Melania Trump condemns the Capitol riot

Melania finally condemns Capitol riot but lashes out at ‘salacious gossip and unwarranted personal attacks on me’ amid claims she held a photo shoot as anarchy unfolded

  • Melania Trump broke her silence on the violent mob attack in a 600-word essay
  • She called for ‘healing’ and said she ‘absolutely condemns’ the Capitol violence
  • But she criticized ‘false misleading accusations’ after the photoshoot claims  
  • She was in the East Wing of the White House overseeing a photoshoot for a new coffee table book about presidential artifacts, a source told Mail on Sunday
  • The first lady has largely stayed under the radar since the general election 

Melania Trump on Monday broke her silence on last week’s mob attack on the Capitol, saying she ‘absolutely condemns the violence’ incited by her husband and calling for ‘healing’ as the couple prepares to leave office. 

Five days after the attacked that resulted in five deaths, the first lady published a statement that acknowledged the deaths of her husband’s supporters before the deaths of two Capitol Police officers. 

‘My heart goes out to: Air Force Veteran, Ashli Babbit, Benjamin Philips, Kevin Greeson, Rosanne Boyland, and Capitol Police Officers, Brian Sicknick and Howard Liebengood. I pray for their families comfort and strength during this difficult time,’ she wrote.

But in her 600-word essay published by the White House, she quickly turned the situation to herself, slamming the ‘salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me’ – a reference to reports she was conducting a photo shoot in the White House during the MAGA mob scene. 

‘I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me – from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain,’ she wrote in the message entitled Our Path Forward. 

Melania Trump broke her silence on last week's mob attack on the Capitol, saying she 'absolutely condemns the violence' incited by her husband

Melania Trump broke her silence on last week's mob attack on the Capitol, saying she 'absolutely condemns the violence' incited by her husband

Melania Trump broke her silence on last week’s mob attack on the Capitol, saying she ‘absolutely condemns the violence’ incited by her husband

The first lady issued a 600-word statement called Our Path Forward which was published on the White House website early on Monday

The first lady issued a 600-word statement called Our Path Forward which was published on the White House website early on Monday

The first lady issued a 600-word statement called Our Path Forward which was published on the White House website early on Monday 

Insurrection: Trump supporters invaded the Capitol on Wednesday shortly after the president had repeated his false claims of election fraud in a fiery speech near the White House

Insurrection: Trump supporters invaded the Capitol on Wednesday shortly after the president had repeated his false claims of election fraud in a fiery speech near the White House

Insurrection: Trump supporters invaded the Capitol on Wednesday shortly after the president had repeated his false claims of election fraud in a fiery speech near the White House 

Melania Trump Statement on Capitol Riots

 First Lady Melania Trump: Our Path Forward

Like all of you, I have reflected on the past year and how the invisible enemy, Covid-19, swept across our beautiful country. All Nations have experienced the loss of loved ones, economic pain, and the negative impacts of isolation.

As your First Lady, it has been inspiring to witness firsthand what the people of our great Nation will do for one another, especially when we are at our most vulnerable.

With nearly every experience I have had, I found myself carrying many individual’s stories home with me in my heart.

Most recently, my heart goes out to: Air Force Veteran, Ashli Babbit, Benjamin Philips, Kevin Greeson, Rosanne Boyland, and Capitol Police Officers, Brian Sicknick and Howard Liebengood. I pray for their families comfort and strength during this difficult time.

I am disappointed and disheartened with what happened last week. I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me – from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain.

Our Nation must heal in a civil manner. Make no mistake about it, I absolutely condemn the violence that has occurred on our Nation’s Capitol. Violence is never acceptable.

As an American, I am proud of our freedom to express our viewpoints without persecution. It is one of the paramount ideals which America is fundamentally built on. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right. With that in mind, I would like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives.

I implore people to stop the violence, never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin or use differing political ideologies as a basis for aggression and viciousness. We must listen to one another, focus on what unites us, and rise above what divides us.

It is inspiring to see that so many have found a passion and enthusiasm in participating in an election, but we must not allow that passion to turn to violence. Our path forward is to come together, find our commonalities, and be the kind and strong people that I know we are.

Our country’s strength and character have revealed themselves in the communities that have been impacted by natural disasters and throughout this terrible pandemic that has affected all of us. The common thread in all of these challenging situations is American’s unwavering resolve to help one another. Your compassion has shown the true spirit of our country.

As I said over the summer, it is these defining moments that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through empathy, strength, and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future. Each of you are the backbone of this country. You are the people who continue to make the United States of America what it is, and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything better than they found it.

It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your First Lady. I want to thank the millions of Americans who supported my husband and me over the past 4 years and shown the incredible impact of the American spirit. I am grateful to you all for letting me serve you on platforms which are dear to me.

Most importantly, I ask for healing, grace, understanding, and peace for our great Nation.

Every day let us remember that we are one Nation under God. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.


Melania Trump


While Melania has largely stayed quiet during Donald Trump’s attempts to illegally reverse the election results, she has echoed the president’s misleading language of ‘counting legal votes’ and has not publicly acknowledged Joe Biden’s victory. 

But she wrote in her latest message that ‘it has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your first lady’, a tacit acknowledgement that her term is nearly over.  

Biden takes the oath of office on January 20th. 

