Linda Tripp says Bill Clinton ‘should be registered sex offender’

EXCLUSIVE: ‘The Clintons are the great, unwashed deplorables.’ Lewinsky whistle-blower Linda Tripp rips into the couple in posthumous memoir saying Bill ‘should be a registered sex offender’

  • Linda Tripp’s memoir Basket of Deplorables will be posthumously published on December 8 
  •  The 70-year-old had been working on her memoir up with lawyer and author Dennis Carstens up until her sudden death in April 
  • Tripp infamously secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998
  • She writes that Clinton was ‘a serial sexual predator who should have been a registered sex offender’
  • Tripp describes Hillary Clinton as Richard Nixon, using the same playbook of dirty tricks as him 
  • According to Tripp, nothing was going to stop Hillary from what she viewed as her due – eight years of the presidency
  • Tripp writes: ‘The Clintons are two of the most corrupt political operatives to ever grace the international stage’
  • ‘The Clintons are the great, unwashed deplorables instead of the American people who are not politically connected that they regard with such contempt’

Former White House and Pentagon employee, Linda Tripp who secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that led to Bill Clinton‘s impeachment in 1998, writes in her upcoming memoir that Hillary used the same playbook of dirty tricks as Richard Nixon.

And nothing was going to stop her from what she viewed as her due – eight years of the presidency.

That included lies to control fallout from all the scandals that occurred during Bill’s administration, such as Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate as well as the many bimbo eruptions created by Bill who had ‘a private and reckless serial addiction to women’.

The president was ‘a serial sexual predator who should have been a registered sex offender,’ according to the book Basket of Deplorables, published by Post Hill Press and out on December 8.

Tripp, who had been working on her memoir up until her sudden death in April with lawyer and author Dennis Carstens, writes that sexual gratification was a daily need for Clinton and women slipped nonstop into the Oval Office to service him.

Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year old White House summer intern at the time, was a mere blip on Clinton’s sexual satisfaction screen with never more than infrequent ten-minute meetings.

Over the years there were hundreds of women and Clinton put an extraordinary amount of time into satisfying his insatiable need as did his staff who provided cover.

When hapless victims threatened to go public, the Clinton machine laid waste to them and practiced politics of personal destruction.

Former White House and Pentagon employee Linda Tripp writes in her upcoming memoir that Hillary used the same playbook of dirty tricks as Richard Nixon and nothing was going to stop her from what she viewed as her due – eight years of the presidency

Former White House and Pentagon employee Linda Tripp writes in her upcoming memoir that Hillary used the same playbook of dirty tricks as Richard Nixon and nothing was going to stop her from what she viewed as her due – eight years of the presidency

Former White House and Pentagon employee Linda Tripp writes in her upcoming memoir that Hillary used the same playbook of dirty tricks as Richard Nixon and nothing was going to stop her from what she viewed as her due – eight years of the presidency

Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year old White House summer intern at the time, was a mere blip on Clinton's sexual satisfaction screen with never more than infrequent ten-minute meetings

Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year old White House summer intern at the time, was a mere blip on Clinton's sexual satisfaction screen with never more than infrequent ten-minute meetings

Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year old White House summer intern at the time, was a mere blip on Clinton’s sexual satisfaction screen with never more than infrequent ten-minute meetings

Tripp infamously secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998

Tripp infamously secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that led to Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998

Tripp infamously secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998

The president was 'a serial sexual predator who should have been a registered sex offender,' according to the book Basket of Deplorables , published by Post Hill Press and out on December 8

The president was 'a serial sexual predator who should have been a registered sex offender,' according to the book Basket of Deplorables , published by Post Hill Press and out on December 8

The president was ‘a serial sexual predator who should have been a registered sex offender,’ according to the book Basket of Deplorables , published by Post Hill Press and out on December 8

‘We just have to destroy ’em’, Hillary said often about those on her ‘enemies’ list and that included all the women who spoke up about Bill’s crude abuse.

With a compliant media attacking the accusers’ credibility, they were dismissed as kooks.

