UK will run world’s first controversial Covid-19 challenge trial

Scientists will pay you £4,500 to get infected with Covid: UK gets approval for world first coronavirus ‘challenge trial’ to speed up tests of vaccines and work out how the disease spreads

  • The ‘human challenge trial’ will start next month at quarantine clinic in London
  • Purposefully expose up to 90 healthy adult volunteers with dose of coronavirus
  • Seek to establish how much viral load it takes to get infected and accelerate jabs 

Healthy young Britons will be paid £4,500 to get infected with coronavirus after the UK today became the first country in the world to green light the controversial study.

The ‘human challenge trial’ will start next month in London after sealing approval from the UK’s clinical research ethics body today.

Researchers will purposefully expose up to 90 healthy adult volunteers under the age of 30 to a dose of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid. 

Participants, who will each be paid £4,500 of taxpayer cash to take part in the year-long research, will be administered a tiny dose of the virus via a nasal spray. 

They will be required to lie flat on their back for half an hour to let the virus to seep into their respiratory system.

The volunteers will be quarantined at the Royal Free Hospital for at least two weeks and kept under 24-hour surveillance until they recover from the infection before being sent home. They’ll be asked to come in follow-ups every few weeks.

During their hospital stint they’ll be asked to take cognitive tests to assess how the virus affects brain function. Doctors will also give them ‘snatch and sniff’ cards to investigate the disease’s impact on smell – one of its most common symptoms.

The study, being backed by £33.6million of Government investment, will seek to establish how much viral load it takes for a person to catch the disease, how Covid progresses after infection and how much viral particles infected people shed. 

The Imperial College London trial will also be used to accelerate the approval of promising upcoming vaccines. Standard human jab studies currently take months because scientists need to wait for volunteers to get infected naturally.

Challenge trials are commonly deployed by scientists trying to develop a vaccine and have been used in malaria, typhoid and flu.  

British scientists will be the first in the world to carry out a controversial study in which healthy volunteers are infected with coronavirus , according to reports

British scientists will be the first in the world to carry out a controversial study in which healthy volunteers are infected with coronavirus , according to reports

British scientists will be the first in the world to carry out a controversial study in which healthy volunteers are infected with coronavirus , according to reports 

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said: ‘While there has been very positive progress in vaccine development, we want to find the best and most effective vaccines for use over the longer term. 

‘These human challenge studies will take place here in the UK and will help accelerate scientists’ knowledge of how coronavirus affects people and could eventually further the rapid development of vaccines.’ 


Challenge trials involve intentionally infecting healthy people with viruses then giving them a shot of a vaccine to see if the jab can clear the virus.

These studies have been done with many illnesses, including malaria, typhoid and flu. 

But, unlike those illnesses, there is no treatment that prevents someone from falling badly ill with Covid-19.

Because of the ethical implications, so far none of the 23 clinical trials of coronavirus vaccines currently being carried out around the world have used the controversial study method.

Instead they are relying on participants who have caught the disease by accident in the community.

But because international lockdowns have been so effective, the number of people actually contracting the illness in the public is falling.

For this reason many studies are grinding to a halt.

Many projects – including Oxford University’s – have had to move their trials abroad where infection rates are higher. 

Oxford is now testing he vaccine on 6,000 people in Brazil and South Africa – and hopes to have conclusive results by the end of the year.

This would mean a jab could be rolled out in early 2021. 


Researchers are encouraging people aged between 18 and 30 years old, who are at the lowest risk of falling seriously unwell with Covid, to volunteer for the study.  

Triallists will only be accepted if they have no previous history or symptoms of Covid-19, no underlying health conditions and no known risk factors for the disease, such as being overweight or smoking. 

Anyone who is interested in taking part will be asked to take part in extensive screening that includes blood tests, X-rays, heart scans and physical examinations to make sure they are not vulnerable to Covid.

Researchers said they were only looking to recruit ‘the most healthy’ Brits.

After passing the examinations, volunteers will be infected with the original strain of coronavirus which has been circulating in the UK since last February. They will also be monitored 24 hours a day.

That strain was the dominant one across the country until this winter when it was overtaken by the highly-infectious, more deadly Kent variant. It now accounts for fewer than 20 per cent of new infections.

The researchers behind the study say they are assessing the original strain to establish a baseline before moving onto novel variants.

They told a press briefing this afternoon they chose the original strain because ‘you need to have as much information as possible’ when conducting a challenge trial, which has inherent risks.

Professor Robert Read, head of clinical and experimental sciences at Southampton University, who is involved in the study, said: ‘It’s really important to establish this model with a virus we know so much about. 

‘We know an awful lot about the original strain in UK, we know exactly the rate at which it causes complications. 

‘It [the trial of the initial strain] will show we’re able to establish infection in healthy volunteers, and most importantly if it’s safe to do that.

‘You need that information before you move onto novel variants.’

Any new treatments or vaccines will need to be able to target this variant if they are to gain approval from Britain’s medical watchdog.

However, all current Covid medicines and vaccines proven to work on the original strain have shown to be effective on the Kent one, too.  

The challenge study is being delivered by a partnership between the No10’s Vaccines Taskforce, Imperial College London, the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and drug researcher hVIVO. 

The study will initially aim to help doctors understand how the immune system reacts to different levels of coronavirus and how a person who is infected with Covid-19 virus transmits infectious particles into the environment. 

But it’s hoped that vaccine candidates shown to be safe in early studies will then be trialled on the participants to accelerate their approval. 

Vaccines are normally tested using two groups of people, both of which need to contract the disease naturally, with one given the vaccine and the other used as a control. 

Traditional clinical trials require tens of thousands of participants to boost the chance of some of them being infected with coronavirus in the community.

But, in challenge trials, the pool of volunteers can be much smaller because every person is guaranteed to be infected with the disease.

Interim Chair of the Vaccines Taskforce Clive Dix said ‘We have secured a number of safe and effective vaccines for the UK, but it is essential that we continue to develop new vaccines and treatments for Covid-19. 

‘We expect these studies to offer unique insights into how the virus works and help us understand which promising vaccines offer the best chance of preventing the infection.’ 



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