Skyscanner interactive world map shows Covid travel rules by country

Over half of Britons say they’re baffled by current Covid travel rules – luckily there’s an interactive world map that breaks them down country by country

  • The continuously updated map allows users to click a country and see the latest regulations that apply there
  • A panel shows the entry requirements, any quarantine requirements and the latest number of Covid-19 cases 
  • News of a vaccine has resulted in 41% feeling increased confidence in travelling abroad in the next six months 


If you’re confused about where you can travel to right now and in the future, you’re not alone.

According to a new survey, more than half of UK adults (56 per cent) claimed they found it difficult to understand the current options available to them.

Luckily, there’s a continuously updated interactive travel regulations map displayed by Skyscanner, which commissioned the survey, that breaks down the rules country-by-country. And it’s a cinch to use – simply select which country you are travelling from at the top, click on a country and a panel pops up that reveals the latest regulations that apply there.

A continuously updated interactive travel Covid regulations map that breaks down the rules country by country can be found on the Skyscanner site. Orange means moderate restrictions and red means major restrictions

A continuously updated interactive travel Covid regulations map that breaks down the rules country by country can be found on the Skyscanner site. Orange means moderate restrictions and red means major restrictions

A continuously updated interactive travel Covid regulations map that breaks down the rules country by country can be found on the Skyscanner site. Orange means moderate restrictions and red means major restrictions

For example, if you select that you’re in the UK and click on the United States, the panel informs you that travellers from the UK are not permitted to enter or transit in the US except for exemptions, which are then listed.

It also informs you that if you do travel to the US, you will be required to quarantine on your return to the UK.  

In addition, the panel reveals the number of new Covid-19 cases there this week (currently 379.6 cases per 100,000 people) and whether infections are rising or decreasing compared to the previous week (up nine per cent on last week).

The map, which uses data from Iata, is being hosted on the homepage of Skyscanner.

The survey it commissioned was carried out by AudienceNet, which polled more than 2,000 people between November 27 and 29.

How . The panel also displays the latest news on the spread of coronavirus

How . The panel also displays the latest news on the spread of coronavirus

This image shows the information on display for Britons if they click the map of America

Out of the 56 per cent of respondents who said they found current travel options difficult to understand, more than three-quarters of these said this difficulty had tended to put them off travelling altogether.

However, the survey shows that news of a vaccine being rolled out has resulted in 41 per cent feeling increased confidence in the prospect of travelling abroad within the next six months.

Researchers say this confidence is further backed up by Skyscanner search data for travel within seven to 30 days from the United Kingdom, which shows a 62 per cent week-on-week increase in flight searches for the week commencing November 20.

If you select that you're travelling from the US and click on the map of the United Kingdom, this panel appears, advising you to quarantine for two weeks on arrival in the UK

If you select that you're travelling from the US and click on the map of the United Kingdom, this panel appears, advising you to quarantine for two weeks on arrival in the UK

If you select that you’re travelling from the US and click on the map of the United Kingdom, this panel appears, advising you to quarantine for two weeks on arrival in the UK 

Jo McClintock, Skyscanner senior director global marketing, brand and content, said: ‘People want to travel and we know there is pent-up demand from the searches we are seeing for flights and for more information. But confidence has been hit by the lack of consistency between countries worldwide regarding measures and restrictions.

‘Consumers just do not understand the complex rules and are crying out for transparent, detailed information. Our new, simple-to-use and up-to-date Skyscanner map helps travellers navigate the fast-changing travel landscape.

‘However, whilst helping travellers better comprehend the current complexities can go a long way towards building confidence, it is only one piece of the puzzle – we need to see urgent, global co-ordination and harmonisation to firmly accelerate the travel recovery.’

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