UK coronavirus infections rise by 32% in a week to 16,982

UK coronavirus infections rise by 32% in a week to 16,982 with another 67 fatalities taking death toll to 43,646

  • Today’s case load of 16,982 is a 32 per cent rise on last Sunday’s total of 12,872, 811 more cases than yesterday
  • Scotland saw 316 new cases released after a ‘short delay’ today, the actual number is expected to be higher 
  •  Health chiefs reported 67 further deaths from Covid-19 – bringing total fatalities in the pandemic to 43,646
  • The figure, covering deaths in hospitals, care homes and community is 3.1 per cent higher than last Sunday’s


A further 16,982 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the biggest Sunday rise recorded during the pandemic.

Today’s case load marks a 32 per cent rise on last Sunday’s total of 12,872 and is 811 more cases than yesterday. 

Adding to concern is Scotland’s 316 cases – which were released after a ‘short delay’ this afternoon.

Officials warned the number reflects a ‘capacity issue’ which caused processing delays so the actual number of cases north of the border is likely higher.

However, testing capacity is almost 15 times larger than this time in April – with 304,315 tests processed today alone.

Health chiefs reported 67 further deaths from Covid-19 – bringing the total number of fatalities in the pandemic to 43,646. 

The figure – which covers deaths in hospitals, care homes and the wider community – is just 3.1 per cent higher than last Sunday’s death toll of 65.

The news of progress on the Covid-19 vaccine came as: 

  • It was revealed MPs DID flout 10pm bar curfew but Matt Hancock refused 30 times to say if he was among them as House of Commons bosses are accused of a cover-up;
  • Mayor Andy Burnham blamed Chancellor Rishi Sunak for being ‘the problem’ in row over financial support for Manchester Tier 3 lockdown and accuses him of making ‘wrong judgements’ throughout pandemic;
  • Tory MPs demanded Boris Johnson set a ‘clear end date’ for local lockdowns and set out a strategy to get life back to normal amid fears ministers could this week agree new ‘super’ Tier Three rules;
  • Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is accused of breaking two-week quarantine rules after being photographed at a London club 10 days after returning from a White House event in the US
  • Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was accused of cynically positioning himself against PM as he calls for half-term lockdown.

England alone saw 61 hospital deaths today and all patients were between 54 and 96 years old. 

Of these confirmed deaths, four had underlying health conditions and were aged between 56 and 92. 

Wales reported three new deaths and Northern Ireland reported five. 

Wales has reported 950 coronavirus cases and Northern Ireland has seen 1,012 today. 

Earlier this month, a UK-wide Excel spreadsheet reached its maximum capacity and failed to update causing an astronomical spike of 22,961 cases recorded in just one day due to a backlog during the week. 

However those cases – which dropped on Sunday October 4 – included backlogged cases from earlier in the week.

The actual number of positive tests reported that day was a much-smaller 11,776. 

 Yesterday, Britain recorded its highest number of coronavirus deaths in four months after 150 victims were announced. 

Department of Health statistics show the grim milestone hasn’t been reached since June 10 when the UK saw 164 lab-confirmed coronavirus deaths. 

It is also a surge of 85 per cent compared to last Saturday, when 81 deaths were registered, and a rise of 16 from yesterday’s toll of 136 victims. 

Health chiefs yesterday posted another 16,171 cases, up only six per cent on the figure recorded last Saturday (15,166), in a sign that the UK’s coronavirus outbreak may be beginning to slow. 

As many as 15,650 more positive tests were added to the tally yesterday. 

It comes after Andy Burnham today accused Boris Johnson of ‘exaggerating’ the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in Greater Manchester as Michael Gove said the mayor was ‘posturing’ and must accept the region moving into Tier Three restrictions.

Mr Johnson said in a Downing Street press conference on Friday that ‘time is of the essence’ and the situation is ‘grave’ as he warned ‘cases doubled in the last nine days’. 

But Mr Burnham, who is refusing to accept new rules unless ministers bring forward a more generous package of financial support, said this morning that ‘figures have been falling in Manchester itself in the last few days’.      

Expert analysis published by the Sunday Telegraph suggested cases in Manchester have now decreased for nine days in a row.  