It’s unclear what’s in store for Melania Trump after life in the White House. She has been reportedly looking at schools for son Barron in Florida but has made no indication she plans to keep up her ‘Be Best’ campaign or her work with the military once her husband leaves office. 

The first lady has been spending her final days in the White House behind closed doors. She and her husband have rarely been seen since their return from Florida on December 31st, where they were spending the holidays at Mar-a-Lago. 

Melania’s message was published early on Monday morning, three days after the president was permanently banned from Twitter – with Trump not showing his face since promising an orderly transition in a video message on Thursday.   

And while Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump had appeared at a campaign rally Wednesday morning where the president whipped his supporters into a frenzy shortly before they besieged the Capitol, the first lady stayed out of sight during the day of chaos. 

Two of her staff quit in protest of the president’s handling of the riots: her chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham and social secretary Anna Cristina ‘Rickie’ Niceta.

As a White House source told The Mail on Sunday that during Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol, the first lady was in the East Wing of the White House overseeing a photoshoot for a new coffee table book about presidential artifacts.

‘The heart of US government was under siege, our very democracy on the line, but Mrs Trump was calmly arranging porcelain figurines for the photographer,’ the source said, saying even the most loyal remaining Trump staffers were left ‘dumbfounded’ by her actions.

Aides even asked Melania to intercede on Wednesday, to force her husband to publicly decry the insurgency, but she refused.

‘She said nothing. She remained silent and carried on arranging a vase for the shoot. She checked out of this presidency and her marriage a long time ago.’ 

Without mentioning those claims directly in her statement on Monday, Melania condemned what she said were ‘false misleading accusations on me’ from ‘people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda’.  

The first lady said she was praying for the families of the four protesters and two Capitol Police officers who died in the hours and days after the attack. 

She added that ‘our nation must heal in a civil manner’, after President Trump initially praised the mob as ‘very special’ but later condemned the violence. 

‘Make no mistake about it, I absolutely condemn the violence that has occurred on our Nation’s Capitol. Violence is never acceptable,’ she wrote. 

Trump supporters rampaged through the halls of the Capitol on a day of chaos which left America's reputation as a beacon of democracy in tatters

Trump supporters rampaged through the halls of the Capitol on a day of chaos which left America's reputation as a beacon of democracy in tatters

Trump supporters rampaged through the halls of the Capitol on a day of chaos which left America’s reputation as a beacon of democracy in tatters 

The mob invasion of the Capitol brought a halt to what used to be an uncontroversial democratic ritual, the counting of electoral votes in Congress

The mob invasion of the Capitol brought a halt to what used to be an uncontroversial democratic ritual, the counting of electoral votes in Congress

The mob invasion of the Capitol brought a halt to what used to be an uncontroversial democratic ritual, the counting of electoral votes in Congress 

She went on: ‘As an American, I am proud of our freedom to express our viewpoints without persecution. It is one of the paramount ideals which America is fundamentally built on. 

‘Many have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right. With that in mind, I would like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. 

‘I implore people to stop the violence, never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin or use differing political ideologies as a basis for aggression and viciousness. We must listen to one another, focus on what unites us, and rise above what divides us. 

‘It is inspiring to see that so many have found a passion and enthusiasm in participating in an election, but we must not allow that passion to turn to violence. 

‘Our path forward is to come together, find our commonalities, and be the kind and strong people that I know we are.’ 

A CNN report claimed that Melania, pictured, was supervising a White House photoshoot while a violent mob rampaged through the halls of Congress, but she appeared to deny this

A CNN report claimed that Melania, pictured, was supervising a White House photoshoot while a violent mob rampaged through the halls of Congress, but she appeared to deny this

A CNN report claimed that Melania, pictured, was supervising a White House photoshoot while a violent mob rampaged through the halls of Congress, but she appeared to deny this 

Melania Trump attended her husband's 2017 inauguration with Barack and Michelle Obama - but the outgoing president is boycotting Joe Biden's swearing-in on January 20 this year

Melania Trump attended her husband's 2017 inauguration with Barack and Michelle Obama - but the outgoing president is boycotting Joe Biden's swearing-in on January 20 this year

Melania Trump attended her husband’s 2017 inauguration with Barack and Michelle Obama – but the outgoing president is boycotting Joe Biden’s swearing-in on January 20 this year 

Praising Americans for their ‘strength and character’ during the pandemic, Melania also voiced thanks to the ‘millions of Americans who supported my husband and me over the past four years’.  

In November, she had drawn ire by writing on Twitter that ‘every legal – not illegal – vote should be counted’, implying that the result hinged on illegal votes as President Trump was falsely claiming.  

But she concluded Monday’s message by saying: ‘Most importantly, I ask for healing, grace, understanding, and peace for our great Nation

‘Every day let us remember that we are one Nation under God. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.’ .  

The call for unity comes amid a last-ditch attempt to remove Trump from office or at least to brand him with the disgrace of being the first president impeached twice. 

Leading Democrats have said that the president should ‘not hold office one day longer’, even with his term due to expire next Wednesday. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is set to bring forward a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet to declare Trump unfit for office under the 25th Amendment, removing him temporarily. 

If Pence does not agree to invoke the amendment, ‘we will proceed with bringing impeachment legislation’ in the House, Pelosi said.  



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