Trump

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this meme joking that it wasn't the wind that knocked Biden over but a golf ball fired at his head by Trump

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this meme joking that it wasn't the wind that knocked Biden over but a golf ball fired at his head by Trump

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this meme joking that it wasn't the wind that knocked Biden over but a golf ball fired at his head by Trump

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this meme joking that it wasn’t the wind that knocked Biden over but a golf ball fired at his head by Trump

Biden's first stumble as he bounded up the stairs of Air Force One

Biden's first stumble as he bounded up the stairs of Air Force One

Biden's first stumble as he bounded up the stairs of Air Force One

Biden's first stumble as he bounded up the stairs of Air Force One

Biden’s first stumble as he bounded up the stairs of Air Force One

The President recovered and kept going but quickly lost his footing again

The President recovered and kept going but quickly lost his footing again

The President recovered and kept going but quickly lost his footing again

The President recovered and kept going but quickly lost his footing again

The President recovered and kept going but quickly lost his footing again

Biden then got back on his feet somewhat and carried on walking, clinging on to the railing

Biden then got back on his feet somewhat and carried on walking, clinging on to the railing

Biden then got back on his feet somewhat and carried on walking, clinging on to the railing

Biden then got back on his feet somewhat and carried on walking, clinging on to the railing

Biden then got back on his feet somewhat and carried on walking, clinging on to the railing

The President then lost his balance again and fell to his knees on the carpeted stairs

The President then lost his balance again and fell to his knees on the carpeted stairs

The President then lost his balance again and fell to his knees on the carpeted stairs

The President then lost his balance again and fell to his knees on the carpeted stairs

The President then lost his balance again and fell to his knees on the carpeted stairs

Biden immediately recovered and got back on his feet to get to the top of the steps

Biden immediately recovered and got back on his feet to get to the top of the steps

Biden immediately recovered and got back on his feet to get to the top of the steps

Biden immediately recovered and got back on his feet to get to the top of the steps

Biden immediately recovered and got back on his feet to get to the top of the steps

Once at the top of the stairs, Biden gave a military salute before disappearing into the aircraft. The White House says he is 100% fine

Once at the top of the stairs, Biden gave a military salute before disappearing into the aircraft. The White House says he is 100% fine

Biden gave a military salute before disappearing into the aircraft

Biden gave a military salute before disappearing into the aircraft

Once at the top of the stairs, Biden gave a military salute before disappearing into the aircraft. The White House says he is 100% fine and is preparing for his trip in Atlanta

White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield tweeted this after the fall

White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield tweeted this after the fall

White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield tweeted this after the fall

Earlier this week, Biden also engaged in a bitter stand-off with Russian President Vladimir Putin which ended with Putin wishing him ‘good health’ and withdrawing an envoy to the US which puts the relationship between the two countries in perilous territory. 

Biden called Putin a ‘killer’ in an interview earlier this week and also said he will ‘pay a price’ for Russia trying to meddle in the 2016 election. 

The White House and Biden’s camp routinely play down concerns about his health and insist he is fit to lead. 



Until recently, Biden was walking in a boot after breaking his foot while playing with his dog, Major, in November.


His physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, said in a statement at the time that he would likely be required to wear a bootie for several weeks. 

However Biden’s recovery appeared to go well, and he was soon spotted in public without the boot on. 


 In December 2019, there were concerns over Biden’s health, in particular leading up to the 2020 election. 

He released medical records which showed he has an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol, but which described him as a ‘healthy, vigorous 77-year-old.’

Some experts questioned whether or not he was as healthy as he claimed. 


Days before the election, he became confused when introducing is granddaughter Natalie at an event, and instead referred to her as ‘my son Beau’. 

Beau Biden died in 2015 after battling a brain tumor. 

The President also has a grandson called Beau, who is the son Hunter Biden and his new wife. 

The baby is 11 months old. 



Biden is the oldest President in history; Ronald Reagan was 77 when he left office and he was 69 when he was elected. 

Trump was 70 when elected and was 74 when he left office earlier this year. 

Throughout his campaign, Biden fought off Trump’s nickname for him – Sleepy Joe. 

He also poked fun at Trump’s health once or twice. 

In September 2020, when Trump slipped on a wet ramp, Biden, in retaliation for the Sleepy Joe comments, said: ‘Look at how he steps and look at how I step.

‘Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. 

‘OK? Come on.’

After Friday’s fall, many asked why the media – which enthusiastically reported on Donald Trump slipping on a ramp – did not give the same zeal to its reporting of Biden’s fall. 

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted: ‘I remember the press bashing Trump for touching the rail once. 

