President Trump lands in Florida

Bing Guan/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Bing Guan/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Infectious disease experts in the United States are calling for decisions on reopening schools to be “based on evidence and available resources to address risks of infection and illness” in a new statement on Friday from the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Association.

“While data indicate that children are less likely to develop serious illness due to COVID-19 and to transmit the disease, instances in which children have fallen seriously ill — including with multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) – and in which children have died, should raise concerns, given that much remains unknown about the dynamics of the new coronavirus,” the statement from Dr. Thomas File, president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and Dr. Judith Feinberg, chair of HIV Medicine Association, said.

“In addition, teachers, school administrators and other adults critical to school operation may be more vulnerable, due to age or conditions carrying higher risks to severe COVID-19 disease and death. Flexibility must be provided for students, teachers and staff with underlying health conditions that place them at risk for complications from COVID-19,” the statement said. “Provisions for at-risk students should include distance learning only, and for their at-risk teachers, the option to provide only distance education.”

The statement also noted that policies for screening symptoms among students and staff should be in place prior to reopening and that plans on how to respond to the possible event of a student or staff member becoming sick.

“New funding for all school systems is essential, and it must be adequate to ensure safe conditions, including appropriate physical distancing, as well as sufficient quantities of masks and other personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer, and appropriate cleaning and disinfection of classrooms and surfaces in common areas, school buses and other community forms of transportation for students,” the statement said.

“We will not gain control of this pandemic or successfully reopen the economy unless we protect people and public health first,” the statement added. “The safety of our children, their families, teachers and other school staff must be guiding factors in all school reopening decisions, and no school should be forced to open in a situation that presents unacceptable risks.”


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