Trump calls Fauci’s caution on schools reopening ‘not an acceptable answer’

“It’s just — to me it’s not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools,” Trump said.

During an appearance before lawmakers on Tuesday, Fauci warned that students looking to return to campuses in the fall would likely not have a coronavirus vaccine available to them.

Fauci suggested instead that schools open cautiously, and said in some places schools should remain closed in the fall.

He said if states reopen before meeting the criteria set out by the Trump administration, they risk reprisals of the outbreak.

“He wants to play all sides of the equation,” Trump said of Fauci on Wednesday during a meeting with the governors of Colorado and North Dakota.

Trump has insisted in recent weeks that schools will reopen in the fall, despite schools and universities saying otherwise.

“We’re opening our country. People want it open. The schools are going to be open,” Trump said Wednesday in the Cabinet Room.


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