‘Biden falls repeatedly but I’m sure he’s the picture of health. No wonder all our enemies are pouncing simultaneously and mocking him publicly.’ 

Others asked when media outlets were going to start questioning Biden’s health, as they did Trump’s.  

Until recently, Biden was walking in a boot after breaking his foot while playing with his dog, Major, in November. 

His doctor at the time said he was otherwise in good health. In December 2019, there were concerns over Biden’s health, in particular leading up to the 2020 election. 

He released medical records which showed he has an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol, but which described him as a ‘healthy, vigorous 77-year-old.’

Some experts questioned whether or not he was as healthy as he claimed. 

President Obama’s personal doctor was among them.  

‘He’s not a healthy guy. 

‘He’s not in bad shape for his age, but I wouldn’t say he’s in outstanding health. 

‘Could I guarantee he won’t have issues for the next four years? 

‘He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there,’ he told The Washington Examiner at the time.  

There has been serious speculation over Biden’s cognitive decline in recent months after a worrying trouble during the campaign where he routinely confused names and titles.  

Biden disembarked Air Force One with Kamala Harris once he was in Atlanta. She flew separately then, when AF1 was sitting on the tarmac, went on board. The White House says they wanted to discuss their plan for the day. She then walked behind him as he slowly descended the stairs

Biden disembarked Air Force One with Kamala Harris once he was in Atlanta. She flew separately then, when AF1 was sitting on the tarmac, went on board. The White House says they wanted to discuss their plan for the day. She then walked behind him as he slowly descended the stairs

Biden disembarked Air Force One with Kamala Harris once he was in Atlanta. She flew separately then, when AF1 was sitting on the tarmac, went on board. The White House says they wanted to discuss their plan for the day. She then walked behind him as he slowly descended the stairs 

Kamala Harris gently pats Joe Biden on the back after the pair disembarked AF1 on Friday before boarding Marine One

Kamala Harris gently pats Joe Biden on the back after the pair disembarked AF1 on Friday before boarding Marine One

Kamala Harris gently pats Joe Biden on the back after the pair disembarked AF1 on Friday before boarding Marine One

Biden and Harris at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday Marcy 19

Biden and Harris at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday Marcy 19

Biden and Harris at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday Marcy 19

Biden bounced back after his fall to visit the CDC with Vice President Kamala Harris. 

The pair greeted frontline workers there and commended them for their work throughout the pandemic. 

‘This is war and you are the frontline troops,’ he said. ‘Sounds silly. But think about it.’

Biden’s visit came on the day that his administration hit getting 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in arms, a goal he set for his first 100 days in office. The U.S. got to the goal on day No. 58.

‘Remember when I said my goal was going to have 100 million shots in people’s arms in the first 100 days as president and everybody said …”Oh, yeah, right,”‘ he told the CDC workers. 

‘Now it’s … “Why didn’t they say more?”‘  

The President is shown striding towards Air Force One on Friday seconds before he fell over

The President is shown striding towards Air Force One on Friday seconds before he fell over

The President is shown striding towards Air Force One on Friday seconds before he fell over

President Biden trying to regain balance on the steps of Air Force One on Friday after stumbling multiple times

President Biden trying to regain balance on the steps of Air Force One on Friday after stumbling multiple times

President Biden trying to regain balance on the steps of Air Force One on Friday after stumbling multiple times 

President Biden disappears after stumbling on the steps of Air Force One on Friday

President Biden disappears after stumbling on the steps of Air Force One on Friday

President Biden disappears after stumbling on the steps of Air Force One on Friday 

President Biden clings on to the railing as he climbs the steps of Air Force One after stumbling

President Biden clings on to the railing as he climbs the steps of Air Force One after stumbling

President Biden clings on to the railing as he climbs the steps of Air Force One after stumbling

Before he set off for Joint Base Andrews, Biden's grandson Robert and his granddaughter Natalie joined his wife Jill at the White House to wave him off from the Truman Balcony as he boarded Marine One

Before he set off for Joint Base Andrews, Biden's grandson Robert and his granddaughter Natalie joined his wife Jill at the White House to wave him off from the Truman Balcony as he boarded Marine One

Before he set off for Joint Base Andrews, Biden’s grandson Robert and his granddaughter Natalie joined his wife Jill at the White House to wave him off from the Truman Balcony as he boarded Marine One

Natalie Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden watch from the Truman Balcony as U.S. President Joe Biden boards Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on March 19, 2021 in Washington, DC

Natalie Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden watch from the Truman Balcony as U.S. President Joe Biden boards Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on March 19, 2021 in Washington, DC

Natalie Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden watch from the Truman Balcony as U.S. President Joe Biden boards Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on March 19, 2021 in Washington, DC

President Biden blows a kiss to his wife Jill, granddaughter Natalie and grandson Robert before boarding Marine One on the White House Lawn on Friday

President Biden blows a kiss to his wife Jill, granddaughter Natalie and grandson Robert before boarding Marine One on the White House Lawn on Friday

President Biden blows a kiss to his wife Jill, granddaughter Natalie and grandson Robert before boarding Marine One on the White House Lawn on Friday 

Days before the election, he became confused when introducing is granddaughter Natalie at an event, and instead referred to her as ‘my son Beau’. 