‘The Clintons are two of the most corrupt political operatives to ever grace the international stage’, writes Tripp, who had a front row seat in 1993 and 1994 working directly with the president’s Oval Office staff.

‘The Clintons are the great, unwashed deplorables instead of the American people who are not politically connected that they regard with such contempt’, the author writes.

Tripp was using her personal journals she kept over the years to tell her story when she died unexpectedly of late stage pancreatic cancer and lymph node cancer in April 2020. 

Tripp, who had been working on her memoir up until her sudden death in April with lawyer and author Dennis Carstens, writes that sexual gratification was a daily need for Clinton and women slipped nonstop into the Oval Office to service him

Tripp, who had been working on her memoir up until her sudden death in April with lawyer and author Dennis Carstens, writes that sexual gratification was a daily need for Clinton and women slipped nonstop into the Oval Office to service him

Tripp, who had been working on her memoir up until her sudden death in April with lawyer and author Dennis Carstens, writes that sexual gratification was a daily need for Clinton and women slipped nonstop into the Oval Office to service him

Hillary willingly covered up Bill’s sexual compulsions that got out of hand and she had to if she wanted what she believed was her due – to become president – and there was no grace.

She gleefully ripped him to shreds verbally in front of others with ‘language that would shock a sailor’.

‘You f**king Jew b*****d’, she screamed at him often and her use of those words became public when she screamed it at Bill’s campaign manager, Bill Fray when Clinton lost his Congressional run in Arkansas in 1974.

Bill called her the c-word. They both used the term frequently to refer to women.

Publicly they both wore masks for years, held hands only when cameras were on them, Tripp details. 

Daily they went through a power struggle that the author found laughable as they were viewed as working together for the good of the country.

‘They lived in a parallel universe of smoke and mirrors, bimbo eruptions, pay for play, sleazy land deals and private investigation,’ with what the author calls the Little Rock gang or the Little Rock mafia. They would circle the wagons when there was trouble, and the loyalists were rewarded when they followed the Clintons from Arkansas to the White House.

Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster also followed Hillary to Washington. He had worked at the Rose Law Firm, hired Hillary at the Firm and they were rumored to have had a long affair.

He was brought into all things dark with Hillary but that didn’t stop her from often berating him viciously and giving him ‘a foul-mouthed verbal flogging’, Tripp writes. 

She dumped all problems in his lap – Travelgate, health care reform, Whitewater and then ripped into him frequently.

Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster (pictured together) also followed Hillary to Washington. He had worked at the Rose Law Firm, hired Hillary at the Firm and they were rumored to have had a long affair. He was brought into all things dark with Hillary but that didn't stop her from often berating him viciously and giving him 'a foul-mouthed verbal flogging', Tripp writes

Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster (pictured together) also followed Hillary to Washington. He had worked at the Rose Law Firm, hired Hillary at the Firm and they were rumored to have had a long affair. He was brought into all things dark with Hillary but that didn't stop her from often berating him viciously and giving him 'a foul-mouthed verbal flogging', Tripp writes

Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster (pictured together) also followed Hillary to Washington. He had worked at the Rose Law Firm, hired Hillary at the Firm and they were rumored to have had a long affair. He was brought into all things dark with Hillary but that didn’t stop her from often berating him viciously and giving him ‘a foul-mouthed verbal flogging’, Tripp writes

On one occasion, Hillary wanted to hire Little Rock interior designer, Kaki Hockersmith to spark up the White House.

Vince advised her that the proposed budget was too high but Hillary went ahead.

When Kaki started spending indiscriminately and Vince called Hillary, the first lady screamed, ‘F**k the f**king cost; this is what I f**king want. Make it f**king work, no f**king excuses’.

A kind and gentle man who had graduated first in his law school class with the highest score on the bar exam, he left the office on July 20, 1993 and drove to Fort Marcy Park, along the Potomac River and pulled the trigger.

He left no note for his wife or children and questions about his untimely suicide have never ceased.

