What we know about the 4 deaths in the riots

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A rioter holds a Trump flag inside the US Capitol near the Senate chamber on Wednesday, January 6.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Members of the DC National Guard stand outside the Capitol on Wednesday night after the riots.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Law enforcement officers point their guns at a door that was vandalized in the House chamber after the Capitol was breached.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A rioter hangs from a balcony in the Senate chamber.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters cover their faces after tear gas was fired in front of the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

US Rep. Jason Crow, a Democrat from Colorado, comforts US Rep. Susan Wild, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, while taking cover in the House chamber on Wednesday.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A Trump supporter sits inside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after breaching the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Papers and other materials litter the House chamber after it was evacuated.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A Trump supporter carries a Confederate battle flag in the Capitol Rotunda.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Tear gas is deployed as rioters gather outside the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Capitol Police detain rioters outside of the House chamber.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters storm the Capitol during clashes with police.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Rioters walk through the Capitol after breaching barricades to the building.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Members of Congress run for cover as rioters try to enter the House chamber.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Congressional staffers hold up their hands while Capitol Police SWAT teams secure the US Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A rioter sits in the Senate chamber.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Police keep a watch on demonstrators who tried to break through a police barrier outside the Capitol on Wednesday.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A Trump supporter sits at a desk after invading the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

People take shelter in the House chamber as rioters try to break in. House members were given gas masks that were under the seats, according to a pool reporter on the House floor.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters stand on a Capitol Police armored vehicle as others take over the steps of the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

US Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard and Annie Kuster take cover while rioters were in the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A Capitol Police officer sprays a person who was trying to enter the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters climb a wall outside the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters gesture to Capitol Police in the hallway outside of the Senate chamber.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

A crowd of Trump supporters can be seen from inside the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters walk through the Capitol’s Statuary Hall.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

People evacuate the House chamber as rioters attempt to break in.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier outside the Capitol. Shortly after 1 p.m., some pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they tussled with officers in full riot gear.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters gather outside the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Capitol Police tries to hold back people outside the east doors to the House side of the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi officiate the joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Congress was meeting to count and certify the Electoral College votes before the Capitol was breached.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Republicans applaud after US Rep. Paul Gosar, lower right, objected to certifying the Electoral College votes from Arizona.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

The certification of Arizona’s Electoral College votes is unsealed during Wednesday’s joint session of Congress.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer blows a kiss to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as he and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell arrive for Wednesday’s session.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Congress begins its joint session on Wednesday.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump arrives to speak to his supporters on Wednesday. His speech included calls for his vice president to step outside his constitutional bounds and overturn the results of the election. “Hope Mike is going to do the right thing,” Trump said at the rally. “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.”

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

People rally near the White House in support of Trump.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Chamber assistants carry Electoral College ballot boxes at the Capitol.

Pro-Trump rioters breach the US Capitol on historic day in Congress

Trump supporters participate in a rally near the White House on Wednesday.


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