Moment penny farthing rider smashes into delivery van on north London street

He’s in wheely big trouble now! Moment penny farthing rider smashes into delivery van on north London street

  • The rider turned and collided with a DPD delivery van in the footage in London
  • It is unclear when the clip was filmed, though it was posted online on Tuesday 
  • According to a man who shared the clip, the rider was bruised but unharmed 
  • Are you the penny farthing rider or do you know who is? Let us know: 

This is the moment a penny farthing rider smashed into a delivery van in North London.

The footage shows the rider travelling down a main road in Stoke Newington before turning left and colliding with the DPD delivery van. 

It’s unclear when exactly the video was filmed, though it was posted online on Tuesday morning. 

According to the man who posted it on social media, the rider was bruised but not seriously injured in the dramatic collision. 

The man rode down a main road in Stoke Newington, north London in footage seemingly filmed on Tuesday

The man rode down a main road in Stoke Newington, north London in footage seemingly filmed on Tuesday

The man rode down a main road in Stoke Newington, north London in footage seemingly filmed on Tuesday

He turned into a side street but, as he did so, a DPD van turned into his path and the two collided

He turned into a side street but, as he did so, a DPD van turned into his path and the two collided

He turned into a side street but, as he did so, a DPD van turned into his path and the two collided

Another said: ‘I have been informed by the person that shot the video that the van stopped and details were exchanged.

‘I have identified the bike as one that I manufactured and am now in the process of contacting my customers to find out who the rider was.’

He later added: ‘I’ve been in contact with the rider. Bruised but otherwise OK.’ 

It is unclear if the man’s comments on the situation are accurate, though the footage was widely shared on social media throughout Tuesday. 

The clip shows the penny farthing rider travelling down the main road, before turning left and into the path of the delivery van. 

The man was sent flying though the person who uploaded the footage said he escaped serious injury

The man was sent flying though the person who uploaded the footage said he escaped serious injury

The man was sent flying though the person who uploaded the footage said he escaped serious injury

As the two parties converge, a man is knocked off the penny farthing and can be heard yelling in pain. 

Other cyclists and a bus driver slow down as the incident occurs. 

The Metropolitan Police has been contacted for comment.  



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