On learning of his death, Hillary’s chief of staff Maggie Williams ransacked Foster’s desk and boxes of files were quickly carried over to the residence.

Linda suggested that the Secret Service be called in to protect any evidence but Hillary ‘was not going to allow ‘f**king squirrel chasers’ ‘unfettered access to the ‘f**king office’ of the late Vince Foster.

Linda’s days of working with the Oval Office staff ended with that suggestion and she was soon transferred to a post at the Pentagon.

Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky was in hot pursuit of Clinton that began in November 1995 and continued through May ’97.

She had been floating around the Oval Office as a summer intern stalking Bill for more sexual encounters after bending over for the thong incident – flipping up her skirt in the back and showing him her thong panties and butt cheeks.

Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky was in hot pursuit of Clinton that began in November 1995 and continued through May '97

Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky was in hot pursuit of Clinton that began in November 1995 and continued through May '97

Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky was in hot pursuit of Clinton that began in November 1995 and continued through May ’97

He had been a participant in her sexcapades and called her at night to talk dirty to him and help him ejaculate. 'She became a psycho stalker and Bill, the narcissistic sexual predator, could not see what she became – until he tried to dispose of her'

He had been a participant in her sexcapades and called her at night to talk dirty to him and help him ejaculate. 'She became a psycho stalker and Bill, the narcissistic sexual predator, could not see what she became – until he tried to dispose of her'

He had been a participant in her sexcapades and called her at night to talk dirty to him and help him ejaculate. ‘She became a psycho stalker and Bill, the narcissistic sexual predator, could not see what she became – until he tried to dispose of her’

But Monica had convinced herself that Clinton loved her and they could have a life together after he left Ba-Ba, Monica's nickname for Hillary. Her ten-minute visits with Bill morphed into the romantic dates in her mind. 'Delusion does not begin to cover Monica's concept of the situation,' Tripp writes

But Monica had convinced herself that Clinton loved her and they could have a life together after he left Ba-Ba, Monica's nickname for Hillary. Her ten-minute visits with Bill morphed into the romantic dates in her mind. 'Delusion does not begin to cover Monica's concept of the situation,' Tripp writes

But Monica had convinced herself that Clinton loved her and they could have a life together after he left Ba-Ba, Monica’s nickname for Hillary. Her ten-minute visits with Bill morphed into the romantic dates in her mind. ‘Delusion does not begin to cover Monica’s concept of the situation,’ Tripp writes

He had been a participant in her sexcapades and called her at night to talk dirty to him and help him ejaculate.

‘She became a psycho stalker and Bill, the narcissistic sexual predator, could not see what she became – until he tried to dispose of her’.

She was transferred to the Pentagon – considered to be Siberia – to get her out of his sight in April 1996 – and chased after Linda Tripp to bemoan her woes and talk endlessly about her imagined romance with ‘the Big He’ on good days, ‘the Big Creep’ on bad days.

On those dark days when she feared she was out of mind because she was out of sight, she became melancholic and threatened suicide’, writes the author who describes Monica as ‘a psychiatrist’s dream patient’.

These moods were severe, powerful and swift with meltdowns increasing.

There was ‘hysterical sobbing and frightening threats of suicide when the hopelessness of her situation with Bill sank in’.

‘She was just another in a decades long string of malleable and eagerly enthusiastic sexual service providers’.

But Monica had convinced herself that Clinton loved her and they could have a life together after he left Ba-Ba, Monica’s nickname for Hillary.

Her ten-minute visits with Bill morphed into the romantic dates in her mind.

‘Delusion does not begin to cover Monica’s concept of the situation,’ Tripp writes. 

When Clinton woke up to the reality of Monica’s delusion, he showered her with re-gifted gifts hoping that would convince her to protect him.

Tripp writes Monica would have gone to her grave protecting him.

Listening to ‘the never-ending Sturm and Drang, the hopeless despair, suicide threats and the emotional wasteland that became her life for three years,’ severely stressed out Linda.