Official data shows the rolling seven day average of coronavirus cases in Greater Manchester has been falling in recent days

Official data shows the rolling seven day average of coronavirus cases in Greater Manchester has been falling in recent days

Official data shows the rolling seven day average of coronavirus cases in Greater Manchester has been falling in recent days

Artist Peter Barber works on a mural in Manchester city centre yesterday, depicting nurse Melanie Senior after The National Portrait Gallery commissioned the mural based on a photograph by Johannah Churchill

Artist Peter Barber works on a mural in Manchester city centre yesterday, depicting nurse Melanie Senior after The National Portrait Gallery commissioned the mural based on a photograph by Johannah Churchill

Artist Peter Barber works on a mural in Manchester city centre yesterday, depicting nurse Melanie Senior after The National Portrait Gallery commissioned the mural based on a photograph by Johannah Churchill

Meanwhile, statistics published by Manchester City Council for the period between October 4-10 showed there were 2,484 people with a newly confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19, giving an infection rate of 449.3 per 100,000 people. 

However, in the previous seven day period there were 3,224 people with a newly confirmed diagnosis, giving an infection rate of 583.2 per 100,000. 

The numbers suggest that cases have also been falling in the wider Greater Manchester region and not just in the city itself.  

On October 12 there were an average of 1,563 new cases confirmed per day over the preceding seven days in the region.

But by Thursday October 15 the average had dropped to 1,076 new cases confirmed per day. 

Mr Burnham remains in a tense stand off with the Government and Mr Gove claimed this morning that the mayor was guilty of ‘indulging’ in ‘political positioning’ as he urged the Labour chief to back down. 

But Mr Burnham dismissed accusations of ‘playing politics’ as he called for an end to the ‘war of words’ but also left the door open to a legal challenge if ministers decide to impose the measures without his agreement. 

SAGE expert warns Christmas will be ‘tough’ and will not be the ‘usual celebration’

Christmas will be ‘tough’ this year and is unlikely to be a traditional family celebration if coronavirus infections continue to increase, a Government expert has warned.

Professor Jeremy Farrar, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), said the UK faces a ‘very, very difficult’ period over the next three to six months.

But the Wellcome Trust director said there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, as he believes a Covid-19 vaccine and effective treatment will be ready in the first quarter of 2021.

Prof Farrar told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday: ‘Christmas will be tough this year. I don’t think it’s going to be the usual celebration it is and all families coming together, I’m afraid.

‘I think we have to be honest and realistic and say that we are in for three to six months of a very, very difficult period.

‘The temperatures drop, we are all indoors more often, we have the other infections that come this time of year.

‘It’s much better for us to be upfront and honest now, and say we are in for a really difficult time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.’


Mr Johnson on Friday urged Mr Burnham to work with the Government but also said he retained the right to unilaterally intervene if necessary.

A move to Tier Three would see pubs and bars told to close and a strict ban on households mixing indoors. 

Mr Gove stressed this morning that ministers do want to work with Mr Burnham as he warned of the consequences of a failure to act swiftly. 

He told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme: ‘I want to reach an agreement with the political leadership in Greater Manchester.

‘I want them to put aside for a moment some of the political positioning that they have indulged in and I want them to work with us in order to ensure that we save lives and protect the NHS because an absence of action will mean… more people get infected.

‘As more people get infected that will place more pressure on the NHS and the more people sadly in intensive care beds in the North West and in Manchester who are suffering from coronavirus, the fewer intensive care beds are there for people with other serious conditions.

‘All of this is happening as we move closer to the winter and instead of press conferences and posturing what we need is action to save people’s lives.’ 

Labour has called for a national ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown but Mr Gove today categorically ruled out a shift to such a crackdown in the immediate future. 

He said: ‘It would seem to me to be an error to try to impose on every part of the country the same level of restriction when we know that the disease is spreading more intensively and quicker in some parts of the country.

‘The nature of the epidemiology… is different in this wave than it was earlier in the year.’

He added: ‘We always look at how the disease spreads and we will take whatever steps are necessary to maintain public health but… the Labour Party are arguing for blanket restrictions across the country at the moment and the spread and the nature of the disease does not merit that approach at the moment.’  

Mr Burnham later rejected Mr Gove’s accusation that he was ‘playing politics’ as he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: ‘This is all about the health of the people of Greater Manchester.

‘We were the first in the country… to accept local restrictions and that was three months ago so to those who say we are playing politics I would point them to that which proves we are not doing that.

‘The truth is health, protecting health, is about more than controlling the virus.

‘We have been under those restrictions for three months and people’s mental health now is pretty low, people are worrying about their jobs, their kids, their homes, their businesses.

‘This isn’t about politics or about money, this is about people.’  

He added: ‘What I would say to the Government is let’s come together and agree a package of support that helps people through this and a punishing lockdown without support, trapping places in Tier Three all winter will cause real harm to health in the broadest possible sense.’  

Mr Burnham claimed Mr Johnson had painted an inaccurate picture of the situation in Manchester during the press conference on Friday afternoon. 