Beau Biden died in 2015 after battling a brain tumor. 

The President also has a grandson called Beau, who is the son Hunter Biden and his new wife. 

The baby is 11 months old. 

Biden and Harris are flying to Atlanta to meet with members of the Asian community after Tuesday’s shootings at three massage parlors. 

They had already planned the trip, to meet with failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, before the shootings. 

Nothing to see here: How most of the left-leaning US media totally ignored Biden’s Air Force One stumble – while the foreign press did their job for them 

Major U.S. press outlets are largely avoiding mention of President Joe Biden‘s repeated stumbles as he boarded Air Force One, drawing a contrast to breathless coverage of Donald Trump gingerly walking down a ramp at West Point a year ago.

As of Friday afternoon, the homepages of MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and New York Times had no mention of Biden’s stumbling incident earlier in the day at Joint Base Andrews.  

The fall was covered by right-leaning sites including The New York Post and Fox but many mainstream media outlets ignored it

The fall was covered by right-leaning sites including The New York Post and Fox but many mainstream media outlets ignored it

The fall was covered by right-leaning sites including The New York Post and Fox but many mainstream media outlets ignored it

The fall was covered by right-leaning sites including The New York Post and Fox but many mainstream media outlets ignored it

The fall was covered by right-leaning sites including The New York Post and Fox but many mainstream media outlets ignored it

The story was totally absent from the homepages of The New York Times and CNN

The story was totally absent from the homepages of The New York Times and CNN

The story was totally absent from the homepages of The New York Times and CNN

The story was totally absent from the homepages of The New York Times and CNN

The story was totally absent from the homepages of The New York Times and CNN 

The news blackout was not strictly partisan, with the homepage of right-leaning One America News Network also omitting any mention of the repeated tripping. 

Several U.S. publications did devote prominent homepage space to Biden’s stumble, including TMZ, Fox News, the New York Post, New York Daily News, and Politico. The Drudge Report led with an image of the stumble and banner headline reading ‘BIDEN FALLS AGAIN MONTHS AFTER INJURING FOOT’. 

CNN and ABC News carried brief items on the White House statement that Biden was ‘just fine’ after tripping, and NBC News featured a link to a video of the incident well below the fold. 

And New York Times photojournalist Doug Mills did tweet a photo of the incident with a succinct caption explaining ‘@POTUS stumbles as he walks up the steps of Air Force One,’ but was blasted with furious criticism from Biden supporters on Twitter.

Internationally, a number major foreign outlets featured prominent homepage coverage of the stumbling incident, including the UK’s Mirror, Sun, Telegraph and Times.

Internationally, foreign outlets expressed much more interest in Biden's stumble than US press. UK red tops including the Mirror and Sun splashed coverage of the incident

Internationally, foreign outlets expressed much more interest in Biden's stumble than US press. UK red tops including the Mirror and Sun splashed coverage of the incident

Internationally, foreign outlets expressed much more interest in Biden’s stumble than US press. UK red tops including the Mirror and Sun splashed coverage of the incident

Prominent news outlets in Spain and Australia also devoted homepage space to Biden’s repeated trips on the Air Force One stairs.

In contrast to the lack of interest in Biden’s stumbles, mainstream U.S. outlets heavily covered an incident last year, in which Trump took mincing baby-steps down a ramp at West Point, which he later explained was ‘very slippery.’

Although Trump did not stumble during the incident, it sparked rampant speculation about his health and criticism over his capacities, including from Biden himself.

‘Look at how he steps and look at how I step,’ Biden said in September 2020, in a clip featured on CNN. ‘Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK? Come on.’

‘Trump’s West Point walk sparks questions about his health,’ read one CNN headline. ‘Trump tries to explain his slow and unsteady walk down a ramp at West Point,’ a Washington Post headline ran.


The incident also drew a number of memes poking fun at Biden, with one Twitter users saying it must have been ‘legs day at the gym.’ 



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