Monica’s job at the Pentagon required nothing so spent her time making plans to get back to the big house, filing and polishing her nails, styling her hair and checking her makeup.

Going back to the White House wasn’t in the cards –  although she imagined it was –  and she schemed her way into an invite to Clinton’s big birthday party at Radio City Music Hall that year.

Going back to the White House wasn't in the cards although she imagined it was and she schemed her way into an invite to Clinton's big birthday party at Radio City Music Hall (pictured) that year. At the big bash, she maneuvered into a position where she was able to grab his genitals and give 'the Big He' a little love massage'

Going back to the White House wasn't in the cards although she imagined it was and she schemed her way into an invite to Clinton's big birthday party at Radio City Music Hall (pictured) that year. At the big bash, she maneuvered into a position where she was able to grab his genitals and give 'the Big He' a little love massage'

Going back to the White House wasn’t in the cards although she imagined it was and she schemed her way into an invite to Clinton’s big birthday party at Radio City Music Hall (pictured) that year. At the big bash, she maneuvered into a position where she was able to grab his genitals and give ‘the Big He’ a little love massage’

Tripp's evidence refocused Starr's investigation on Lewinsky and any laws that might have been broken. Clinton was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He was impeached in December '98 by the House but acquitted by the Senate. Being a whistleblower subjected Tripp to harsh negativity for yearsbut at the time of writing this book, she did not regret it

Tripp's evidence refocused Starr's investigation on Lewinsky and any laws that might have been broken. Clinton was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He was impeached in December '98 by the House but acquitted by the Senate. Being a whistleblower subjected Tripp to harsh negativity for yearsbut at the time of writing this book, she did not regret it

Tripp’s evidence refocused Starr’s investigation on Lewinsky and any laws that might have been broken. Clinton was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He was impeached in December ’98 by the House but acquitted by the Senate. Being a whistleblower subjected Tripp to harsh negativity for yearsbut at the time of writing this book, she did not regret it

Hillary claimed they were leaving the White House dead broke but it was another mistruth. In addition, they had two book deals in hand valued at $20 million. When she lost the presidential election in 2016, Hillary's options for what she considered her deserved eight years had expired

Hillary claimed they were leaving the White House dead broke but it was another mistruth. In addition, they had two book deals in hand valued at $20 million. When she lost the presidential election in 2016, Hillary's options for what she considered her deserved eight years had expired

Hillary claimed they were leaving the White House dead broke but it was another mistruth. In addition, they had two book deals in hand valued at $20 million. When she lost the presidential election in 2016, Hillary’s options for what she considered her deserved eight years had expired

At the big bash, she maneuvered into a position where she was able to grab his genitals and give ‘the Big He’ a little love massage’.

‘You absolutely won’t believe this but I squeezed his balls right in the middle of throngs of people’, she told Linda.

Lewinsky lived in a personal bubble in her self-absorbed world and ‘when she shared, she spared no detail and was clueless of the risks’.

Linda Tripp writes that she became hated after turning over the tapes of her recorded conversations with Lewinsky to special prosecutor Ken Starr who was investigating Clinton at the time for investments made in connection with Whitewater.

Tripp’s evidence refocused Starr’s investigation on Lewinsky and any laws that might have been broken.

Clinton was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He was impeached in December ’98 by the House but acquitted by the Senate.

Being a whistleblower subjected Tripp to harsh negativity for yearsbut at the time of writing this book, she did not regret it.

She maintained that her decision to expose Bill as a dangerous predator was ‘always about right and wrong, never left and right’.

Hillary and Bill survived the smoke and mirrors they had created.

Hillary claimed they were leaving the White House dead broke but it was another mistruth.

Between ’93 and ’96, they had sold over 800 overnights in the Lincoln Bedroom; Bill was selling pardons; and on the way out the door, they looted silverware, tableware, furniture and sundry other things.

In addition, they had two book deals in hand valued at $20 million.

When she lost the presidential election in 2016, Hillary’s options for what she considered her deserved eight years had expired. 



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