The Mayor said: ‘I checked the figures this morning, there are currently around 62 people in intensive care in Greater Manchester, give or take.

‘Back in April it was over 200, around 220, so we are in a different position. There were four hospital admissions of people with Covid at hospitals in Greater Manchester yesterday.

‘So it is a serious situation but I don’t think it was the situation that was described by the Prime Minister on Friday evening.’ 

He added: ‘I think it was an exaggeration of the position that we are in. As I have just said, of course it is a matter of concern and we watch the figures very closely indeed but the figures have been falling in Manchester itself for the last few days. 

A group of women in Manchester sing as the 10pm curfew approached yesterday evening

A group of women in Manchester sing as the 10pm curfew approached yesterday evening

A group of women in Manchester sing as the 10pm curfew approached yesterday evening

New footage of vaccine production raises hopes of a jab by the end of the year

Whizzing off the production line in thousands of tiny bottles – new footage shows the vaccine that could end the Covid misery engulfing the planet.

Drug giant Pfizer has already manufactured ‘several hundred thousand doses’ of the jab at its plant in Puurs, Belgium, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

They are being stockpiled ready to be rolled out worldwide if clinical trials are a success, and regulators deem it safe and effective.

The US giant hopes to make 100 million doses available this year, of which 40 million are destined for the UK – a figure that will be dwarfed by the 1.3 billion jabs the company aims to manufacture in 2021. 

Every patient who receives the vaccine will need two doses.

In an interview with The Mail on Sunday today, Pfizer UK boss Ben Osborn says: ‘It was great to see the first vial coming off the manufacturing line. 

‘It just brought a tremendous smile to my face to see all of this work actually result in a product.’  


‘Across Greater Manchester, up slightly but certainly not doubling every nine days so let’s be careful here. 

‘I would certainly say this morning let’s step back a little bit from the war of words.’  

The Government is offering to pay two thirds of the wages of workers who are affected by Tier Three local lockdown restrictions but Mr Burnham wants the level of support to be set at 80 per cent as it was under the old furlough scheme. 

Asked if he was still considering launching a legal challenge against the Government, he said: ‘I would do anything to protect low paid workers who I think now are very, very close to the edge and I don’t think they can survive on two thirds wages.

‘The legal challenge applies to that. I think it is discriminatory on people in the lowest paid professions to say you can have a two thirds furlough but we paid an 80 per cent furlough for people on middle incomes earlier in the year. I do not think that is fair.’

Mr Burnham also criticised a letter from 20 Tory MPs who called on him to work with the Government on its regional lockdown plans.

He said: ‘I’m not sure a sort of ‘we’re alright Jack’ letter from a group of southern Conservative MPs is going to cut much ice here.

‘I would say to them some of them represent constituencies whose cases were higher than ours when we went into national lockdown.

‘Anywhere could end up in Tier Three this winter. In fact, I would say places are likely to end up in Tier Three this winter, therefore it’s everyone’s concern that we protect the lowest paid in our communities.’

Mr Burnham has written to political leaders in Westminster urging them to help secure a ‘fair financial framework’ for areas put into Tier Three local lockdowns.  

Backed by Liverpool Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram, he said: ‘With the challenging winter that lies ahead of the country, it is likely that most places will find themselves in Tier Three at some point before a vaccine is found.

‘That is why we believe it is right for Parliament to debate and agree what is a fair level of support for people and businesses in those areas.

‘At present, local areas are agreeing individual deals with the Government. It is by no means clear that these will be sufficient to cope with the pressures they will face. Also, the lack of transparency about this process and the risks of differential treatment is potentially divisive.

‘Establishing clear national entitlements of the kind we had during the first lockdown will create a sense of fairness which in turn would help build public support for, and compliance with, any new restrictions.’

It came as a member of the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) claimed a ‘worst case scenario’ of 50,000 cases of coronavirus per day across the UK is ‘almost exactly where we are at’.  

Professor Jeremy Farrar told Sky News: ‘The ONS survey, which is the best data in the country at the moment, shows that 27,000 people are getting this infection every day. But that was until the 10th of October.

‘Today it will be over 50,000, just as the CMO (chief medical officer) Chris Whitty and (the Government’s chief scientific adviser) Sir Patrick Vallance suggested some three weeks ago.

‘It would be at 50,000 new cases across the country every single day, and that’s almost exactly where we are.’

Prof Farrar added: ‘The reasonable worst-case scenario that SAGE articulated has now been broached, it is worse than the situation SAGE advised on three or four weeks ago. So that’s the scenario we are in today.’

He also warned Christmas will be ‘tough’ this year and not the ‘usual celebration’ it normally is.  



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